
657 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package metric // import ""
import (
var (
errCreatingAggregators = errors.New("could not create all aggregators")
errIncompatibleAggregation = errors.New("incompatible aggregation")
errUnknownAggregation = errors.New("unrecognized aggregation")
// instrumentSync is a synchronization point between a pipeline and an
// instrument's aggregate function.
type instrumentSync struct {
name string
description string
unit string
compAgg aggregate.ComputeAggregation
func newPipeline(res *resource.Resource, reader Reader, views []View) *pipeline {
if res == nil {
res = resource.Empty()
return &pipeline{
resource: res,
reader: reader,
views: views,
// aggregations is lazy allocated when needed.
// pipeline connects all of the instruments created by a meter provider to a Reader.
// This is the object that will be `Reader.register()` when a meter provider is created.
// As instruments are created the instrument should be checked if it exists in
// the views of a the Reader, and if so each aggregate function should be added
// to the pipeline.
type pipeline struct {
resource *resource.Resource
reader Reader
views []View
aggregations map[instrumentation.Scope][]instrumentSync
callbacks []func(context.Context) error
multiCallbacks list.List
// addSync adds the instrumentSync to pipeline p with scope. This method is not
// idempotent. Duplicate calls will result in duplicate additions, it is the
// callers responsibility to ensure this is called with unique values.
func (p *pipeline) addSync(scope instrumentation.Scope, iSync instrumentSync) {
defer p.Unlock()
if p.aggregations == nil {
p.aggregations = map[instrumentation.Scope][]instrumentSync{
scope: {iSync},
p.aggregations[scope] = append(p.aggregations[scope], iSync)
// addCallback registers a single instrument callback to be run when
// `produce()` is called.
func (p *pipeline) addCallback(cback func(context.Context) error) {
defer p.Unlock()
p.callbacks = append(p.callbacks, cback)
type multiCallback func(context.Context) error
// addMultiCallback registers a multi-instrument callback to be run when
// `produce()` is called.
func (p *pipeline) addMultiCallback(c multiCallback) (unregister func()) {
defer p.Unlock()
e := p.multiCallbacks.PushBack(c)
return func() {
// produce returns aggregated metrics from a single collection.
// This method is safe to call concurrently.
func (p *pipeline) produce(ctx context.Context, rm *metricdata.ResourceMetrics) error {
defer p.Unlock()
var errs multierror
for _, c := range p.callbacks {
// TODO make the callbacks parallel. ( #3034 )
if err := c(ctx); err != nil {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
rm.Resource = nil
rm.ScopeMetrics = rm.ScopeMetrics[:0]
return err
for e := p.multiCallbacks.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
// TODO make the callbacks parallel. ( #3034 )
f := e.Value.(multiCallback)
if err := f(ctx); err != nil {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
// This means the context expired before we finished running callbacks.
rm.Resource = nil
rm.ScopeMetrics = rm.ScopeMetrics[:0]
return err
rm.Resource = p.resource
rm.ScopeMetrics = internal.ReuseSlice(rm.ScopeMetrics, len(p.aggregations))
i := 0
for scope, instruments := range p.aggregations {
rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics = internal.ReuseSlice(rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics, len(instruments))
j := 0
for _, inst := range instruments {
data := rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics[j].Data
if n := inst.compAgg(&data); n > 0 {
rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics[j].Name =
rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics[j].Description = inst.description
rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics[j].Unit = inst.unit
rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics[j].Data = data
rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics = rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics[:j]
if len(rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Metrics) > 0 {
rm.ScopeMetrics[i].Scope = scope
rm.ScopeMetrics = rm.ScopeMetrics[:i]
return errs.errorOrNil()
// inserter facilitates inserting of new instruments from a single scope into a
// pipeline.
type inserter[N int64 | float64] struct {
// aggregators is a cache that holds aggregate function inputs whose
// outputs have been inserted into the underlying reader pipeline. This
// cache ensures no duplicate aggregate functions are inserted into the
// reader pipeline and if a new request during an instrument creation asks
// for the same aggregate function input the same instance is returned.
aggregators *cache[instID, aggVal[N]]
// views is a cache that holds instrument identifiers for all the
// instruments a Meter has created, it is provided from the Meter that owns
// this inserter. This cache ensures during the creation of instruments
// with the same name but different options (e.g. description, unit) a
// warning message is logged.
views *cache[string, instID]
pipeline *pipeline
func newInserter[N int64 | float64](p *pipeline, vc *cache[string, instID]) *inserter[N] {
if vc == nil {
vc = &cache[string, instID]{}
return &inserter[N]{
aggregators: &cache[instID, aggVal[N]]{},
views: vc,
pipeline: p,
// Instrument inserts the instrument inst with instUnit into a pipeline. All
// views the pipeline contains are matched against, and any matching view that
// creates a unique aggregate function will have its output inserted into the
// pipeline and its input included in the returned slice.
// The returned aggregate function inputs are ensured to be deduplicated and
// unique. If another view in another pipeline that is cached by this
// inserter's cache has already inserted the same aggregate function for the
// same instrument, that functions input instance is returned.
// If another instrument has already been inserted by this inserter, or any
// other using the same cache, and it conflicts with the instrument being
// inserted in this call, an aggregate function input matching the arguments
// will still be returned but an Info level log message will also be logged to
// the OTel global logger.
// If the passed instrument would result in an incompatible aggregate function,
// an error is returned and that aggregate function output is not inserted nor
// is its input returned.
// If an instrument is determined to use a Drop aggregation, that instrument is
// not inserted nor returned.
func (i *inserter[N]) Instrument(inst Instrument, readerAggregation Aggregation) ([]aggregate.Measure[N], error) {
var (
matched bool
measures []aggregate.Measure[N]
errs := &multierror{wrapped: errCreatingAggregators}
seen := make(map[uint64]struct{})
for _, v := range i.pipeline.views {
stream, match := v(inst)
if !match {
matched = true
in, id, err := i.cachedAggregator(inst.Scope, inst.Kind, stream, readerAggregation)
if err != nil {
if in == nil { // Drop aggregation.
if _, ok := seen[id]; ok {
// This aggregate function has already been added.
seen[id] = struct{}{}
measures = append(measures, in)
if matched {
return measures, errs.errorOrNil()
// Apply implicit default view if no explicit matched.
stream := Stream{
Name: inst.Name,
Description: inst.Description,
Unit: inst.Unit,
in, _, err := i.cachedAggregator(inst.Scope, inst.Kind, stream, readerAggregation)
if err != nil {
if in != nil {
// Ensured to have not seen given matched was false.
measures = append(measures, in)
return measures, errs.errorOrNil()
var aggIDCount uint64
// aggVal is the cached value in an aggregators cache.
type aggVal[N int64 | float64] struct {
ID uint64
Measure aggregate.Measure[N]
Err error
// readerDefaultAggregation returns the default aggregation for the instrument
// kind based on the reader's aggregation preferences. This is used unless the
// aggregation is overridden with a view.
func (i *inserter[N]) readerDefaultAggregation(kind InstrumentKind) Aggregation {
aggregation := i.pipeline.reader.aggregation(kind)
switch aggregation.(type) {
case nil, AggregationDefault:
// If the reader returns default or nil use the default selector.
aggregation = DefaultAggregationSelector(kind)
// Deep copy and validate before using.
aggregation = aggregation.copy()
if err := aggregation.err(); err != nil {
orig := aggregation
aggregation = DefaultAggregationSelector(kind)
err, "using default aggregation instead",
"aggregation", orig,
"replacement", aggregation,
return aggregation
// cachedAggregator returns the appropriate aggregate input and output
// functions for an instrument configuration. If the exact instrument has been
// created within the inst.Scope, those aggregate function instances will be
// returned. Otherwise, new computed aggregate functions will be cached and
// returned.
// If the instrument configuration conflicts with an instrument that has
// already been created (e.g. description, unit, data type) a warning will be
// logged at the "Info" level with the global OTel logger. Valid new aggregate
// functions for the instrument configuration will still be returned without an
// error.
// If the instrument defines an unknown or incompatible aggregation, an error
// is returned.
func (i *inserter[N]) cachedAggregator(scope instrumentation.Scope, kind InstrumentKind, stream Stream, readerAggregation Aggregation) (meas aggregate.Measure[N], aggID uint64, err error) {
switch stream.Aggregation.(type) {
case nil:
// The aggregation was not overridden with a view. Use the aggregation
// provided by the reader.
stream.Aggregation = readerAggregation
case AggregationDefault:
// The view explicitly requested the default aggregation.
stream.Aggregation = DefaultAggregationSelector(kind)
if err := isAggregatorCompatible(kind, stream.Aggregation); err != nil {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf(
"creating aggregator with instrumentKind: %d, aggregation %v: %w",
kind, stream.Aggregation, err,
id := i.instID(kind, stream)
// If there is a conflict, the specification says the view should
// still be applied and a warning should be logged.
// If there are requests for the same instrument with different name
// casing, the first-seen needs to be returned. Use a normalize ID for the
// cache lookup to ensure the correct comparison.
normID := id.normalize()
cv := i.aggregators.Lookup(normID, func() aggVal[N] {
b := aggregate.Builder[N]{
Temporality: i.pipeline.reader.temporality(kind),
b.Filter = stream.AttributeFilter
in, out, err := i.aggregateFunc(b, stream.Aggregation, kind)
if err != nil {
return aggVal[N]{0, nil, err}
if in == nil { // Drop aggregator.
return aggVal[N]{0, nil, nil}
i.pipeline.addSync(scope, instrumentSync{
// Use the first-seen name casing for this and all subsequent
// requests of this instrument.
name: stream.Name,
description: stream.Description,
unit: stream.Unit,
compAgg: out,
id := atomic.AddUint64(&aggIDCount, 1)
return aggVal[N]{id, in, err}
return cv.Measure, cv.ID, cv.Err
// logConflict validates if an instrument with the same case-insensitive name
// as id has already been created. If that instrument conflicts with id, a
// warning is logged.
func (i *inserter[N]) logConflict(id instID) {
// The API specification defines names as case-insensitive. If there is a
// different casing of a name it needs to be a conflict.
name := id.normalize().Name
existing := i.views.Lookup(name, func() instID { return id })
if id == existing {
const msg = "duplicate metric stream definitions"
args := []interface{}{
"names", fmt.Sprintf("%q, %q", existing.Name, id.Name),
"descriptions", fmt.Sprintf("%q, %q", existing.Description, id.Description),
"kinds", fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", existing.Kind, id.Kind),
"units", fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", existing.Unit, id.Unit),
"numbers", fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", existing.Number, id.Number),
// The specification recommends logging a suggested view to resolve
// conflicts if possible.
if id.Unit != existing.Unit || id.Number != existing.Number {
// There is no view resolution for these, don't make a suggestion.
global.Warn(msg, args...)
var stream string
if id.Name != existing.Name || id.Kind != existing.Kind {
stream = `Stream{Name: "{{NEW_NAME}}"}`
} else if id.Description != existing.Description {
stream = fmt.Sprintf("Stream{Description: %q}", existing.Description)
inst := fmt.Sprintf(
"Instrument{Name: %q, Description: %q, Kind: %q, Unit: %q}",
id.Name, id.Description, "InstrumentKind"+id.Kind.String(), id.Unit,
args = append(args, "suggested.view", fmt.Sprintf("NewView(%s, %s)", inst, stream))
global.Warn(msg, args...)
func (i *inserter[N]) instID(kind InstrumentKind, stream Stream) instID {
var zero N
return instID{
Name: stream.Name,
Description: stream.Description,
Unit: stream.Unit,
Kind: kind,
Number: fmt.Sprintf("%T", zero),
// aggregateFunc returns new aggregate functions matching agg, kind, and
// monotonic. If the agg is unknown or temporality is invalid, an error is
// returned.
func (i *inserter[N]) aggregateFunc(b aggregate.Builder[N], agg Aggregation, kind InstrumentKind) (meas aggregate.Measure[N], comp aggregate.ComputeAggregation, err error) {
switch a := agg.(type) {
case AggregationDefault:
return i.aggregateFunc(b, DefaultAggregationSelector(kind), kind)
case AggregationDrop:
// Return nil in and out to signify the drop aggregator.
case AggregationLastValue:
meas, comp = b.LastValue()
case AggregationSum:
switch kind {
case InstrumentKindObservableCounter:
meas, comp = b.PrecomputedSum(true)
case InstrumentKindObservableUpDownCounter:
meas, comp = b.PrecomputedSum(false)
case InstrumentKindCounter, InstrumentKindHistogram:
meas, comp = b.Sum(true)
// InstrumentKindUpDownCounter, InstrumentKindObservableGauge, and
// instrumentKindUndefined or other invalid instrument kinds.
meas, comp = b.Sum(false)
case AggregationExplicitBucketHistogram:
var noSum bool
switch kind {
case InstrumentKindUpDownCounter, InstrumentKindObservableUpDownCounter, InstrumentKindObservableGauge:
// The sum should not be collected for any instrument that can make
// negative measurements:
noSum = true
meas, comp = b.ExplicitBucketHistogram(a.Boundaries, a.NoMinMax, noSum)
case AggregationBase2ExponentialHistogram:
var noSum bool
switch kind {
case InstrumentKindUpDownCounter, InstrumentKindObservableUpDownCounter, InstrumentKindObservableGauge:
// The sum should not be collected for any instrument that can make
// negative measurements:
noSum = true
meas, comp = b.ExponentialBucketHistogram(a.MaxSize, a.MaxScale, a.NoMinMax, noSum)
err = errUnknownAggregation
return meas, comp, err
// isAggregatorCompatible checks if the aggregation can be used by the instrument.
// Current compatibility:
// | Instrument Kind | Drop | LastValue | Sum | Histogram | Exponential Histogram |
// |--------------------------|------|-----------|-----|-----------|-----------------------|
// | Counter | ✓ | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
// | UpDownCounter | ✓ | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
// | Histogram | ✓ | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
// | Observable Counter | ✓ | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
// | Observable UpDownCounter | ✓ | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
// | Observable Gauge | ✓ | ✓ | | ✓ | ✓ |.
func isAggregatorCompatible(kind InstrumentKind, agg Aggregation) error {
switch agg.(type) {
case AggregationDefault:
return nil
case AggregationExplicitBucketHistogram, AggregationBase2ExponentialHistogram:
switch kind {
case InstrumentKindCounter,
return nil
return errIncompatibleAggregation
case AggregationSum:
switch kind {
case InstrumentKindObservableCounter, InstrumentKindObservableUpDownCounter, InstrumentKindCounter, InstrumentKindHistogram, InstrumentKindUpDownCounter:
return nil
// TODO: review need for aggregation check after
return errIncompatibleAggregation
case AggregationLastValue:
if kind == InstrumentKindObservableGauge {
return nil
// TODO: review need for aggregation check after
return errIncompatibleAggregation
case AggregationDrop:
return nil
// This is used passed checking for default, it should be an error at this point.
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", errUnknownAggregation, agg)
// pipelines is the group of pipelines connecting Readers with instrument
// measurement.
type pipelines []*pipeline
func newPipelines(res *resource.Resource, readers []Reader, views []View) pipelines {
pipes := make([]*pipeline, 0, len(readers))
for _, r := range readers {
p := newPipeline(res, r, views)
pipes = append(pipes, p)
return pipes
func (p pipelines) registerCallback(cback func(context.Context) error) {
for _, pipe := range p {
func (p pipelines) registerMultiCallback(c multiCallback) metric.Registration {
unregs := make([]func(), len(p))
for i, pipe := range p {
unregs[i] = pipe.addMultiCallback(c)
return unregisterFuncs{f: unregs}
type unregisterFuncs struct {
f []func()
func (u unregisterFuncs) Unregister() error {
for _, f := range u.f {
return nil
// resolver facilitates resolving aggregate functions an instrument calls to
// aggregate measurements with while updating all pipelines that need to pull
// from those aggregations.
type resolver[N int64 | float64] struct {
inserters []*inserter[N]
func newResolver[N int64 | float64](p pipelines, vc *cache[string, instID]) resolver[N] {
in := make([]*inserter[N], len(p))
for i := range in {
in[i] = newInserter[N](p[i], vc)
return resolver[N]{in}
// Aggregators returns the Aggregators that must be updated by the instrument
// defined by key.
func (r resolver[N]) Aggregators(id Instrument) ([]aggregate.Measure[N], error) {
var measures []aggregate.Measure[N]
errs := &multierror{}
for _, i := range r.inserters {
in, err := i.Instrument(id, i.readerDefaultAggregation(id.Kind))
if err != nil {
measures = append(measures, in...)
return measures, errs.errorOrNil()
// HistogramAggregators returns the histogram Aggregators that must be updated by the instrument
// defined by key. If boundaries were provided on instrument instantiation, those take precedence
// over boundaries provided by the reader.
func (r resolver[N]) HistogramAggregators(id Instrument, boundaries []float64) ([]aggregate.Measure[N], error) {
var measures []aggregate.Measure[N]
errs := &multierror{}
for _, i := range r.inserters {
agg := i.readerDefaultAggregation(id.Kind)
if histAgg, ok := agg.(AggregationExplicitBucketHistogram); ok && len(boundaries) > 0 {
histAgg.Boundaries = boundaries
agg = histAgg
in, err := i.Instrument(id, agg)
if err != nil {
measures = append(measures, in...)
return measures, errs.errorOrNil()
type multierror struct {
wrapped error
errors []string
func (m *multierror) errorOrNil() error {
if len(m.errors) == 0 {
return nil
if m.wrapped == nil {
return errors.New(strings.Join(m.errors, "; "))
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", m.wrapped, strings.Join(m.errors, "; "))
func (m *multierror) append(err error) {
m.errors = append(m.errors, err.Error())