
1049 lines
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// Copyright 2019 The CC Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//TODO "Provides a validation suite to test C/C++ preprocessor's conformance and quality comprehensively."
//go:generate rm -f lexer.go
//go:generate golex -o lexer.go lexer.l
//go:generate rm -f ast.go
//go:generate yy -o /dev/null -position -astImport "\"fmt\"\n\n\"\"" -prettyString PrettyString -kind Case -noListKind -noPrivateHelpers -forceOptPos parser.yy
//go:generate stringer -output stringer.go -linecomment -type=Kind,Linkage
//go:generate sh -c "go test -run ^Example |fe"
// Package cc is a C99 compiler front end (Work in progress).
// Installation
// To install/update cc/v3 invoke:
// $ go get [-u]
// Online documentation
// See
// Status
// Most of the functionality is now working.
// Supported platforms
// The code is known to work on Darwin, Linux and Windows, but the supported
// features may vary.
// Links
// Referenced from elsewhere:
// [0]:
// [1]:
// [2]:
// [3]:
// [4]:
package cc // import ""
import (
goscanner "go/scanner"
gotoken "go/token"
const (
scopeParent StringID = -iota - 1
var (
_ Pragma = (*pragma)(nil)
cache = newPPCache()
dict = newDictionary()
dictStrings [math.MaxUint8 + 1]string
noPos token.Position
debugIncludePaths bool
debugWorkingDir bool
isTesting bool
isTestingMingw bool
idPtrdiffT = dict.sid("ptrdiff_t")
idSizeT = dict.sid("size_t")
idWCharT = dict.sid("wchar_t")
token4Pool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { r := make([]token4, 0); return &r }} //DONE benchmrk tuned capacity
tokenPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { r := make([]Token, 0); return &r }} //DONE benchmrk tuned capacity
printHooks = strutil.PrettyPrintHooks{
reflect.TypeOf(Token{}): func(f strutil.Formatter, v interface{}, prefix, suffix string) {
t := v.(Token)
if (t == Token{}) {
r := t.Rune
if p := t.Position(); p.IsValid() {
f.Format("%v: ", p)
s := tokName(r)
if x := s[0]; x >= '0' && x <= '9' {
s = strconv.QuoteRune(r)
f.Format("%s", s)
if s := t.Value.String(); len(s) != 0 {
f.Format(" %q", s)
reflect.TypeOf((*operand)(nil)): func(f strutil.Formatter, v interface{}, prefix, suffix string) {
op := v.(*operand)
f.Format("[%v %T(%[2]v)]", op.Type(), op.Value())
func todo(s string, args ...interface{}) string { //TODO-
switch {
case s == "":
s = fmt.Sprintf(strings.Repeat("%v ", len(args)), args...)
s = fmt.Sprintf(s, args...)
pc, fn, fl, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
var fns string
if f != nil {
fns = f.Name()
if x := strings.LastIndex(fns, "."); x > 0 {
fns = fns[x+1:]
r := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%s: TODOTODO %s", fn, fl, fns, s) //TODOOK
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", r)
return r
func trc(s string, args ...interface{}) string { //TODO-
switch {
case s == "":
s = fmt.Sprintf(strings.Repeat("%v ", len(args)), args...)
s = fmt.Sprintf(s, args...)
pc, fn, fl, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
var fns string
if f != nil {
fns = f.Name()
if x := strings.LastIndex(fns, "."); x > 0 {
fns = fns[x+1:]
r := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%s: TRC %s", fn, fl, fns, s)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", r)
return r
func origin(skip int) string {
pc, fn, fl, _ := runtime.Caller(skip)
f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
var fns string
if f != nil {
fns = f.Name()
if x := strings.LastIndex(fns, "."); x > 0 {
fns = fns[x+1:]
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%s", fn, fl, fns)
// String returns a StringID for a given value.
func String(s string) StringID {
return dict.sid(s)
// Linkage represents identifier linkage.
// [0]6.2.2: An identifier declared in different scopes or in the same scope
// more than once can be made to refer to the same object or function by a
// process called linkage. There are three kinds of linkage: External,
// Internal, and None.
type Linkage int
// StorageClass determines storage duration.
// [0]6.2.4: An object has a storage duration that determines its lifetime.
// There are three storage durations: Static, Automatic, and Allocated.
type StorageClass int
// Pragma defines behavior of the object passed to Config.PragmaHandler.
type Pragma interface {
Error(msg string, args ...interface{}) // Report error.
MaxAligment() int // Returns the current maximum alignment. May return zero.
MaxInitialAligment() int // Support #pragma pack(). Returns the maximum alignment in effect at start. May return zero.
SetAlignment(n int) // Support #pragma pack(n)
type pragma struct {
tok cppToken
c *cpp
func (p *pragma) Error(msg string, args ...interface{}) { p.c.err(p.tok, msg, args...) }
func (p *pragma) MaxAligment() int { return p.c.ctx.maxAlign }
func (p *pragma) MaxInitialAligment() int { return p.c.ctx.maxAlign0 }
func (p *pragma) SetAlignment(n int) {
if n <= 0 {
p.Error("%T.SetAlignment(%d): invalid argument", p, n)
p.c.ctx.maxAlign = n
func (p *pragma) PushMacro(nm string) {
id := dict.sid(nm)
if p.c.macroStack == nil {
p.c.macroStack = map[StringID][]*Macro{}
if m := p.c.macros[id]; m != nil {
p.c.macroStack[id] = append(p.c.macroStack[id], p.c.macros[id])
func (p *pragma) PopMacro(nm string) {
id := dict.sid(nm)
a := p.c.macroStack[id]
if n := len(a); n != 0 {
p.c.macros[id] = a[n-1]
p.c.macroStack[id] = a[:n-1]
// PrettyString returns a formatted representation of things produced by this package.
func PrettyString(v interface{}) string {
return strutil.PrettyString(v, "", "", printHooks)
// StringID is a process-unique string numeric identifier. Its zero value
// represents an empty string.
type StringID int32
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (n StringID) String() (r string) {
if n < 256 {
return dictStrings[byte(n)]
r = dict.strings[n]
return r
// Node is implemented by Token and all AST nodes.
type Node interface {
Position() token.Position
type noder struct{}
func (noder) Position() token.Position { panic(internalError()) }
// Scope maps identifiers to definitions.
type Scope map[StringID][]Node
func (s *Scope) new() (r Scope) {
if *s == nil {
*s = Scope{}
r = Scope{scopeParent: []Node{struct {
}{Scope: *s}}}
return r
func (s *Scope) declare(nm StringID, n Node) {
sc := *s
if sc == nil {
*s = map[StringID][]Node{nm: {n}}
// t := ""
// if x, ok := n.(*Declarator); ok && x.IsTypedefName {
// t = ", typedefname"
// }
// dbg("declared %s%s at %v in scope %p", nm, t, n.Position(), *s)
switch x := n.(type) {
case *Declarator, *StructDeclarator, *LabeledStatement, *BlockItem:
// nop
case *StructOrUnionSpecifier, *EnumSpecifier, *Enumerator:
for {
if _, ok := sc[scopeSkip]; !ok {
sc = sc.Parent()
panic(todo("%T", x))
sc[nm] = append(sc[nm], n)
// t := ""
// if x, ok := n.(*Declarator); ok && x.IsTypedefName {
// t = ", typedefname"
// }
// dbg("declared %s%s at %v in scope %p", nm, t, n.Position(), sc)
// Parent returns s's outer scope, if any.
func (s Scope) Parent() Scope {
if s == nil {
return nil
if x, ok := s[scopeParent]; ok {
return x[0].(struct {
return nil
func (s *Scope) typedef(nm StringID, tok Token) *Declarator {
seq := tok.seq
for s := *s; s != nil; s = s.Parent() {
for _, v := range s[nm] {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *Declarator:
if !x.isVisible(seq) {
if x.IsTypedefName {
return x
return nil
case *Enumerator:
return nil
case *EnumSpecifier, *StructOrUnionSpecifier, *StructDeclarator:
// nop
return nil
func (s *Scope) declarator(nm StringID, tok Token) *Declarator {
seq := tok.seq
for s := *s; s != nil; s = s.Parent() {
defs := s[nm]
for _, v := range defs {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *Declarator:
if !x.isVisible(seq) {
for _, v := range defs {
if x, ok := v.(*Declarator); ok {
t := x.Type()
if t != nil && t.Kind() == Function {
if x.fnDef {
return x
if t != nil && !x.Type().IsIncomplete() {
return x
return x
case *Enumerator:
return nil
case *EnumSpecifier, *StructOrUnionSpecifier, *StructDeclarator:
// nop
return nil
func (s *Scope) enumerator(nm StringID, tok Token) *Enumerator {
seq := tok.seq
for s := *s; s != nil; s = s.Parent() {
for _, v := range s[nm] {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *Declarator:
if !x.isVisible(seq) {
return nil
case *Enumerator:
return x
case *EnumSpecifier, *StructOrUnionSpecifier, *StructDeclarator:
// nop
return nil
// Config3 amends behavior of translation phases 1 to 3.
type Config3 struct {
// If IgnoreInclude is not nil, its MatchString method will be called by the
// preprocessor with the argument any include directive expands to. If the call
// evaluates to is true the include directive will be ignored completely.
IgnoreInclude *regexp.Regexp
// Name of a macro to use instead of FD_ZERO.
// Note: Temporary solution will be removed/replaced
ReplaceMacroFdZero string
// Name of a macro to use instead of TCL_DEFAULT_DOUBLE_ROUNDING.
// Note: Temporary solution will be removed/replaced
ReplaceMacroTclDefaultDoubleRounding string // Name of a macro to use instead of TCL_DEFAULT_DOUBLE_ROUNDING. Note: Temporrary solution will be removed/replaced
// Name of a macro to use instead of TCL_IEEE_DOUBLE_ROUNDING.
// Note: Temporary solution will be removed/replaced
ReplaceMacroTclIeeeDoubleRounding string
WorkingDir string // Overrides os.Getwd if non empty.
Filesystem Filesystem // Overrides filesystem access if not empty.
MaxSourceLine int // Zero: Scanner will use default buffer. Non zero: Scanner will use max(default buffer size, MaxSourceLine).
// DisableBuiltinResolution disables resolution of undefined identifiers such
// that eg. abort, becomes the same as __builtin_abort, prototype of which is
// expected to be provided by one of the sources passed to Parse, Preprocess or
// Translate.
DisableBuiltinResolution bool
DisableTrigraphs bool // GCC ignores them unless -trigraphs is used:
GCCStructs bool // Assume __attribute__(gcc_struct) applied to structs by default.
//TODO MSStructs bool // Assume __attribute__(ms_struct) applied to structs by default.
NoFieldAndBitfieldOverlap bool // Only bitfields can be grouped together.
PreserveOnlyLastNonBlankSeparator bool // If PreserveWhiteSpace is true, keep only the last white space, do not combine
PreserveWhiteSpace bool // Including also comments.
RejectElseExtraTokens bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#else foo".
RejectEndifExtraTokens bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#endif foo".
RejectFinalBackslash bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "foo\\\n".
RejectFunctionMacroEmptyReplacementList bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#define foo(bar)\n".
RejectIfdefExtraTokens bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#ifdef foo bar".
RejectIfndefExtraTokens bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#ifndef foo bar".
RejectIncludeNext bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#include_next".
RejectInvalidVariadicMacros bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#define foo(bar...)". Standard allows only #define foo(bar, ...)
RejectLineExtraTokens bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#line 1234 \"foo.c\" bar".
RejectMissingFinalNewline bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "foo\nbar".
RejectUndefExtraTokens bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#undef foo bar".
UnsignedEnums bool // GCC compatibility: enums with no negative values will have unsigned type.
type SharedFunctionDefinitions struct {
M map[*FunctionDefinition]struct{}
m map[sharedFunctionDefinitionKey]*FunctionDefinition //TODO
hash maphash.Hash
type sharedFunctionDefinitionKey struct {
pos StringID
nm StringID
hash uint64
// Config amends behavior of translation phase 4 and above. Instances of Config
// are not mutated by this package and it's safe to share/reuse them.
// The *Config passed to Parse or Translate should not be mutated afterwards.
type Config struct {
PragmaHandler func(Pragma, []Token) // Called on pragmas, other than #pragma STDC ..., if non nil
2021-11-27 14:26:58 +00:00
// SharedFunctionDefinitions collects function definitions having the same
// position and definition. This can happen, for example, when a function is
// defined in a header file included multiple times. Either within a single
// translation unit or across translation units. In the later case just supply
// the same SharedFunctionDefinitions in Config when translating/parsing each
// translation unit.
SharedFunctionDefinitions *SharedFunctionDefinitions
2021-11-27 14:26:58 +00:00
// IncludeFileHandler, when non nil, is called by the preprocessor for every
// successfully included file.
IncludeFileHandler func(pos gotoken.Position, includePath string)
MaxErrors int // 0: default (10), < 0: unlimited, n: n.
CheckExternInlineFnBodies bool // Translate will consider extern inline function bodies.
DebugIncludePaths bool // Output to stderr.
DebugWorkingDir bool // Output to stderr.
DoNotTypecheckAsm bool
EnableAssignmentCompatibilityChecking bool // No such checks performed up to v3.31.0. Currently only partially implemented.
InjectTracingCode bool // Output to stderr.
LongDoubleIsDouble bool
PreprocessOnly bool
RejectAnonymousFields bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "struct{int;}".
RejectCaseRange bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "case 'a'...'z':".
RejectEmptyCompositeLiterals bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "foo = (T){}".
RejectEmptyDeclarations bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "int foo(){};".
RejectEmptyFields bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "struct {int a;;} foo;".
RejectEmptyInitializerList bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "foo f = {};".
RejectEmptyStructDeclaration bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "struct{; int i}".
RejectEmptyStructs bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "struct foo {};".
RejectIncompatibleMacroRedef bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "#define MIN(A,B) ...\n#define MIN(a,b) ...\n" etc.
RejectLabelValues bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "foo: bar(); void *ptr = &&foo;" or "goto *ptr".
RejectLateBinding bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept void f() { g(); } void g() {}
RejectMissingConditionalExpr bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "foo = bar ? : baz;".
RejectMissingDeclarationSpecifiers bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "main() {}".
RejectMissingFinalStructFieldSemicolon bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "struct{int i; int j}".
RejectNestedFunctionDefinitions bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept nested function definitons.
RejectParamSemicolon bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "int f(int a; int b)".
RejectStatementExpressions bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "i = ({foo();})".
RejectTypeof bool // Pedantic: do not silently accept "typeof foo" or "typeof(bar*)".
RejectUninitializedDeclarators bool // Reject int f() { int j; return j; }
TrackAssignments bool // Collect a list of LHS declarators a declarator is used in RHS or as an function argument.
doNotSanityCheckComplexTypes bool // Testing only
fakeIncludes bool // Testing only.
ignoreErrors bool // Testing only.
ignoreIncludes bool // Testing only.
ignoreUndefinedIdentifiers bool // Testing only.
type context struct {
ast *AST
breakCtx Node
breaks int
casePromote Type
cases []*LabeledStatement // switch
cfg *Config
checkFn *FunctionDefinition
closure map[StringID]struct{}
continues int
enums map[StringID]Operand //TODO putting this in alphabetical order within the struct causes crashes in VirtualBox/386 ???
includePaths []string
intBits int
intMaxWidth int64 // Set if the preprocessor saw __INTMAX_WIDTH__.
keywords map[StringID]rune
maxAlign int // If non zero: maximum alignment of members of structures (other than zero-width bitfields).
maxAlign0 int
maxErrors int
mode mode
modes []mode
mu sync.Mutex
ptrdiffT Type
readDelta int
sizeT Type
structTypes map[StringID]Type
structs map[StructInfo]struct{}
switches int
sysIncludePaths []string
tuSize0 int64 // Sum of sizes of processed inputs
tuSources0 int32 // Number of processed inputs
wcharT Type
capture bool
evalIdentError bool
func newContext(cfg *Config) *context {
maxErrors := cfg.MaxErrors
if maxErrors == 0 {
maxErrors = 10
return &context{
cfg: cfg,
enums: map[StringID]Operand{},
keywords: keywords,
maxErrors: maxErrors,
structTypes: map[StringID]Type{},
structs: map[StructInfo]struct{}{},
func (c *context) tuSizeAdd(n int64) { atomic.AddInt64(&c.tuSize0, n) }
func (c *context) tuSize() int64 { return atomic.LoadInt64(&c.tuSize0) }
func (c *context) tuSourcesAdd(n int32) { atomic.AddInt32(&c.tuSources0, n) }
func (c *context) tuSources() int { return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&c.tuSources0)) }
func (c *context) stddef(nm StringID, s Scope, tok Token) Type {
if d := s.typedef(nm, tok); d != nil {
if t := d.Type(); t != nil && t.Kind() != Invalid {
return t
c.errNode(&tok, "front-end: undefined: %s", nm)
return noType
func (c *context) assignmentCompatibilityErrorCond(n Node, a, b Type) (stop bool) {
if !c.cfg.EnableAssignmentCompatibilityChecking {
return c.errNode(n, "invalid type combination of conditional operator: %v and %v", a, b)
func (c *context) assignmentCompatibilityError(n Node, lhs, rhs Type) (stop bool) {
if !c.cfg.EnableAssignmentCompatibilityChecking {
return c.errNode(n, "cannot use %v as type %v in assignment", rhs, lhs)
func (c *context) errNode(n Node, msg string, args ...interface{}) (stop bool) {
return c.err(n.Position(), msg, args...)
func (c *context) err(pos token.Position, msg string, args ...interface{}) (stop bool) {
// dbg("FAIL "+msg, args...)
//fmt.Printf("FAIL "+msg+"\n", args...)
if c.cfg.ignoreErrors {
return false
s := fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)
max := c.maxErrors
switch {
case max < 0 || max > len(c.ErrorList):
c.ErrorList.Add(gotoken.Position(pos), s)
stop = true
return stop
func (c *context) errs(list goscanner.ErrorList) (stop bool) {
max := c.maxErrors
for _, v := range list {
switch {
case max < 0 || max > len(c.ErrorList):
c.ErrorList = append(c.ErrorList, v)
return true
return false
func (c *context) Err() error {
switch x := c.ErrorList.Err().(type) {
case goscanner.ErrorList:
x = append(goscanner.ErrorList(nil), x...)
var lpos gotoken.Position
w := 0
for _, v := range x {
if lpos.Filename != "" {
if v.Pos.Filename == lpos.Filename && v.Pos.Line == lpos.Line {
x[w] = v
lpos = v.Pos
x = x[:w]
sort.Slice(x, func(i, j int) bool {
a := x[i]
b := x[j]
if !a.Pos.IsValid() && b.Pos.IsValid() {
return true
if a.Pos.IsValid() && !b.Pos.IsValid() {
return false
if a.Pos.Filename < b.Pos.Filename {
return true
if a.Pos.Filename > b.Pos.Filename {
return false
if a.Pos.Line < b.Pos.Line {
return true
if a.Pos.Line > b.Pos.Line {
return false
return a.Pos.Column < b.Pos.Column
a := make([]string, 0, len(x))
for _, v := range x {
a = append(a, v.Error())
return fmt.Errorf("%s", strings.Join(a, "\n"))
return x
func (c *context) not(n Node, mode mode) {
if c.mode&mode != 0 {
switch mode {
case mIntConstExpr:
c.errNode(n, "invalid integer constant expression")
func (c *context) push(mode mode) {
c.modes = append(c.modes, c.mode)
c.mode = mode
func (c *context) pop() {
n := len(c.modes)
c.mode = c.modes[n-1]
c.modes = c.modes[:n-1]
func (c *context) statFile(name string, sys bool) (os.FileInfo, error) {
fs := c.cfg.Config3.Filesystem
if fs == nil {
fs = LocalFS()
return fs.Stat(name, sys)
func (c *context) openFile(name string, sys bool) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
fs := c.cfg.Config3.Filesystem
if fs == nil {
fs = LocalFS()
return fs.Open(name, sys)
// HostConfig returns the system C preprocessor/compiler configuration, or an
// error, if any. The configuration is obtained by running the command named
// by the cpp argumnent or "cpp" when it's empty. For the predefined macros
// list the '-dM' options is added. For the include paths lists, the option
// '-v' is added and the output is parsed to extract the "..." include and
// <...> include paths. To add any other options to cpp, list them in opts.
// The function relies on a POSIX/GCC compatible C preprocessor installed.
// Execution of HostConfig is not free, so caching of the results is
// recommended.
func HostConfig(cpp string, opts ...string) (predefined string, includePaths, sysIncludePaths []string, err error) {
if predefined, includePaths, sysIncludePaths, err = hostConfigv3(cpp, opts...); err == nil {
return predefined, includePaths, sysIncludePaths, nil
return hostConfigv4(opts)
func hostConfigv3(cpp string, opts ...string) (predefined string, includePaths, sysIncludePaths []string, err error) {
if cpp == "" {
cpp = "cpp"
args := append(append([]string{"-dM"}, opts...), os.DevNull)
pre, err := exec.Command(cpp, args...).Output()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
args = append(append([]string{"-v"}, opts...), os.DevNull)
out, err := exec.Command(cpp, args...).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
sep := "\n"
if env("GOOS", runtime.GOOS) == "windows" {
sep = "\r\n"
a := strings.Split(string(out), sep)
for i := 0; i < len(a); {
switch a[i] {
case "#include \"...\" search starts here:":
for i = i + 1; i < len(a); {
switch v := a[i]; {
case strings.HasPrefix(v, "#") || v == "End of search list.":
break loop
includePaths = append(includePaths, strings.TrimSpace(v))
case "#include <...> search starts here:":
for i = i + 1; i < len(a); {
switch v := a[i]; {
case strings.HasPrefix(v, "#") || v == "End of search list.":
return string(pre), includePaths, sysIncludePaths, nil
sysIncludePaths = append(sysIncludePaths, strings.TrimSpace(v))
return "", nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing %s -v output", cpp)
func hostConfigv4(opts []string) (predefined string, includePaths, sysIncludePaths []string, err error) {
for _, cc := range []string{os.Getenv("CC"), "cc", "gcc"} {
if cc == "" {
cc, err = exec.LookPath(cc)
if err != nil {
args := append(opts, "-dM", "-E", "-")
pre, err := exec.Command(cc, args...).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
sep := "\n"
if env("GOOS", runtime.GOOS) == "windows" {
sep = "\r\n"
a := strings.Split(string(pre), sep)
w := 0
for _, v := range a {
if strings.HasPrefix(v, "#") {
a[w] = v
predefined = strings.Join(a[:w], "\n")
args = append(opts, "-v", "-E", "-")
out, err := exec.Command(cc, args...).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
a = strings.Split(string(out), sep)
for i := 0; i < len(a); {
switch a[i] {
case "#include \"...\" search starts here:":
for i = i + 1; i < len(a); {
switch v := a[i]; {
case strings.HasPrefix(v, "#") || v == "End of search list.":
break loop
includePaths = append(includePaths, strings.TrimSpace(v))
case "#include <...> search starts here:":
for i = i + 1; i < len(a); {
switch v := a[i]; {
case strings.HasPrefix(v, "#") || v == "End of search list.":
return predefined, includePaths, sysIncludePaths, nil
sysIncludePaths = append(sysIncludePaths, strings.TrimSpace(v))
return "", nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot determine C compiler configuration")
func env(key, val string) string {
if s := os.Getenv(key); s != "" {
return s
return val
// Token is a grammar terminal.
type Token struct {
Rune rune // ';' or IDENTIFIER etc.
Sep StringID // If Config3.PreserveWhiteSpace is in effect: All preceding white space combined, including comments.
Value StringID // ";" or "foo" etc.
Src StringID
file *tokenFile
macro StringID
pos int32
seq int32
// Seq returns t's sequential number.
// Comparing positions as in 'before', 'after' is complicated as tokens in a
// translation unit usually come from more than one source file. Macro
// expansion further complicates that. The solution is sequentially numbering
// the tokens as they are finally seen by the parser, so the usual arithmetic
// '<', '>' operators can be used for that purpose.
func (t Token) Seq() int { return int(t.seq) }
// Macro returns the name of a macro that expanded to this token, if any.
func (t *Token) Macro() StringID { return t.macro }
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (t Token) String() string { return t.Value.String() }
// Position implements Node.
func (t *Token) Position() (r token.Position) {
if t.pos != 0 && t.file != nil {
r = t.file.PositionFor(token.Pos(t.pos), true)
return r
func tokStr(toks interface{}, sep string) string {
var b strings.Builder
switch x := toks.(type) {
case []token3:
for i, v := range x {
if i != 0 {
case []token4:
for i, v := range x {
if i != 0 {
case []cppToken:
for i, v := range x {
if i != 0 {
case []Token:
for i, v := range x {
if i != 0 {
return b.String()
func internalError() int {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v: internal error", origin(2)))
func internalErrorf(s string, args ...interface{}) int {
s = fmt.Sprintf(s, args)
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v: %s", origin(2), s))
func detectMingw(s string) bool {
return strings.Contains(s, "#define __MINGW")
func nodeSource(n ...Node) (r string) {
if len(n) == 0 {
return ""
var a []*Token
for _, v := range n {
Inspect(v, func(n Node, _ bool) bool {
if x, ok := n.(*Token); ok && x.Seq() != 0 {
a = append(a, x)
return true
sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool {
return a[i].Seq() < a[j].Seq()
w := 0
seq := -1
for _, v := range a {
if n := v.Seq(); n != seq {
seq = n
a[w] = v
a = a[:w]
var b strings.Builder
for _, v := range a {
return b.String()