2021-05-08 12:25:55 +00:00
/ *
Copyright ( C ) 2021 GoToSocial Authors admin @ gotosocial . org
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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* /
package typeutils
import (
// Converts a gts model account into an Activity Streams person type, following
// the spec laid out for mastodon here: https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/
func ( c * converter ) AccountToAS ( a * gtsmodel . Account ) ( vocab . ActivityStreamsPerson , error ) {
person := streams . NewActivityStreamsPerson ( )
// id should be the activitypub URI of this user
// something like https://example.org/users/example_user
profileIDURI , err := url . Parse ( a . URI )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
idProp := streams . NewJSONLDIdProperty ( )
idProp . SetIRI ( profileIDURI )
person . SetJSONLDId ( idProp )
// following
// The URI for retrieving a list of accounts this user is following
followingURI , err := url . Parse ( a . FollowingURI )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
followingProp := streams . NewActivityStreamsFollowingProperty ( )
followingProp . SetIRI ( followingURI )
person . SetActivityStreamsFollowing ( followingProp )
// followers
// The URI for retrieving a list of this user's followers
followersURI , err := url . Parse ( a . FollowersURI )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
followersProp := streams . NewActivityStreamsFollowersProperty ( )
followersProp . SetIRI ( followersURI )
person . SetActivityStreamsFollowers ( followersProp )
// inbox
// the activitypub inbox of this user for accepting messages
inboxURI , err := url . Parse ( a . InboxURI )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
inboxProp := streams . NewActivityStreamsInboxProperty ( )
inboxProp . SetIRI ( inboxURI )
person . SetActivityStreamsInbox ( inboxProp )
// outbox
// the activitypub outbox of this user for serving messages
outboxURI , err := url . Parse ( a . OutboxURI )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
outboxProp := streams . NewActivityStreamsOutboxProperty ( )
outboxProp . SetIRI ( outboxURI )
person . SetActivityStreamsOutbox ( outboxProp )
// featured posts
// Pinned posts.
featuredURI , err := url . Parse ( a . FeaturedCollectionURI )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
featuredProp := streams . NewTootFeaturedProperty ( )
featuredProp . SetIRI ( featuredURI )
person . SetTootFeatured ( featuredProp )
// featuredTags
// preferredUsername
// Used for Webfinger lookup. Must be unique on the domain, and must correspond to a Webfinger acct: URI.
preferredUsernameProp := streams . NewActivityStreamsPreferredUsernameProperty ( )
preferredUsernameProp . SetXMLSchemaString ( a . Username )
person . SetActivityStreamsPreferredUsername ( preferredUsernameProp )
// name
// Used as profile display name.
nameProp := streams . NewActivityStreamsNameProperty ( )
if a . Username != "" {
nameProp . AppendXMLSchemaString ( a . DisplayName )
} else {
nameProp . AppendXMLSchemaString ( a . Username )
person . SetActivityStreamsName ( nameProp )
// summary
// Used as profile bio.
if a . Note != "" {
summaryProp := streams . NewActivityStreamsSummaryProperty ( )
summaryProp . AppendXMLSchemaString ( a . Note )
person . SetActivityStreamsSummary ( summaryProp )
// url
// Used as profile link.
profileURL , err := url . Parse ( a . URL )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
urlProp := streams . NewActivityStreamsUrlProperty ( )
urlProp . AppendIRI ( profileURL )
person . SetActivityStreamsUrl ( urlProp )
// manuallyApprovesFollowers
// Will be shown as a locked account.
// TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED **YET** -- this needs to be added as an activitypub extension to https://github.com/go-fed/activity, see https://github.com/go-fed/activity/tree/master/astool
// discoverable
// Will be shown in the profile directory.
discoverableProp := streams . NewTootDiscoverableProperty ( )
discoverableProp . Set ( a . Discoverable )
person . SetTootDiscoverable ( discoverableProp )
// devices
// NOT IMPLEMENTED, probably won't implement
// alsoKnownAs
// Required for Move activity.
// TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED **YET** -- this needs to be added as an activitypub extension to https://github.com/go-fed/activity, see https://github.com/go-fed/activity/tree/master/astool
// publicKey
// Required for signatures.
publicKeyProp := streams . NewW3IDSecurityV1PublicKeyProperty ( )
// create the public key
publicKey := streams . NewW3IDSecurityV1PublicKey ( )
// set ID for the public key
publicKeyIDProp := streams . NewJSONLDIdProperty ( )
publicKeyURI , err := url . Parse ( a . PublicKeyURI )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
publicKeyIDProp . SetIRI ( publicKeyURI )
publicKey . SetJSONLDId ( publicKeyIDProp )
// set owner for the public key
publicKeyOwnerProp := streams . NewW3IDSecurityV1OwnerProperty ( )
publicKeyOwnerProp . SetIRI ( profileIDURI )
publicKey . SetW3IDSecurityV1Owner ( publicKeyOwnerProp )
// set the pem key itself
encodedPublicKey , err := x509 . MarshalPKIXPublicKey ( a . PublicKey )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
publicKeyBytes := pem . EncodeToMemory ( & pem . Block {
Type : "PUBLIC KEY" ,
Bytes : encodedPublicKey ,
} )
publicKeyPEMProp := streams . NewW3IDSecurityV1PublicKeyPemProperty ( )
publicKeyPEMProp . Set ( string ( publicKeyBytes ) )
publicKey . SetW3IDSecurityV1PublicKeyPem ( publicKeyPEMProp )
// append the public key to the public key property
publicKeyProp . AppendW3IDSecurityV1PublicKey ( publicKey )
// set the public key property on the Person
person . SetW3IDSecurityV1PublicKey ( publicKeyProp )
// tag
// TODO: Any tags used in the summary of this profile
// attachment
// Used for profile fields.
// TODO: The PropertyValue type has to be added: https://schema.org/PropertyValue
// endpoints
// NOT IMPLEMENTED -- this is for shared inbox which we don't use
// icon
// Used as profile avatar.
if a . AvatarMediaAttachmentID != "" {
avatar := & gtsmodel . MediaAttachment { }
if err := c . db . GetByID ( a . AvatarMediaAttachmentID , avatar ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
2021-05-15 09:58:11 +00:00
iconProperty := streams . NewActivityStreamsIconProperty ( )
iconImage := streams . NewActivityStreamsImage ( )
2021-05-08 12:25:55 +00:00
mediaType := streams . NewActivityStreamsMediaTypeProperty ( )
mediaType . Set ( avatar . File . ContentType )
iconImage . SetActivityStreamsMediaType ( mediaType )
avatarURLProperty := streams . NewActivityStreamsUrlProperty ( )
avatarURL , err := url . Parse ( avatar . URL )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
avatarURLProperty . AppendIRI ( avatarURL )
iconImage . SetActivityStreamsUrl ( avatarURLProperty )
iconProperty . AppendActivityStreamsImage ( iconImage )
person . SetActivityStreamsIcon ( iconProperty )
// image
// Used as profile header.
if a . HeaderMediaAttachmentID != "" {
header := & gtsmodel . MediaAttachment { }
if err := c . db . GetByID ( a . HeaderMediaAttachmentID , header ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
2021-05-15 09:58:11 +00:00
headerProperty := streams . NewActivityStreamsImageProperty ( )
headerImage := streams . NewActivityStreamsImage ( )
2021-05-08 12:25:55 +00:00
mediaType := streams . NewActivityStreamsMediaTypeProperty ( )
mediaType . Set ( header . File . ContentType )
headerImage . SetActivityStreamsMediaType ( mediaType )
headerURLProperty := streams . NewActivityStreamsUrlProperty ( )
headerURL , err := url . Parse ( header . URL )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
headerURLProperty . AppendIRI ( headerURL )
headerImage . SetActivityStreamsUrl ( headerURLProperty )
headerProperty . AppendActivityStreamsImage ( headerImage )
return person , nil
func ( c * converter ) StatusToAS ( s * gtsmodel . Status ) ( vocab . ActivityStreamsNote , error ) {
return nil , nil