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package storage
import (
var (
nodePathPrefix = "node/"
blockPathPrefix = "block/"
// DefaultBlockConfig is the default BlockStorage configuration
var DefaultBlockConfig = &BlockConfig{
BlockSize: 1024 * 16,
WriteBufSize: 4096,
Overwrite: false,
Compression: NoCompression(),
// BlockConfig defines options to be used when opening a BlockStorage
type BlockConfig struct {
// BlockSize is the chunking size to use when splitting and storing blocks of data
BlockSize int
// WriteBufSize is the buffer size to use when writing file streams (PutStream)
WriteBufSize int
// Overwrite allows overwriting values of stored keys in the storage
Overwrite bool
// Compression is the Compressor to use when reading / writing files, default is no compression
Compression Compressor
// getBlockConfig returns a valid BlockConfig for supplied ptr
func getBlockConfig(cfg *BlockConfig) BlockConfig {
// If nil, use default
if cfg == nil {
cfg = DefaultBlockConfig
// Assume nil compress == none
if cfg.Compression == nil {
cfg.Compression = NoCompression()
// Assume 0 chunk size == use default
if cfg.BlockSize < 1 {
cfg.BlockSize = DefaultBlockConfig.BlockSize
// Assume 0 buf size == use default
if cfg.WriteBufSize < 1 {
cfg.WriteBufSize = DefaultDiskConfig.WriteBufSize
// Return owned config copy
return BlockConfig{
BlockSize: cfg.BlockSize,
WriteBufSize: cfg.WriteBufSize,
Overwrite: cfg.Overwrite,
Compression: cfg.Compression,
// BlockStorage is a Storage implementation that stores input data as chunks on
// a filesystem. Each value is chunked into blocks of configured size and these
// blocks are stored with name equal to their base64-encoded SHA256 hash-sum. A
// "node" file is finally created containing an array of hashes contained within
// this value
type BlockStorage struct {
path string // path is the root path of this store
blockPath string // blockPath is the joined root path + block path prefix
nodePath string // nodePath is the joined root path + node path prefix
config BlockConfig // cfg is the supplied configuration for this store
hashPool sync.Pool // hashPool is this store's hashEncoder pool
// NOTE:
// BlockStorage does not need to lock each of the underlying block files
// as the filename itself directly relates to the contents. If there happens
// to be an overwrite, it will just be of the same data since the filename is
// the hash of the data.
// OpenBlock opens a BlockStorage instance for given folder path and configuration
func OpenBlock(path string, cfg *BlockConfig) (*BlockStorage, error) {
// Acquire path builder
pb := util.AcquirePathBuilder()
defer util.ReleasePathBuilder(pb)
// Clean provided path, ensure ends in '/' (should
// be dir, this helps with file path trimming later)
path = pb.Clean(path) + "/"
// Get checked config
config := getBlockConfig(cfg)
// Attempt to open path
file, err := os.OpenFile(path, defaultFileROFlags, defaultDirPerms)
if err != nil {
// If not a not-exist error, return
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
// Attempt to make store path dirs
err = os.MkdirAll(path, defaultDirPerms)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Reopen dir now it's been created
file, err = os.OpenFile(path, defaultFileROFlags, defaultDirPerms)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
// Double check this is a dir (NOT a file!)
stat, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !stat.IsDir() {
return nil, errPathIsFile
// Return new BlockStorage
return &BlockStorage{
path: path,
blockPath: pb.Join(path, blockPathPrefix),
nodePath: pb.Join(path, nodePathPrefix),
config: config,
hashPool: sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return newHashEncoder()
}, nil
// Clean implements storage.Clean()
func (st *BlockStorage) Clean() error {
nodes := map[string]*node{}
// Acquire path builder
pb := fastpath.AcquireBuilder()
defer fastpath.ReleaseBuilder(pb)
// Walk nodes dir for entries
onceErr := errors.OnceError{}
err := util.WalkDir(pb, st.nodePath, func(npath string, fsentry fs.DirEntry) {
// Only deal with regular files
if !fsentry.Type().IsRegular() {
// Stop if we hit error previously
if onceErr.IsSet() {
// Get joined node path name
npath = pb.Join(npath, fsentry.Name())
// Attempt to open RO file
file, err := open(npath, defaultFileROFlags)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
// Alloc new Node + acquire hash buffer for writes
hbuf := util.AcquireBuffer(encodedHashLen)
defer util.ReleaseBuffer(hbuf)
node := node{}
// Write file contents to node
_, err = io.CopyBuffer(
node: &node,
buf: hbuf,
if err != nil {
// Append to nodes slice
nodes[fsentry.Name()] = &node
// Handle errors (though nodePath may not have been created yet)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
} else if onceErr.IsSet() {
return onceErr.Load()
// Walk blocks dir for entries
err = util.WalkDir(pb, st.blockPath, func(bpath string, fsentry fs.DirEntry) {
// Only deal with regular files
if !fsentry.Type().IsRegular() {
// Stop if we hit error previously
if onceErr.IsSet() {
inUse := false
for key, node := range nodes {
if node.removeHash(fsentry.Name()) {
if len(node.hashes) < 1 {
// This node contained hash, and after removal is now empty.
// Remove this node from our tracked nodes slice
delete(nodes, key)
inUse = true
// Block hash is used by node
if inUse {
// Get joined block path name
bpath = pb.Join(bpath, fsentry.Name())
// Remove this unused block path
err := os.Remove(bpath)
if err != nil {
// Handle errors (though blockPath may not have been created yet)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
} else if onceErr.IsSet() {
return onceErr.Load()
// If there are nodes left at this point, they are corrupt
// (i.e. they're referencing block hashes that don't exist)
if len(nodes) > 0 {
nodeKeys := []string{}
for key := range nodes {
nodeKeys = append(nodeKeys, key)
return errCorruptNodes.Extend("%v", nodeKeys)
return nil
// ReadBytes implements Storage.ReadBytes()
func (st *BlockStorage) ReadBytes(key string) ([]byte, error) {
// Get stream reader for key
rc, err := st.ReadStream(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Read all bytes and return
return io.ReadAll(rc)
// ReadStream implements Storage.ReadStream()
func (st *BlockStorage) ReadStream(key string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
// Get node file path for key
npath, err := st.nodePathForKey(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Attempt to open RO file
file, err := open(npath, defaultFileROFlags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
// Alloc new Node + acquire hash buffer for writes
hbuf := util.AcquireBuffer(encodedHashLen)
defer util.ReleaseBuffer(hbuf)
node := node{}
// Write file contents to node
_, err = io.CopyBuffer(
node: &node,
buf: hbuf,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Return new block reader
return util.NopReadCloser(&blockReader{
storage: st,
node: &node,
}), nil
func (st *BlockStorage) readBlock(key string) ([]byte, error) {
// Get block file path for key
bpath := st.blockPathForKey(key)
// Attempt to open RO file
file, err := open(bpath, defaultFileROFlags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
// Wrap the file in a compressor
cFile, err := st.config.Compression.Reader(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cFile.Close()
// Read the entire file
return io.ReadAll(cFile)
// WriteBytes implements Storage.WriteBytes()
func (st *BlockStorage) WriteBytes(key string, value []byte) error {
return st.WriteStream(key, bytes.NewReader(value))
// WriteStream implements Storage.WriteStream()
func (st *BlockStorage) WriteStream(key string, r io.Reader) error {
// Get node file path for key
npath, err := st.nodePathForKey(key)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check if this exists
ok, err := stat(key)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check if we allow overwrites
if ok && !st.config.Overwrite {
return ErrAlreadyExists
// Ensure nodes dir (and any leading up to) exists
err = os.MkdirAll(st.nodePath, defaultDirPerms)
if err != nil {
return err
// Ensure blocks dir (and any leading up to) exists
err = os.MkdirAll(st.blockPath, defaultDirPerms)
if err != nil {
return err
// Alloc new node
node := node{}
// Acquire HashEncoder
hc := st.hashPool.Get().(*hashEncoder)
defer st.hashPool.Put(hc)
// Create new waitgroup and OnceError for
// goroutine error tracking and propagating
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
onceErr := errors.OnceError{}
for !onceErr.IsSet() {
// Fetch new buffer for this loop
buf := util.AcquireBuffer(st.config.BlockSize)
// Read next chunk
n, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf.B)
switch err {
case nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF:
// do nothing
case io.EOF:
break loop
return err
// Hash the encoded data
sum := hc.EncodeSum(buf.B)
// Append to the node's hashes
node.hashes = append(node.hashes, sum.String())
// If already on disk, skip
has, err := st.statBlock(sum.StringPtr())
if err != nil {
return err
} else if has {
continue loop
// Write in separate goroutine
go func() {
// Defer buffer release + signal done
defer func() {
// Write block to store at hash
err = st.writeBlock(sum.StringPtr(), buf.B[:n])
if err != nil {
// We reached EOF
if n < buf.Len() {
break loop
// Wait, check errors
if onceErr.IsSet() {
return onceErr.Load()
// If no hashes created, return
if len(node.hashes) < 1 {
return errNoHashesWritten
// Prepare to swap error if need-be
errSwap := errSwapNoop
// Build file RW flags
// NOTE: we performed an initial check for
// this before writing blocks, but if
// the utilizer of this storage didn't
// correctly mutex protect this key then
// someone may have beaten us to the
// punch at writing the node file.
flags := defaultFileRWFlags
if !st.config.Overwrite {
flags |= syscall.O_EXCL
// Catch + replace err exist
errSwap = errSwapExist
// Attempt to open RW file
file, err := open(npath, flags)
if err != nil {
return errSwap(err)
defer file.Close()
// Acquire write buffer
buf := util.AcquireBuffer(st.config.WriteBufSize)
defer util.ReleaseBuffer(buf)
// Finally, write data to file
_, err = io.CopyBuffer(file, &nodeReader{node: &node}, nil)
return err
// writeBlock writes the block with hash and supplied value to the filesystem
func (st *BlockStorage) writeBlock(hash string, value []byte) error {
// Get block file path for key
bpath := st.blockPathForKey(hash)
// Attempt to open RW file
file, err := open(bpath, defaultFileRWFlags)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrAlreadyExists {
err = nil /* race issue describe in struct NOTE */
return err
defer file.Close()
// Wrap the file in a compressor
cFile, err := st.config.Compression.Writer(file)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cFile.Close()
// Write value to file
_, err = cFile.Write(value)
return err
// statBlock checks for existence of supplied block hash
func (st *BlockStorage) statBlock(hash string) (bool, error) {
return stat(st.blockPathForKey(hash))
// Stat implements Storage.Stat()
func (st *BlockStorage) Stat(key string) (bool, error) {
// Get node file path for key
kpath, err := st.nodePathForKey(key)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// Check for file on disk
return stat(kpath)
// Remove implements Storage.Remove()
func (st *BlockStorage) Remove(key string) error {
// Get node file path for key
kpath, err := st.nodePathForKey(key)
if err != nil {
return err
// Attempt to remove file
return os.Remove(kpath)
// WalkKeys implements Storage.WalkKeys()
func (st *BlockStorage) WalkKeys(opts *WalkKeysOptions) error {
// Acquire path builder
pb := fastpath.AcquireBuilder()
defer fastpath.ReleaseBuilder(pb)
// Walk dir for entries
return util.WalkDir(pb, st.nodePath, func(npath string, fsentry fs.DirEntry) {
// Only deal with regular files
if fsentry.Type().IsRegular() {
// nodePathForKey calculates the node file path for supplied key
func (st *BlockStorage) nodePathForKey(key string) (string, error) {
// Path separators are illegal
if strings.Contains(key, "/") {
return "", ErrInvalidKey
// Acquire path builder
pb := util.AcquirePathBuilder()
defer util.ReleasePathBuilder(pb)
// Return joined + cleaned node-path
return pb.Join(st.nodePath, key), nil
// blockPathForKey calculates the block file path for supplied hash
func (st *BlockStorage) blockPathForKey(hash string) string {
pb := util.AcquirePathBuilder()
defer util.ReleasePathBuilder(pb)
return pb.Join(st.blockPath, hash)
// hashSeparator is the separating byte between block hashes
const hashSeparator = byte(':')
// node represents the contents of a node file in storage
type node struct {
hashes []string
// removeHash attempts to remove supplied block hash from the node's hash array
func (n *node) removeHash(hash string) bool {
haveDropped := false
for i := 0; i < len(n.hashes); {
if n.hashes[i] == hash {
// Drop this hash from slice
n.hashes = append(n.hashes[:i], n.hashes[i+1:]...)
haveDropped = true
} else {
// Continue iter
return haveDropped
// nodeReader is an io.Reader implementation for the node file representation,
// which is useful when calculated node file is being written to the store
type nodeReader struct {
node *node
idx int
last int
func (r *nodeReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
n := 0
// '-1' means we missed writing
// hash separator on last iteration
if r.last == -1 {
b[n] = hashSeparator
r.last = 0
for r.idx < len(r.node.hashes) {
hash := r.node.hashes[r.idx]
// Copy into buffer + update read count
m := copy(b[n:], hash[r.last:])
n += m
// If incomplete copy, return here
if m < len(hash)-r.last {
r.last = m
return n, nil
// Check we can write last separator
if n == len(b) {
r.last = -1
return n, nil
// Write separator, iter, reset
b[n] = hashSeparator
r.last = 0
// We reached end of hashes
return n, io.EOF
// nodeWriter is an io.Writer implementation for the node file representation,
// which is useful when calculated node file is being read from the store
type nodeWriter struct {
node *node
buf *bytes.Buffer
func (w *nodeWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
n := 0
for {
// Find next hash separator position
idx := bytes.IndexByte(b[n:], hashSeparator)
if idx == -1 {
// Check we shouldn't be expecting it
if w.buf.Len() > encodedHashLen {
return n, errInvalidNode
// Write all contents to buffer
return len(b), nil
// Found hash separator, write
// current buf contents to Node hashes
w.buf.Write(b[n : n+idx])
n += idx + 1
if w.buf.Len() != encodedHashLen {
return n, errInvalidNode
// Append to hashes & reset
w.node.hashes = append(w.node.hashes, w.buf.String())
// blockReader is an io.Reader implementation for the combined, linked block
// data contained with a node file. Basically, this allows reading value data
// from the store for a given node file
type blockReader struct {
storage *BlockStorage
node *node
buf []byte
prev int
func (r *blockReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
n := 0
// Data left in buf, copy as much as we
// can into supplied read buffer
if r.prev < len(r.buf)-1 {
n += copy(b, r.buf[r.prev:])
r.prev += n
if n >= len(b) {
return n, nil
for {
// Check we have any hashes left
if len(r.node.hashes) < 1 {
return n, io.EOF
// Get next key from slice
key := r.node.hashes[0]
r.node.hashes = r.node.hashes[1:]
// Attempt to fetch next batch of data
var err error
r.buf, err =
if err != nil {
return n, err
r.prev = 0
// Copy as much as can from new buffer
m := copy(b[n:], r.buf)
r.prev += m
n += m
// If we hit end of supplied buf, return
if n >= len(b) {
return n, nil
// hashEncoder is a HashEncoder with built-in encode buffer
type hashEncoder struct {
henc hashenc.HashEncoder
ebuf []byte
// encodedHashLen is the once-calculated encoded hash-sum length
var encodedHashLen = hashenc.Base64().EncodedLen(
// newHashEncoder returns a new hashEncoder instance
func newHashEncoder() *hashEncoder {
hash := sha256.New()
enc := hashenc.Base64()
return &hashEncoder{
henc: hashenc.New(hash, enc),
ebuf: make([]byte, enc.EncodedLen(hash.Size())),
// EncodeSum encodes the src data and returns resulting bytes, only valid until next call to EncodeSum()
func (henc *hashEncoder) EncodeSum(src []byte) bytes.Bytes {
henc.henc.EncodeSum(henc.ebuf, src)
return bytes.ToBytes(henc.ebuf)