 * Copyright 2014 gRPC authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package transport

import (


var updateHeaderTblSize = func(e *hpack.Encoder, v uint32) {

type itemNode struct {
	it   any
	next *itemNode

type itemList struct {
	head *itemNode
	tail *itemNode

func (il *itemList) enqueue(i any) {
	n := &itemNode{it: i}
	if il.tail == nil {
		il.head, il.tail = n, n
	il.tail.next = n
	il.tail = n

// peek returns the first item in the list without removing it from the
// list.
func (il *itemList) peek() any {
	return il.head.it

func (il *itemList) dequeue() any {
	if il.head == nil {
		return nil
	i := il.head.it
	il.head = il.head.next
	if il.head == nil {
		il.tail = nil
	return i

func (il *itemList) dequeueAll() *itemNode {
	h := il.head
	il.head, il.tail = nil, nil
	return h

func (il *itemList) isEmpty() bool {
	return il.head == nil

// The following defines various control items which could flow through
// the control buffer of transport. They represent different aspects of
// control tasks, e.g., flow control, settings, streaming resetting, etc.

// maxQueuedTransportResponseFrames is the most queued "transport response"
// frames we will buffer before preventing new reads from occurring on the
// transport.  These are control frames sent in response to client requests,
// such as RST_STREAM due to bad headers or settings acks.
const maxQueuedTransportResponseFrames = 50

type cbItem interface {
	isTransportResponseFrame() bool

// registerStream is used to register an incoming stream with loopy writer.
type registerStream struct {
	streamID uint32
	wq       *writeQuota

func (*registerStream) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false }

// headerFrame is also used to register stream on the client-side.
type headerFrame struct {
	streamID   uint32
	hf         []hpack.HeaderField
	endStream  bool               // Valid on server side.
	initStream func(uint32) error // Used only on the client side.
	onWrite    func()
	wq         *writeQuota    // write quota for the stream created.
	cleanup    *cleanupStream // Valid on the server side.
	onOrphaned func(error)    // Valid on client-side

func (h *headerFrame) isTransportResponseFrame() bool {
	return h.cleanup != nil && h.cleanup.rst // Results in a RST_STREAM

type cleanupStream struct {
	streamID uint32
	rst      bool
	rstCode  http2.ErrCode
	onWrite  func()

func (c *cleanupStream) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return c.rst } // Results in a RST_STREAM

type earlyAbortStream struct {
	httpStatus     uint32
	streamID       uint32
	contentSubtype string
	status         *status.Status
	rst            bool

func (*earlyAbortStream) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false }

type dataFrame struct {
	streamID  uint32
	endStream bool
	h         []byte
	reader    mem.Reader
	// onEachWrite is called every time
	// a part of data is written out.
	onEachWrite func()

func (*dataFrame) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false }

type incomingWindowUpdate struct {
	streamID  uint32
	increment uint32

func (*incomingWindowUpdate) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false }

type outgoingWindowUpdate struct {
	streamID  uint32
	increment uint32

func (*outgoingWindowUpdate) isTransportResponseFrame() bool {
	return false // window updates are throttled by thresholds

type incomingSettings struct {
	ss []http2.Setting

func (*incomingSettings) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return true } // Results in a settings ACK

type outgoingSettings struct {
	ss []http2.Setting

func (*outgoingSettings) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false }

type incomingGoAway struct {

func (*incomingGoAway) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false }

type goAway struct {
	code      http2.ErrCode
	debugData []byte
	headsUp   bool
	closeConn error // if set, loopyWriter will exit with this error

func (*goAway) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false }

type ping struct {
	ack  bool
	data [8]byte

func (*ping) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return true }

type outFlowControlSizeRequest struct {
	resp chan uint32

func (*outFlowControlSizeRequest) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false }

// closeConnection is an instruction to tell the loopy writer to flush the
// framer and exit, which will cause the transport's connection to be closed
// (by the client or server).  The transport itself will close after the reader
// encounters the EOF caused by the connection closure.
type closeConnection struct{}

func (closeConnection) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false }

type outStreamState int

const (
	active outStreamState = iota

type outStream struct {
	id               uint32
	state            outStreamState
	itl              *itemList
	bytesOutStanding int
	wq               *writeQuota

	next *outStream
	prev *outStream

func (s *outStream) deleteSelf() {
	if s.prev != nil {
		s.prev.next = s.next
	if s.next != nil {
		s.next.prev = s.prev
	s.next, s.prev = nil, nil

type outStreamList struct {
	// Following are sentinel objects that mark the
	// beginning and end of the list. They do not
	// contain any item lists. All valid objects are
	// inserted in between them.
	// This is needed so that an outStream object can
	// deleteSelf() in O(1) time without knowing which
	// list it belongs to.
	head *outStream
	tail *outStream

func newOutStreamList() *outStreamList {
	head, tail := new(outStream), new(outStream)
	head.next = tail
	tail.prev = head
	return &outStreamList{
		head: head,
		tail: tail,

func (l *outStreamList) enqueue(s *outStream) {
	e := l.tail.prev
	e.next = s
	s.prev = e
	s.next = l.tail
	l.tail.prev = s

// remove from the beginning of the list.
func (l *outStreamList) dequeue() *outStream {
	b := l.head.next
	if b == l.tail {
		return nil
	return b

// controlBuffer is a way to pass information to loopy.
// Information is passed as specific struct types called control frames. A
// control frame not only represents data, messages or headers to be sent out
// but can also be used to instruct loopy to update its internal state. It
// shouldn't be confused with an HTTP2 frame, although some of the control
// frames like dataFrame and headerFrame do go out on wire as HTTP2 frames.
type controlBuffer struct {
	wakeupCh chan struct{}   // Unblocks readers waiting for something to read.
	done     <-chan struct{} // Closed when the transport is done.

	// Mutex guards all the fields below, except trfChan which can be read
	// atomically without holding mu.
	mu              sync.Mutex
	consumerWaiting bool      // True when readers are blocked waiting for new data.
	closed          bool      // True when the controlbuf is finished.
	list            *itemList // List of queued control frames.

	// transportResponseFrames counts the number of queued items that represent
	// the response of an action initiated by the peer.  trfChan is created
	// when transportResponseFrames >= maxQueuedTransportResponseFrames and is
	// closed and nilled when transportResponseFrames drops below the
	// threshold.  Both fields are protected by mu.
	transportResponseFrames int
	trfChan                 atomic.Pointer[chan struct{}]

func newControlBuffer(done <-chan struct{}) *controlBuffer {
	return &controlBuffer{
		wakeupCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),
		list:     &itemList{},
		done:     done,

// throttle blocks if there are too many frames in the control buf that
// represent the response of an action initiated by the peer, like
// incomingSettings cleanupStreams etc.
func (c *controlBuffer) throttle() {
	if ch := c.trfChan.Load(); ch != nil {
		select {
		case <-(*ch):
		case <-c.done:

// put adds an item to the controlbuf.
func (c *controlBuffer) put(it cbItem) error {
	_, err := c.executeAndPut(nil, it)
	return err

// executeAndPut runs f, and if the return value is true, adds the given item to
// the controlbuf. The item could be nil, in which case, this method simply
// executes f and does not add the item to the controlbuf.
// The first return value indicates whether the item was successfully added to
// the control buffer. A non-nil error, specifically ErrConnClosing, is returned
// if the control buffer is already closed.
func (c *controlBuffer) executeAndPut(f func() bool, it cbItem) (bool, error) {
	defer c.mu.Unlock()

	if c.closed {
		return false, ErrConnClosing
	if f != nil {
		if !f() { // f wasn't successful
			return false, nil
	if it == nil {
		return true, nil

	var wakeUp bool
	if c.consumerWaiting {
		wakeUp = true
		c.consumerWaiting = false
	if it.isTransportResponseFrame() {
		if c.transportResponseFrames == maxQueuedTransportResponseFrames {
			// We are adding the frame that puts us over the threshold; create
			// a throttling channel.
			ch := make(chan struct{})
	if wakeUp {
		select {
		case c.wakeupCh <- struct{}{}:
	return true, nil

// get returns the next control frame from the control buffer. If block is true
// **and** there are no control frames in the control buffer, the call blocks
// until one of the conditions is met: there is a frame to return or the
// transport is closed.
func (c *controlBuffer) get(block bool) (any, error) {
	for {
		frame, err := c.getOnceLocked()
		if frame != nil || err != nil || !block {
			// If we read a frame or an error, we can return to the caller. The
			// call to getOnceLocked() returns a nil frame and a nil error if
			// there is nothing to read, and in that case, if the caller asked
			// us not to block, we can return now as well.
			return frame, err
		c.consumerWaiting = true

		// Release the lock above and wait to be woken up.
		select {
		case <-c.wakeupCh:
		case <-c.done:
			return nil, errors.New("transport closed by client")

// Callers must not use this method, but should instead use get().
// Caller must hold c.mu.
func (c *controlBuffer) getOnceLocked() (any, error) {
	if c.closed {
		return false, ErrConnClosing
	if c.list.isEmpty() {
		return nil, nil
	h := c.list.dequeue().(cbItem)
	if h.isTransportResponseFrame() {
		if c.transportResponseFrames == maxQueuedTransportResponseFrames {
			// We are removing the frame that put us over the
			// threshold; close and clear the throttling channel.
			ch := c.trfChan.Swap(nil)
	return h, nil

// finish closes the control buffer, cleaning up any streams that have queued
// header frames. Once this method returns, no more frames can be added to the
// control buffer, and attempts to do so will return ErrConnClosing.
func (c *controlBuffer) finish() {
	defer c.mu.Unlock()

	if c.closed {
	c.closed = true
	// There may be headers for streams in the control buffer.
	// These streams need to be cleaned out since the transport
	// is still not aware of these yet.
	for head := c.list.dequeueAll(); head != nil; head = head.next {
		switch v := head.it.(type) {
		case *headerFrame:
			if v.onOrphaned != nil { // It will be nil on the server-side.
		case *dataFrame:
			_ = v.reader.Close()

	// In case throttle() is currently in flight, it needs to be unblocked.
	// Otherwise, the transport may not close, since the transport is closed by
	// the reader encountering the connection error.
	ch := c.trfChan.Swap(nil)
	if ch != nil {

type side int

const (
	clientSide side = iota

// Loopy receives frames from the control buffer.
// Each frame is handled individually; most of the work done by loopy goes
// into handling data frames. Loopy maintains a queue of active streams, and each
// stream maintains a queue of data frames; as loopy receives data frames
// it gets added to the queue of the relevant stream.
// Loopy goes over this list of active streams by processing one node every iteration,
// thereby closely resembling a round-robin scheduling over all streams. While
// processing a stream, loopy writes out data bytes from this stream capped by the min
// of http2MaxFrameLen, connection-level flow control and stream-level flow control.
type loopyWriter struct {
	side      side
	cbuf      *controlBuffer
	sendQuota uint32
	oiws      uint32 // outbound initial window size.
	// estdStreams is map of all established streams that are not cleaned-up yet.
	// On client-side, this is all streams whose headers were sent out.
	// On server-side, this is all streams whose headers were received.
	estdStreams map[uint32]*outStream // Established streams.
	// activeStreams is a linked-list of all streams that have data to send and some
	// stream-level flow control quota.
	// Each of these streams internally have a list of data items(and perhaps trailers
	// on the server-side) to be sent out.
	activeStreams *outStreamList
	framer        *framer
	hBuf          *bytes.Buffer  // The buffer for HPACK encoding.
	hEnc          *hpack.Encoder // HPACK encoder.
	bdpEst        *bdpEstimator
	draining      bool
	conn          net.Conn
	logger        *grpclog.PrefixLogger
	bufferPool    mem.BufferPool

	// Side-specific handlers
	ssGoAwayHandler func(*goAway) (bool, error)

func newLoopyWriter(s side, fr *framer, cbuf *controlBuffer, bdpEst *bdpEstimator, conn net.Conn, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger, goAwayHandler func(*goAway) (bool, error), bufferPool mem.BufferPool) *loopyWriter {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	l := &loopyWriter{
		side:            s,
		cbuf:            cbuf,
		sendQuota:       defaultWindowSize,
		oiws:            defaultWindowSize,
		estdStreams:     make(map[uint32]*outStream),
		activeStreams:   newOutStreamList(),
		framer:          fr,
		hBuf:            &buf,
		hEnc:            hpack.NewEncoder(&buf),
		bdpEst:          bdpEst,
		conn:            conn,
		logger:          logger,
		ssGoAwayHandler: goAwayHandler,
		bufferPool:      bufferPool,
	return l

const minBatchSize = 1000

// run should be run in a separate goroutine.
// It reads control frames from controlBuf and processes them by:
// 1. Updating loopy's internal state, or/and
// 2. Writing out HTTP2 frames on the wire.
// Loopy keeps all active streams with data to send in a linked-list.
// All streams in the activeStreams linked-list must have both:
// 1. Data to send, and
// 2. Stream level flow control quota available.
// In each iteration of run loop, other than processing the incoming control
// frame, loopy calls processData, which processes one node from the
// activeStreams linked-list.  This results in writing of HTTP2 frames into an
// underlying write buffer.  When there's no more control frames to read from
// controlBuf, loopy flushes the write buffer.  As an optimization, to increase
// the batch size for each flush, loopy yields the processor, once if the batch
// size is too low to give stream goroutines a chance to fill it up.
// Upon exiting, if the error causing the exit is not an I/O error, run()
// flushes the underlying connection.  The connection is always left open to
// allow different closing behavior on the client and server.
func (l *loopyWriter) run() (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if l.logger.V(logLevel) {
			l.logger.Infof("loopyWriter exiting with error: %v", err)
		if !isIOError(err) {
	for {
		it, err := l.cbuf.get(true)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err = l.handle(it); err != nil {
			return err
		if _, err = l.processData(); err != nil {
			return err
		gosched := true
		for {
			it, err := l.cbuf.get(false)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if it != nil {
				if err = l.handle(it); err != nil {
					return err
				if _, err = l.processData(); err != nil {
					return err
				continue hasdata
			isEmpty, err := l.processData()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if !isEmpty {
				continue hasdata
			if gosched {
				gosched = false
				if l.framer.writer.offset < minBatchSize {
					continue hasdata
			break hasdata

func (l *loopyWriter) outgoingWindowUpdateHandler(w *outgoingWindowUpdate) error {
	return l.framer.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(w.streamID, w.increment)

func (l *loopyWriter) incomingWindowUpdateHandler(w *incomingWindowUpdate) {
	// Otherwise update the quota.
	if w.streamID == 0 {
		l.sendQuota += w.increment
	// Find the stream and update it.
	if str, ok := l.estdStreams[w.streamID]; ok {
		str.bytesOutStanding -= int(w.increment)
		if strQuota := int(l.oiws) - str.bytesOutStanding; strQuota > 0 && str.state == waitingOnStreamQuota {
			str.state = active

func (l *loopyWriter) outgoingSettingsHandler(s *outgoingSettings) error {
	return l.framer.fr.WriteSettings(s.ss...)

func (l *loopyWriter) incomingSettingsHandler(s *incomingSettings) error {
	return l.framer.fr.WriteSettingsAck()

func (l *loopyWriter) registerStreamHandler(h *registerStream) {
	str := &outStream{
		id:    h.streamID,
		state: empty,
		itl:   &itemList{},
		wq:    h.wq,
	l.estdStreams[h.streamID] = str

func (l *loopyWriter) headerHandler(h *headerFrame) error {
	if l.side == serverSide {
		str, ok := l.estdStreams[h.streamID]
		if !ok {
			if l.logger.V(logLevel) {
				l.logger.Infof("Unrecognized streamID %d in loopyWriter", h.streamID)
			return nil
		// Case 1.A: Server is responding back with headers.
		if !h.endStream {
			return l.writeHeader(h.streamID, h.endStream, h.hf, h.onWrite)
		// else:  Case 1.B: Server wants to close stream.

		if str.state != empty { // either active or waiting on stream quota.
			// add it str's list of items.
			return nil
		if err := l.writeHeader(h.streamID, h.endStream, h.hf, h.onWrite); err != nil {
			return err
		return l.cleanupStreamHandler(h.cleanup)
	// Case 2: Client wants to originate stream.
	str := &outStream{
		id:    h.streamID,
		state: empty,
		itl:   &itemList{},
		wq:    h.wq,
	return l.originateStream(str, h)

func (l *loopyWriter) originateStream(str *outStream, hdr *headerFrame) error {
	// l.draining is set when handling GoAway. In which case, we want to avoid
	// creating new streams.
	if l.draining {
		// TODO: provide a better error with the reason we are in draining.
		return nil
	if err := hdr.initStream(str.id); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := l.writeHeader(str.id, hdr.endStream, hdr.hf, hdr.onWrite); err != nil {
		return err
	l.estdStreams[str.id] = str
	return nil

func (l *loopyWriter) writeHeader(streamID uint32, endStream bool, hf []hpack.HeaderField, onWrite func()) error {
	if onWrite != nil {
	for _, f := range hf {
		if err := l.hEnc.WriteField(f); err != nil {
			if l.logger.V(logLevel) {
				l.logger.Warningf("Encountered error while encoding headers: %v", err)
	var (
		err               error
		endHeaders, first bool
	first = true
	for !endHeaders {
		size := l.hBuf.Len()
		if size > http2MaxFrameLen {
			size = http2MaxFrameLen
		} else {
			endHeaders = true
		if first {
			first = false
			err = l.framer.fr.WriteHeaders(http2.HeadersFrameParam{
				StreamID:      streamID,
				BlockFragment: l.hBuf.Next(size),
				EndStream:     endStream,
				EndHeaders:    endHeaders,
		} else {
			err = l.framer.fr.WriteContinuation(
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

func (l *loopyWriter) preprocessData(df *dataFrame) {
	str, ok := l.estdStreams[df.streamID]
	if !ok {
	// If we got data for a stream it means that
	// stream was originated and the headers were sent out.
	if str.state == empty {
		str.state = active

func (l *loopyWriter) pingHandler(p *ping) error {
	if !p.ack {
	return l.framer.fr.WritePing(p.ack, p.data)


func (l *loopyWriter) outFlowControlSizeRequestHandler(o *outFlowControlSizeRequest) {
	o.resp <- l.sendQuota

func (l *loopyWriter) cleanupStreamHandler(c *cleanupStream) error {
	if str, ok := l.estdStreams[c.streamID]; ok {
		// On the server side it could be a trailers-only response or
		// a RST_STREAM before stream initialization thus the stream might
		// not be established yet.
		delete(l.estdStreams, c.streamID)
		for head := str.itl.dequeueAll(); head != nil; head = head.next {
			if df, ok := head.it.(*dataFrame); ok {
				_ = df.reader.Close()
	if c.rst { // If RST_STREAM needs to be sent.
		if err := l.framer.fr.WriteRSTStream(c.streamID, c.rstCode); err != nil {
			return err
	if l.draining && len(l.estdStreams) == 0 {
		// Flush and close the connection; we are done with it.
		return errors.New("finished processing active streams while in draining mode")
	return nil

func (l *loopyWriter) earlyAbortStreamHandler(eas *earlyAbortStream) error {
	if l.side == clientSide {
		return errors.New("earlyAbortStream not handled on client")
	// In case the caller forgets to set the http status, default to 200.
	if eas.httpStatus == 0 {
		eas.httpStatus = 200
	headerFields := []hpack.HeaderField{
		{Name: ":status", Value: strconv.Itoa(int(eas.httpStatus))},
		{Name: "content-type", Value: grpcutil.ContentType(eas.contentSubtype)},
		{Name: "grpc-status", Value: strconv.Itoa(int(eas.status.Code()))},
		{Name: "grpc-message", Value: encodeGrpcMessage(eas.status.Message())},

	if err := l.writeHeader(eas.streamID, true, headerFields, nil); err != nil {
		return err
	if eas.rst {
		if err := l.framer.fr.WriteRSTStream(eas.streamID, http2.ErrCodeNo); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

func (l *loopyWriter) incomingGoAwayHandler(*incomingGoAway) error {
	if l.side == clientSide {
		l.draining = true
		if len(l.estdStreams) == 0 {
			// Flush and close the connection; we are done with it.
			return errors.New("received GOAWAY with no active streams")
	return nil

func (l *loopyWriter) goAwayHandler(g *goAway) error {
	// Handling of outgoing GoAway is very specific to side.
	if l.ssGoAwayHandler != nil {
		draining, err := l.ssGoAwayHandler(g)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		l.draining = draining
	return nil

func (l *loopyWriter) handle(i any) error {
	switch i := i.(type) {
	case *incomingWindowUpdate:
	case *outgoingWindowUpdate:
		return l.outgoingWindowUpdateHandler(i)
	case *incomingSettings:
		return l.incomingSettingsHandler(i)
	case *outgoingSettings:
		return l.outgoingSettingsHandler(i)
	case *headerFrame:
		return l.headerHandler(i)
	case *registerStream:
	case *cleanupStream:
		return l.cleanupStreamHandler(i)
	case *earlyAbortStream:
		return l.earlyAbortStreamHandler(i)
	case *incomingGoAway:
		return l.incomingGoAwayHandler(i)
	case *dataFrame:
	case *ping:
		return l.pingHandler(i)
	case *goAway:
		return l.goAwayHandler(i)
	case *outFlowControlSizeRequest:
	case closeConnection:
		// Just return a non-I/O error and run() will flush and close the
		// connection.
		return ErrConnClosing
		return fmt.Errorf("transport: unknown control message type %T", i)
	return nil

func (l *loopyWriter) applySettings(ss []http2.Setting) {
	for _, s := range ss {
		switch s.ID {
		case http2.SettingInitialWindowSize:
			o := l.oiws
			l.oiws = s.Val
			if o < l.oiws {
				// If the new limit is greater make all depleted streams active.
				for _, stream := range l.estdStreams {
					if stream.state == waitingOnStreamQuota {
						stream.state = active
		case http2.SettingHeaderTableSize:
			updateHeaderTblSize(l.hEnc, s.Val)

// processData removes the first stream from active streams, writes out at most 16KB
// of its data and then puts it at the end of activeStreams if there's still more data
// to be sent and stream has some stream-level flow control.
func (l *loopyWriter) processData() (bool, error) {
	if l.sendQuota == 0 {
		return true, nil
	str := l.activeStreams.dequeue() // Remove the first stream.
	if str == nil {
		return true, nil
	dataItem := str.itl.peek().(*dataFrame) // Peek at the first data item this stream.
	// A data item is represented by a dataFrame, since it later translates into
	// multiple HTTP2 data frames.
	// Every dataFrame has two buffers; h that keeps grpc-message header and data
	// that is the actual message. As an optimization to keep wire traffic low, data
	// from data is copied to h to make as big as the maximum possible HTTP2 frame
	// size.

	if len(dataItem.h) == 0 && dataItem.reader.Remaining() == 0 { // Empty data frame
		// Client sends out empty data frame with endStream = true
		if err := l.framer.fr.WriteData(dataItem.streamID, dataItem.endStream, nil); err != nil {
			return false, err
		str.itl.dequeue() // remove the empty data item from stream
		_ = dataItem.reader.Close()
		if str.itl.isEmpty() {
			str.state = empty
		} else if trailer, ok := str.itl.peek().(*headerFrame); ok { // the next item is trailers.
			if err := l.writeHeader(trailer.streamID, trailer.endStream, trailer.hf, trailer.onWrite); err != nil {
				return false, err
			if err := l.cleanupStreamHandler(trailer.cleanup); err != nil {
				return false, err
		} else {
		return false, nil

	// Figure out the maximum size we can send
	maxSize := http2MaxFrameLen
	if strQuota := int(l.oiws) - str.bytesOutStanding; strQuota <= 0 { // stream-level flow control.
		str.state = waitingOnStreamQuota
		return false, nil
	} else if maxSize > strQuota {
		maxSize = strQuota
	if maxSize > int(l.sendQuota) { // connection-level flow control.
		maxSize = int(l.sendQuota)
	// Compute how much of the header and data we can send within quota and max frame length
	hSize := min(maxSize, len(dataItem.h))
	dSize := min(maxSize-hSize, dataItem.reader.Remaining())
	remainingBytes := len(dataItem.h) + dataItem.reader.Remaining() - hSize - dSize
	size := hSize + dSize

	var buf *[]byte

	if hSize != 0 && dSize == 0 {
		buf = &dataItem.h
	} else {
		// Note: this is only necessary because the http2.Framer does not support
		// partially writing a frame, so the sequence must be materialized into a buffer.
		// TODO: Revisit once https://github.com/golang/go/issues/66655 is addressed.
		pool := l.bufferPool
		if pool == nil {
			// Note that this is only supposed to be nil in tests. Otherwise, stream is
			// always initialized with a BufferPool.
			pool = mem.DefaultBufferPool()
		buf = pool.Get(size)
		defer pool.Put(buf)

		copy((*buf)[:hSize], dataItem.h)
		_, _ = dataItem.reader.Read((*buf)[hSize:])

	// Now that outgoing flow controls are checked we can replenish str's write quota
	var endStream bool
	// If this is the last data message on this stream and all of it can be written in this iteration.
	if dataItem.endStream && remainingBytes == 0 {
		endStream = true
	if dataItem.onEachWrite != nil {
	if err := l.framer.fr.WriteData(dataItem.streamID, endStream, (*buf)[:size]); err != nil {
		return false, err
	str.bytesOutStanding += size
	l.sendQuota -= uint32(size)
	dataItem.h = dataItem.h[hSize:]

	if remainingBytes == 0 { // All the data from that message was written out.
		_ = dataItem.reader.Close()
	if str.itl.isEmpty() {
		str.state = empty
	} else if trailer, ok := str.itl.peek().(*headerFrame); ok { // The next item is trailers.
		if err := l.writeHeader(trailer.streamID, trailer.endStream, trailer.hf, trailer.onWrite); err != nil {
			return false, err
		if err := l.cleanupStreamHandler(trailer.cleanup); err != nil {
			return false, err
	} else if int(l.oiws)-str.bytesOutStanding <= 0 { // Ran out of stream quota.
		str.state = waitingOnStreamQuota
	} else { // Otherwise add it back to the list of active streams.
	return false, nil

func min(a, b int) int {
	if a < b {
		return a
	return b