/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import { gtsApi } from "../../gts-api"; import { HeaderPermission } from "../../../types/http-header-permissions"; const extended = gtsApi.injectEndpoints({ endpoints: (build) => ({ /* HTTP HEADER ALLOWS */ getHeaderAllows: build.query<HeaderPermission[], void>({ query: () => ({ url: `/api/v1/admin/header_allows` }), providesTags: (res) => res ? [ ...res.map(({ id }) => ({ type: "HTTPHeaderAllows" as const, id })), { type: "HTTPHeaderAllows", id: "LIST" }, ] : [{ type: "HTTPHeaderAllows", id: "LIST" }], }), getHeaderAllow: build.query<HeaderPermission, string>({ query: (id) => ({ url: `/api/v1/admin/header_allows/${id}` }), providesTags: (_res, _error, id) => [{ type: "HTTPHeaderAllows", id }], }), postHeaderAllow: build.mutation<HeaderPermission, { header: string, regex: string }>({ query: (formData) => ({ method: "POST", url: `/api/v1/admin/header_allows`, asForm: true, body: formData, discardEmpty: true }), invalidatesTags: [{ type: "HTTPHeaderAllows", id: "LIST" }], }), deleteHeaderAllow: build.mutation<HeaderPermission, string>({ query: (id) => ({ method: "DELETE", url: `/api/v1/admin/header_allows/${id}` }), invalidatesTags: (_res, _error, id) => [{ type: "HTTPHeaderAllows", id }], }), /* HTTP HEADER BLOCKS */ getHeaderBlocks: build.query<HeaderPermission[], void>({ query: () => ({ url: `/api/v1/admin/header_blocks` }), providesTags: (res) => res ? [ ...res.map(({ id }) => ({ type: "HTTPHeaderBlocks" as const, id })), { type: "HTTPHeaderBlocks", id: "LIST" }, ] : [{ type: "HTTPHeaderBlocks", id: "LIST" }], }), postHeaderBlock: build.mutation<HeaderPermission, { header: string, regex: string }>({ query: (formData) => ({ method: "POST", url: `/api/v1/admin/header_blocks`, asForm: true, body: formData, discardEmpty: true }), invalidatesTags: [{ type: "HTTPHeaderBlocks", id: "LIST" }], }), getHeaderBlock: build.query<HeaderPermission, string>({ query: (id) => ({ url: `/api/v1/admin/header_blocks/${id}` }), providesTags: (_res, _error, id) => [{ type: "HTTPHeaderBlocks", id }], }), deleteHeaderBlock: build.mutation<HeaderPermission, string>({ query: (id) => ({ method: "DELETE", url: `/api/v1/admin/header_blocks/${id}` }), invalidatesTags: (_res, _error, id) => [{ type: "HTTPHeaderBlocks", id }], }), }), }); /** * Get admin view of all HTTP header allow regexes. */ const useGetHeaderAllowsQuery = extended.useGetHeaderAllowsQuery; /** * Get admin view of one HTTP header allow regex. */ const useGetHeaderAllowQuery = extended.useGetHeaderAllowQuery; /** * Create a new HTTP header allow regex. */ const usePostHeaderAllowMutation = extended.usePostHeaderAllowMutation; /** * Delete one HTTP header allow regex. */ const useDeleteHeaderAllowMutation = extended.useDeleteHeaderAllowMutation; /** * Get admin view of all HTTP header block regexes. */ const useGetHeaderBlocksQuery = extended.useGetHeaderBlocksQuery; /** * Get admin view of one HTTP header block regex. */ const useGetHeaderBlockQuery = extended.useGetHeaderBlockQuery; /** * Create a new HTTP header block regex. */ const usePostHeaderBlockMutation = extended.usePostHeaderBlockMutation; /** * Delete one HTTP header block regex. */ const useDeleteHeaderBlockMutation = extended.useDeleteHeaderBlockMutation; export { useGetHeaderAllowsQuery, useGetHeaderAllowQuery, usePostHeaderAllowMutation, useDeleteHeaderAllowMutation, useGetHeaderBlocksQuery, useGetHeaderBlockQuery, usePostHeaderBlockMutation, useDeleteHeaderBlockMutation, };