Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
import React, { ReactNode, useState } from "react";
import { useLocation, useParams } from "wouter";
import { useBaseUrl } from "../../../../lib/navigation/util";
import BackButton from "../../../../components/back-button";
import { useGetDomainPermissionSubscriptionQuery, useRemoveDomainPermissionSubscriptionMutation, useTestDomainPermissionSubscriptionMutation, useUpdateDomainPermissionSubscriptionMutation } from "../../../../lib/query/admin/domain-permissions/subscriptions";
import { useBoolInput, useNumberInput, useTextInput } from "../../../../lib/form";
import FormWithData from "../../../../lib/form/form-with-data";
import { DomainPerm, DomainPermSub } from "../../../../lib/types/domain-permission";
import MutationButton from "../../../../components/form/mutation-button";
import { Checkbox, NumberInput, Select, TextInput } from "../../../../components/form/inputs";
import useFormSubmit from "../../../../lib/form/submit";
import UsernameLozenge from "../../../../components/username-lozenge";
import { urlValidator } from "../../../../lib/util/formvalidators";
import { PageableList } from "../../../../components/pageable-list";
export default function DomainPermissionSubscriptionDetail() {
const params = useParams();
let id = params.permSubId as string | undefined;
if (!id) {
throw "no permSub ID";
return (
function DomainPermSubForm({ data: permSub }: { data: DomainPermSub }) {
const baseUrl = useBaseUrl();
const backLocation: string = history.state?.backLocation ?? `~${baseUrl}/subscriptions/search`;
return (
Domain Permission Subscription Detail
function DomainPermSubDetails({ permSub }: { permSub: DomainPermSub }) {
const [ location ] = useLocation();
const baseUrl = useBaseUrl();
const permType = permSub.permission_type;
if (!permType) {
throw "permission_type was undefined";
const created = new Date(permSub.created_at).toDateString();
let fetchedAtStr = "never";
if (permSub.fetched_at) {
fetchedAtStr = new Date(permSub.fetched_at).toDateString();
let successfullyFetchedAtStr = "never";
if (permSub.successfully_fetched_at) {
successfullyFetchedAtStr = new Date(permSub.successfully_fetched_at).toDateString();
return (
Permission type:
Created By
Last fetch attempt:
Last successful fetch:
Discovered {permSub.permission_type}s:
function UpdateDomainPermSub({ permSub }: { permSub: DomainPermSub }) {
const [ showPassword, setShowPassword ] = useState(false);
const form = {
priority: useNumberInput("priority", { source: permSub }),
uri: useTextInput("uri", {
source: permSub,
validator: urlValidator,
content_type: useTextInput("content_type", { source: permSub }),
title: useTextInput("title", { source: permSub }),
as_draft: useBoolInput("as_draft", { source: permSub }),
adopt_orphans: useBoolInput("adopt_orphans", { source: permSub }),
useBasicAuth: useBoolInput("useBasicAuth", {
(permSub.fetch_password !== undefined && permSub.fetch_password !== "") ||
(permSub.fetch_username !== undefined && permSub.fetch_username !== ""),
nosubmit: true
fetch_username: useTextInput("fetch_username", {
source: permSub
fetch_password: useTextInput("fetch_password", {
source: permSub
const [submitUpdate, updateResult] = useFormSubmit(
changedOnly: true,
customizeMutationArgs: (mutationData) => {
// Clear username + password if they were set,
// but user has selected to not use basic auth.
if (!form.useBasicAuth.value) {
if (permSub.fetch_username !== undefined && permSub.fetch_username !== "") {
mutationData["fetch_username"] = "";
if (permSub.fetch_password !== undefined && permSub.fetch_password !== "") {
mutationData["fetch_password"] = "";
// Remove useBasicAuth if included.
delete mutationData["useBasicAuth"];
// Modify mutation argument to
// include ID and permission type.
return {
id: permSub.id,
permType: permSub.permission_type,
formData: mutationData,
onFinish: res => {
// On a successful response that returns data,
// clear the fetch_username and fetch_password
// fields if they weren't set on the returned sub.
if (res.data) {
if (res.data.fetch_username === undefined || res.data.fetch_username === "") {
if (res.data.fetch_password === undefined || res.data.fetch_password === "") {
const submitDisabled = () => {
// If no basic auth, we don't care what
// fetch_password and fetch_username are.
if (!form.useBasicAuth.value) {
return false;
// Either of fetch_password or fetch_username must be set.
return !(form.fetch_password.value || form.fetch_username.value);
return (
function DeleteDomainPermSub({ permSub, backLocation }: { permSub: DomainPermSub, backLocation: string }) {
const permType = permSub.permission_type;
if (!permType) {
throw "permission_type was undefined";
const [_location, setLocation] = useLocation();
const [ removeSub, result ] = useRemoveDomainPermissionSubscriptionMutation();
const removeChildren = useBoolInput("remove_children", { defaultValue: false });
return (
function TestDomainPermSub({ permSub }: { permSub: DomainPermSub }) {
const permType = permSub.permission_type;
if (!permType) {
throw "permission_type was undefined";
const [ testSub, testRes ] = useTestDomainPermissionSubscriptionMutation();
const onSubmit = (e) => {
// Function to map an item to a list entry.
function itemToEntry(perm: DomainPerm): ReactNode {
return (
{ perm.domain }
{ perm.public_comment && <>({ perm.public_comment })> }
return (
{ testRes.data && "error" in testRes.data
The following issue was encountered when doing a fetch + parse:
{ testRes.data.error } This may be due to a temporary outage at the remote URL,
or you may wish to check your subscription settings and test again.
: <>
{ testRes.data && `${testRes.data?.length} ${permType}s would be created by this subscription:`}
No entries!}