#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import pathlib import sys def main(): cli = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="media-to-borg-patterns", description="""Generate Borg patterns to backup media files belonging to this instance. You can pass the output to Borg or Borgmatic as a patterns file. For example: gotosocial admin media list-local | media-to-borg-patterns . You can pass a second argument, the destination file, to write the patterns in. If it's ommitted the patterns will be emitted on stdout instead and you can redirect the output to a file yourself. """, epilog="Be gay, do backups. Trans rights!" ) cli.add_argument("storageroot", type=pathlib.Path, help="same value as storage-local-base-path in your GoToSocial configuration") cli.add_argument("destination", nargs="?", type=pathlib.Path, help="file to write patterns to, or stdout if ommitted") args = cli.parse_args() output = open(args.destination, 'w') if args.destination else sys.stdout # Start recursing from the storage root, including the storage root itself output.write("R "+str(args.storageroot)+"\n") prefixes=set() for line in sys.stdin: # Skip any log lines if "msg=" in line: continue # Reduce the path to the storage path plus the account ID. By # doing this we can emit path-prefix patterns, one for each account, # instead of a path-file pattern for each file. prefixes.add(os.path.join(*line.split("/")[:-3])) for prefix in prefixes: # Add a path-prefix, pp:, for each path we want to include. output.write("+ pp:"+os.path.join(os.path.sep, prefix)+"\n") # Exclude every file and directory under the storage root. This excludes # everything that wasn't matched by any of our prior patterns. This turns # the emitted patterns into an "include only" list. output.write("- "+os.path.join(args.storageroot, "*")+"\n") if output is not sys.stdout: output.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()