/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import { replaceCacheOnMutation, removeFromCacheOnMutation } from "../query-modifiers"; import { gtsApi } from "../gts-api"; import { listToKeyedObject } from "../transforms"; import type { ActionAccountParams, AdminAccount, HandleSignupParams, SearchAccountParams, SearchAccountResp } from "../../types/account"; import type { InstanceRule, MappedRules } from "../../types/rules"; import parse from "parse-link-header"; const extended = gtsApi.injectEndpoints({ endpoints: (build) => ({ updateInstance: build.mutation({ query: (formData) => ({ method: "PATCH", url: `/api/v1/instance`, asForm: true, body: formData, discardEmpty: true, }), ...replaceCacheOnMutation("instanceV1"), }), getAccount: build.query({ query: (id) => ({ url: `/api/v1/admin/accounts/${id}`, }), providesTags: (_result, _error, id) => [ { type: 'Account', id }, ], }), searchAccounts: build.query({ query: (form) => { const params = new(URLSearchParams); Object.entries(form).forEach(([k, v]) => { if (v !== undefined) { params.append(k, v); } }); let query = ""; if (params.size !== 0) { query = `?${params.toString()}`; } return { url: `/api/v2/admin/accounts${query}`, }; }, // Headers required for paging. transformResponse: (apiResp: AdminAccount[], meta) => { const accounts = apiResp; const linksStr = meta?.response?.headers.get("Link"); const links = parse(linksStr); return { accounts, links }; }, // Only provide LIST tag id since this model is not the // same as getAccount model (due to transformResponse). providesTags: [{ type: "Account", id: "TRANSFORMED" }], }), actionAccount: build.mutation({ query: ({ id, action, reason }) => ({ method: "POST", url: `/api/v1/admin/accounts/${id}/action`, asForm: true, body: { type: action, text: reason, }, }), // Do an optimistic update on this account to mark // it according to whatever action was submitted. async onQueryStarted({ id, action }, { dispatch, queryFulfilled }) { const patchResult = dispatch( extended.util.updateQueryData("getAccount", id, (draft) => { if (action === "suspend") { draft.suspended = true; draft.account.suspended = true; } }), ); // Revert optimistic // update if query fails. try { await queryFulfilled; } catch { patchResult.undo(); } }, }), handleSignup: build.mutation({ query: ({id, approve_or_reject, ...formData}) => { return { method: "POST", url: `/api/v1/admin/accounts/${id}/${approve_or_reject}`, asForm: true, body: approve_or_reject === "reject" && formData, }; }, // Do an optimistic update on this account to mark it approved // if approved was true, else just invalidate getAccount. async onQueryStarted({ id, approve_or_reject }, { dispatch, queryFulfilled }) { if (approve_or_reject === "reject") { // Just invalidate this ID and getAccounts. dispatch(extended.util.invalidateTags([ { type: "Account", id: id }, { type: "Account", id: "TRANSFORMED" }, ])); return; } const patchResult = dispatch( extended.util.updateQueryData("getAccount", id, (draft) => { draft.approved = true; }), ); // Revert optimistic // update if query fails. try { await queryFulfilled; } catch { patchResult.undo(); } }, }), instanceRules: build.query({ query: () => ({ url: `/api/v1/admin/instance/rules`, }), transformResponse: listToKeyedObject("id"), }), addInstanceRule: build.mutation({ query: (formData) => ({ method: "POST", url: `/api/v1/admin/instance/rules`, asForm: true, body: formData, discardEmpty: true, }), transformResponse: listToKeyedObject("id"), ...replaceCacheOnMutation("instanceRules"), }), updateInstanceRule: build.mutation({ query: ({ id, ...edit }) => ({ method: "PATCH", url: `/api/v1/admin/instance/rules/${id}`, asForm: true, body: edit, discardEmpty: true, }), transformResponse: (data) => { return { [data.id]: data, }; }, ...replaceCacheOnMutation("instanceRules"), }), deleteInstanceRule: build.mutation({ query: (id) => ({ method: "DELETE", url: `/api/v1/admin/instance/rules/${id}`, }), ...removeFromCacheOnMutation("instanceRules", { key: (_draft, rule) => rule.id, }), }), }), }); export const { useUpdateInstanceMutation, useGetAccountQuery, useLazyGetAccountQuery, useActionAccountMutation, useSearchAccountsQuery, useLazySearchAccountsQuery, useHandleSignupMutation, useInstanceRulesQuery, useAddInstanceRuleMutation, useUpdateInstanceRuleMutation, useDeleteInstanceRuleMutation, } = extended;