// Code generated by astool. DO NOT EDIT.

package streams

// ActivityStreamsAcceptName is the string literal of the name for the Accept type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAcceptName string = "Accept"

// ActivityStreamsActivityName is the string literal of the name for the Activity type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsActivityName string = "Activity"

// ActivityStreamsAddName is the string literal of the name for the Add type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAddName string = "Add"

// ActivityStreamsAnnounceName is the string literal of the name for the Announce type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAnnounceName string = "Announce"

// ActivityStreamsApplicationName is the string literal of the name for the Application type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsApplicationName string = "Application"

// ActivityStreamsArriveName is the string literal of the name for the Arrive type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsArriveName string = "Arrive"

// ActivityStreamsArticleName is the string literal of the name for the Article type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsArticleName string = "Article"

// ActivityStreamsAudioName is the string literal of the name for the Audio type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAudioName string = "Audio"

// ActivityStreamsBlockName is the string literal of the name for the Block type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsBlockName string = "Block"

// ForgeFedBranchName is the string literal of the name for the Branch type in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedBranchName string = "Branch"

// ActivityStreamsCollectionName is the string literal of the name for the Collection type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsCollectionName string = "Collection"

// ActivityStreamsCollectionPageName is the string literal of the name for the CollectionPage type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsCollectionPageName string = "CollectionPage"

// ForgeFedCommitName is the string literal of the name for the Commit type in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedCommitName string = "Commit"

// ActivityStreamsCreateName is the string literal of the name for the Create type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsCreateName string = "Create"

// ActivityStreamsDeleteName is the string literal of the name for the Delete type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsDeleteName string = "Delete"

// ActivityStreamsDislikeName is the string literal of the name for the Dislike type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsDislikeName string = "Dislike"

// ActivityStreamsDocumentName is the string literal of the name for the Document type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsDocumentName string = "Document"

// TootEmojiName is the string literal of the name for the Emoji type in the Toot vocabulary.
var TootEmojiName string = "Emoji"

// ActivityStreamsEndpointsName is the string literal of the name for the Endpoints type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsEndpointsName string = "Endpoints"

// ActivityStreamsEventName is the string literal of the name for the Event type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsEventName string = "Event"

// ActivityStreamsFlagName is the string literal of the name for the Flag type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsFlagName string = "Flag"

// ActivityStreamsFollowName is the string literal of the name for the Follow type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsFollowName string = "Follow"

// ActivityStreamsGroupName is the string literal of the name for the Group type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsGroupName string = "Group"

// TootIdentityProofName is the string literal of the name for the IdentityProof type in the Toot vocabulary.
var TootIdentityProofName string = "IdentityProof"

// ActivityStreamsIgnoreName is the string literal of the name for the Ignore type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsIgnoreName string = "Ignore"

// ActivityStreamsImageName is the string literal of the name for the Image type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsImageName string = "Image"

// ActivityStreamsIntransitiveActivityName is the string literal of the name for the IntransitiveActivity type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsIntransitiveActivityName string = "IntransitiveActivity"

// ActivityStreamsInviteName is the string literal of the name for the Invite type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsInviteName string = "Invite"

// ActivityStreamsJoinName is the string literal of the name for the Join type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsJoinName string = "Join"

// ActivityStreamsLeaveName is the string literal of the name for the Leave type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsLeaveName string = "Leave"

// ActivityStreamsLikeName is the string literal of the name for the Like type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsLikeName string = "Like"

// ActivityStreamsLinkName is the string literal of the name for the Link type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsLinkName string = "Link"

// ActivityStreamsListenName is the string literal of the name for the Listen type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsListenName string = "Listen"

// ActivityStreamsMentionName is the string literal of the name for the Mention type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsMentionName string = "Mention"

// ActivityStreamsMoveName is the string literal of the name for the Move type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsMoveName string = "Move"

// ActivityStreamsNoteName is the string literal of the name for the Note type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsNoteName string = "Note"

// ActivityStreamsObjectName is the string literal of the name for the Object type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsObjectName string = "Object"

// ActivityStreamsOfferName is the string literal of the name for the Offer type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsOfferName string = "Offer"

// ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionName is the string literal of the name for the OrderedCollection type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionName string = "OrderedCollection"

// ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPageName is the string literal of the name for the OrderedCollectionPage type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPageName string = "OrderedCollectionPage"

// ActivityStreamsOrganizationName is the string literal of the name for the Organization type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsOrganizationName string = "Organization"

// ActivityStreamsPageName is the string literal of the name for the Page type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsPageName string = "Page"

// ActivityStreamsPersonName is the string literal of the name for the Person type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsPersonName string = "Person"

// ActivityStreamsPlaceName is the string literal of the name for the Place type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsPlaceName string = "Place"

// ActivityStreamsProfileName is the string literal of the name for the Profile type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsProfileName string = "Profile"

// W3IDSecurityV1PublicKeyName is the string literal of the name for the PublicKey type in the W3IDSecurityV1 vocabulary.
var W3IDSecurityV1PublicKeyName string = "PublicKey"

// ForgeFedPushName is the string literal of the name for the Push type in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedPushName string = "Push"

// ActivityStreamsQuestionName is the string literal of the name for the Question type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsQuestionName string = "Question"

// ActivityStreamsReadName is the string literal of the name for the Read type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsReadName string = "Read"

// ActivityStreamsRejectName is the string literal of the name for the Reject type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsRejectName string = "Reject"

// ActivityStreamsRelationshipName is the string literal of the name for the Relationship type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsRelationshipName string = "Relationship"

// ActivityStreamsRemoveName is the string literal of the name for the Remove type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsRemoveName string = "Remove"

// ForgeFedRepositoryName is the string literal of the name for the Repository type in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedRepositoryName string = "Repository"

// ActivityStreamsServiceName is the string literal of the name for the Service type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsServiceName string = "Service"

// ActivityStreamsTentativeAcceptName is the string literal of the name for the TentativeAccept type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsTentativeAcceptName string = "TentativeAccept"

// ActivityStreamsTentativeRejectName is the string literal of the name for the TentativeReject type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsTentativeRejectName string = "TentativeReject"

// ForgeFedTicketName is the string literal of the name for the Ticket type in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedTicketName string = "Ticket"

// ForgeFedTicketDependencyName is the string literal of the name for the TicketDependency type in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedTicketDependencyName string = "TicketDependency"

// ActivityStreamsTombstoneName is the string literal of the name for the Tombstone type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsTombstoneName string = "Tombstone"

// ActivityStreamsTravelName is the string literal of the name for the Travel type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsTravelName string = "Travel"

// ActivityStreamsUndoName is the string literal of the name for the Undo type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsUndoName string = "Undo"

// ActivityStreamsUpdateName is the string literal of the name for the Update type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsUpdateName string = "Update"

// ActivityStreamsVideoName is the string literal of the name for the Video type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsVideoName string = "Video"

// ActivityStreamsViewName is the string literal of the name for the View type in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsViewName string = "View"

// ActivityStreamsAccuracyPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the accuracy property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAccuracyPropertyName string = "accuracy"

// ActivityStreamsActorPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the actor property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsActorPropertyName string = "actor"

// ActivityStreamsAltitudePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the altitude property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAltitudePropertyName string = "altitude"

// ActivityStreamsAnyOfPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the anyOf property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAnyOfPropertyName string = "anyOf"

// ForgeFedAssignedToPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the assignedTo property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedAssignedToPropertyName string = "assignedTo"

// ActivityStreamsAttachmentPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the attachment property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAttachmentPropertyName string = "attachment"

// ActivityStreamsAttributedToPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the attributedTo property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAttributedToPropertyName string = "attributedTo"

// ActivityStreamsAudiencePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the audience property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsAudiencePropertyName string = "audience"

// ActivityStreamsBccPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the bcc property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsBccPropertyName string = "bcc"

// TootBlurhashPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the blurhash property in the Toot vocabulary.
var TootBlurhashPropertyName string = "blurhash"

// ActivityStreamsBtoPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the bto property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsBtoPropertyName string = "bto"

// ActivityStreamsCcPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the cc property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsCcPropertyName string = "cc"

// ActivityStreamsClosedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the closed property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsClosedPropertyName string = "closed"

// ForgeFedCommittedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the committed property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedCommittedPropertyName string = "committed"

// ForgeFedCommittedByPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the committedBy property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedCommittedByPropertyName string = "committedBy"

// ActivityStreamsContentPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the content property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsContentPropertyName string = "content"

// ActivityStreamsContentPropertyMapName is the string literal of the name for the content property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary when it is a natural language map.
var ActivityStreamsContentPropertyMapName string = "contentMap"

// ActivityStreamsContextPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the context property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsContextPropertyName string = "context"

// ActivityStreamsCurrentPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the current property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsCurrentPropertyName string = "current"

// ActivityStreamsDeletedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the deleted property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsDeletedPropertyName string = "deleted"

// ForgeFedDependantsPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the dependants property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedDependantsPropertyName string = "dependants"

// ForgeFedDependedByPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the dependedBy property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedDependedByPropertyName string = "dependedBy"

// ForgeFedDependenciesPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the dependencies property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedDependenciesPropertyName string = "dependencies"

// ForgeFedDependsOnPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the dependsOn property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedDependsOnPropertyName string = "dependsOn"

// ActivityStreamsDescribesPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the describes property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsDescribesPropertyName string = "describes"

// ForgeFedDescriptionPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the description property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedDescriptionPropertyName string = "description"

// TootDiscoverablePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the discoverable property in the Toot vocabulary.
var TootDiscoverablePropertyName string = "discoverable"

// ActivityStreamsDurationPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the duration property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsDurationPropertyName string = "duration"

// ForgeFedEarlyItemsPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the earlyItems property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedEarlyItemsPropertyName string = "earlyItems"

// ActivityStreamsEndTimePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the endTime property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsEndTimePropertyName string = "endTime"

// ActivityStreamsEndpointsPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the endpoints property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsEndpointsPropertyName string = "endpoints"

// TootFeaturedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the featured property in the Toot vocabulary.
var TootFeaturedPropertyName string = "featured"

// ForgeFedFilesAddedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the filesAdded property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedFilesAddedPropertyName string = "filesAdded"

// ForgeFedFilesModifiedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the filesModified property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedFilesModifiedPropertyName string = "filesModified"

// ForgeFedFilesRemovedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the filesRemoved property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedFilesRemovedPropertyName string = "filesRemoved"

// ActivityStreamsFirstPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the first property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsFirstPropertyName string = "first"

// ActivityStreamsFollowersPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the followers property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsFollowersPropertyName string = "followers"

// ActivityStreamsFollowingPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the following property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsFollowingPropertyName string = "following"

// ForgeFedForksPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the forks property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedForksPropertyName string = "forks"

// ActivityStreamsFormerTypePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the formerType property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsFormerTypePropertyName string = "formerType"

// ActivityStreamsGeneratorPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the generator property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsGeneratorPropertyName string = "generator"

// ForgeFedHashPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the hash property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedHashPropertyName string = "hash"

// ActivityStreamsHeightPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the height property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsHeightPropertyName string = "height"

// ActivityStreamsHrefPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the href property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsHrefPropertyName string = "href"

// ActivityStreamsHreflangPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the hreflang property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsHreflangPropertyName string = "hreflang"

// ActivityStreamsIconPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the icon property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsIconPropertyName string = "icon"

// ActivityStreamsImagePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the image property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsImagePropertyName string = "image"

// ActivityStreamsInReplyToPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the inReplyTo property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsInReplyToPropertyName string = "inReplyTo"

// ActivityStreamsInboxPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the inbox property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsInboxPropertyName string = "inbox"

// ActivityStreamsInstrumentPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the instrument property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsInstrumentPropertyName string = "instrument"

// ForgeFedIsResolvedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the isResolved property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedIsResolvedPropertyName string = "isResolved"

// ActivityStreamsItemsPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the items property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsItemsPropertyName string = "items"

// ActivityStreamsLastPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the last property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsLastPropertyName string = "last"

// ActivityStreamsLatitudePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the latitude property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsLatitudePropertyName string = "latitude"

// ActivityStreamsLikedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the liked property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsLikedPropertyName string = "liked"

// ActivityStreamsLikesPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the likes property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsLikesPropertyName string = "likes"

// ActivityStreamsLocationPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the location property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsLocationPropertyName string = "location"

// ActivityStreamsLongitudePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the longitude property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsLongitudePropertyName string = "longitude"

// ActivityStreamsManuallyApprovesFollowersPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the manuallyApprovesFollowers property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsManuallyApprovesFollowersPropertyName string = "manuallyApprovesFollowers"

// ActivityStreamsMediaTypePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the mediaType property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsMediaTypePropertyName string = "mediaType"

// ActivityStreamsNamePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the name property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsNamePropertyName string = "name"

// ActivityStreamsNamePropertyMapName is the string literal of the name for the name property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary when it is a natural language map.
var ActivityStreamsNamePropertyMapName string = "nameMap"

// ActivityStreamsNextPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the next property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsNextPropertyName string = "next"

// ActivityStreamsObjectPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the object property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsObjectPropertyName string = "object"

// ActivityStreamsOneOfPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the oneOf property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsOneOfPropertyName string = "oneOf"

// ActivityStreamsOrderedItemsPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the orderedItems property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsOrderedItemsPropertyName string = "orderedItems"

// ActivityStreamsOriginPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the origin property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsOriginPropertyName string = "origin"

// ActivityStreamsOutboxPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the outbox property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsOutboxPropertyName string = "outbox"

// W3IDSecurityV1OwnerPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the owner property in the W3IDSecurityV1 vocabulary.
var W3IDSecurityV1OwnerPropertyName string = "owner"

// ActivityStreamsPartOfPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the partOf property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsPartOfPropertyName string = "partOf"

// ActivityStreamsPreferredUsernamePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the preferredUsername property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsPreferredUsernamePropertyName string = "preferredUsername"

// ActivityStreamsPreferredUsernamePropertyMapName is the string literal of the name for the preferredUsername property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary when it is a natural language map.
var ActivityStreamsPreferredUsernamePropertyMapName string = "preferredUsernameMap"

// ActivityStreamsPrevPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the prev property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsPrevPropertyName string = "prev"

// ActivityStreamsPreviewPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the preview property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsPreviewPropertyName string = "preview"

// W3IDSecurityV1PublicKeyPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the publicKey property in the W3IDSecurityV1 vocabulary.
var W3IDSecurityV1PublicKeyPropertyName string = "publicKey"

// W3IDSecurityV1PublicKeyPemPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the publicKeyPem property in the W3IDSecurityV1 vocabulary.
var W3IDSecurityV1PublicKeyPemPropertyName string = "publicKeyPem"

// ActivityStreamsPublishedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the published property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsPublishedPropertyName string = "published"

// ActivityStreamsRadiusPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the radius property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsRadiusPropertyName string = "radius"

// ForgeFedRefPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the ref property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedRefPropertyName string = "ref"

// ActivityStreamsRelPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the rel property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsRelPropertyName string = "rel"

// ActivityStreamsRelationshipPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the relationship property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsRelationshipPropertyName string = "relationship"

// ActivityStreamsRepliesPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the replies property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsRepliesPropertyName string = "replies"

// ActivityStreamsResultPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the result property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsResultPropertyName string = "result"

// ActivityStreamsSensitivePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the sensitive property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsSensitivePropertyName string = "sensitive"

// ActivityStreamsSharedInboxPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the sharedInbox property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsSharedInboxPropertyName string = "sharedInbox"

// ActivityStreamsSharesPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the shares property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsSharesPropertyName string = "shares"

// TootSignatureAlgorithmPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the signatureAlgorithm property in the Toot vocabulary.
var TootSignatureAlgorithmPropertyName string = "signatureAlgorithm"

// TootSignatureValuePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the signatureValue property in the Toot vocabulary.
var TootSignatureValuePropertyName string = "signatureValue"

// ActivityStreamsSourcePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the source property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsSourcePropertyName string = "source"

// ActivityStreamsStartIndexPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the startIndex property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsStartIndexPropertyName string = "startIndex"

// ActivityStreamsStartTimePropertyName is the string literal of the name for the startTime property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsStartTimePropertyName string = "startTime"

// ActivityStreamsStreamsPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the streams property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsStreamsPropertyName string = "streams"

// ActivityStreamsSubjectPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the subject property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsSubjectPropertyName string = "subject"

// ActivityStreamsSummaryPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the summary property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsSummaryPropertyName string = "summary"

// ActivityStreamsSummaryPropertyMapName is the string literal of the name for the summary property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary when it is a natural language map.
var ActivityStreamsSummaryPropertyMapName string = "summaryMap"

// ActivityStreamsTagPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the tag property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsTagPropertyName string = "tag"

// ActivityStreamsTargetPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the target property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsTargetPropertyName string = "target"

// ForgeFedTeamPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the team property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedTeamPropertyName string = "team"

// ForgeFedTicketsTrackedByPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the ticketsTrackedBy property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedTicketsTrackedByPropertyName string = "ticketsTrackedBy"

// ActivityStreamsToPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the to property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsToPropertyName string = "to"

// ActivityStreamsTotalItemsPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the totalItems property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsTotalItemsPropertyName string = "totalItems"

// ForgeFedTracksTicketsForPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the tracksTicketsFor property in the ForgeFed vocabulary.
var ForgeFedTracksTicketsForPropertyName string = "tracksTicketsFor"

// ActivityStreamsUnitsPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the units property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsUnitsPropertyName string = "units"

// ActivityStreamsUpdatedPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the updated property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsUpdatedPropertyName string = "updated"

// ActivityStreamsUrlPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the url property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsUrlPropertyName string = "url"

// TootVotersCountPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the votersCount property in the Toot vocabulary.
var TootVotersCountPropertyName string = "votersCount"

// ActivityStreamsWidthPropertyName is the string literal of the name for the width property in the ActivityStreams vocabulary.
var ActivityStreamsWidthPropertyName string = "width"