/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) 2021-2022 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; const Promise = require("bluebird"); const React = require("react"); const {Link} = require("wouter"); const defaultValue = require('default-value'); const prettierBytes = require("prettier-bytes"); const FakeToot = require("../../components/fake-toot"); const MutateButton = require("../../components/mutation-button"); const query = require("../../lib/query"); const base = "/settings/admin/custom-emoji"; module.exports = function EmojiOverview() { const { data: emoji, isLoading, error } = query.useGetAllEmojiQuery({filter: "domain:local"}); return ( <>

Custom Emoji

{error &&
} {isLoading ? "Loading..." : <> } ); }; function EmojiList({emoji}) { const byCategory = React.useMemo(() => { const categories = {}; emoji.forEach((emoji) => { let cat = defaultValue(emoji.category, "Unsorted"); categories[cat] = defaultValue(categories[cat], []); categories[cat].push(emoji); }); return categories; }, [emoji]); return (


{emoji.length == 0 && "No local emoji yet"} {Object.entries(byCategory).map(([category, entries]) => { return ; })}
); } function EmojiCategory({category, entries}) { return (
{entries.map((e) => { return ( {/* */} {e.shortcode} ); })}
); } function useFileInput({withPreview, maxSize}) { const [file, setFile] = React.useState(); const [imageURL, setImageURL] = React.useState(); const [info, setInfo] = React.useState("no file selected"); function onChange(e) { let file = e.target.files[0]; setFile(file); URL.revokeObjectURL(imageURL); if (file != undefined) { if (withPreview) { setImageURL(URL.createObjectURL(file)); } let size = prettierBytes(file.size); if (maxSize && file.size > maxSize) { size = {size}; } setInfo(<> {file.name} ({size}) ); } else { setInfo("no file selected"); } } function reset() { setFile(); URL.revokeObjectURL(imageURL); setInfo("no file selected"); } return [ onChange, reset, { file, imageURL, info: {info}, } ]; } // TODO: change form field code, maybe look into redux-final-form or similar // or evaluate if we even need to put most of this in the store function NewEmoji({emoji}) { const emojiCodes = React.useMemo(() => { return new Set(emoji.map((e) => e.shortcode)); }, [emoji]); const [addEmoji, result] = query.useAddEmojiMutation(); const [onFileChange, resetFile, {file, imageURL, info}] = useFileInput({ withPreview: true, maxSize: 50 * 1000 }); const [shortcode, setShortcode] = React.useState(""); const shortcodeRef = React.useRef(null); function onShortChange(e) { let input = e.target.value; setShortcode(input); } React.useEffect(() => { if (emojiCodes.has(shortcode)) { shortcodeRef.current.setCustomValidity("Shortcode already in use"); } else { shortcodeRef.current.setCustomValidity(""); } shortcodeRef.current.reportValidity(); }, [shortcode, shortcodeRef, emojiCodes]); React.useEffect(() => { if (shortcode.length == 0) { if (file != undefined) { let [name, _ext] = file.name.split("."); setShortcode(name); } } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [file]); function uploadEmoji(e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } Promise.try(() => { return addEmoji({ image: file, shortcode }); }).then(() => { resetFile(); setShortcode(""); }); } let emojiOrShortcode = `:${shortcode}:`; if (imageURL != undefined) { emojiOrShortcode = {shortcode}; } return (

Add new custom emoji

Look at this new custom emoji {emojiOrShortcode} isn't it cool?
); }