# Go SQLite VFS API This package implements the SQLite [OS Interface](https://sqlite.org/vfs.html) (aka VFS). It replaces the default SQLite VFS with a **pure Go** implementation, and exposes [interfaces](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3/vfs#VFS) that should allow you to implement your own custom VFSes. Since it is a from scratch reimplementation, there are naturally some ways it deviates from the original. The main differences are [file locking](#file-locking) and [WAL mode](#write-ahead-logging) support. ### File Locking POSIX advisory locks, which SQLite uses on Unix, are [broken by design](https://github.com/sqlite/sqlite/blob/b74eb0/src/os_unix.c#L1073-L1161). On Linux and macOS, this module uses [OFD locks](https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Open-File-Description-Locks.html) to synchronize access to database files. OFD locks are fully compatible with POSIX advisory locks. This module can also use [BSD locks](https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=flock&sektion=2), albeit with reduced concurrency (`BEGIN IMMEDIATE` behaves like `BEGIN EXCLUSIVE`). On BSD, macOS, and illumos, BSD locks are fully compatible with POSIX advisory locks; on Linux and z/OS, they are fully functional, but incompatible; elsewhere, they are very likely broken. BSD locks are the default on BSD and illumos, but you can opt into them with the `sqlite3_flock` build tag. On Windows, this module uses `LockFileEx` and `UnlockFileEx`, like SQLite. Otherwise, file locking is not supported, and you must use [`nolock=1`](https://sqlite.org/uri.html#urinolock) (or [`immutable=1`](https://sqlite.org/uri.html#uriimmutable)) to open database files. To use the [`database/sql`](https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql) driver with `nolock=1` you must disable connection pooling by calling [`db.SetMaxOpenConns(1)`](https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql#DB.SetMaxOpenConns). You can use [`vfs.SupportsFileLocking`](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3/vfs#SupportsFileLocking) to check if your build supports file locking. ### Write-Ahead Logging On 64-bit little-endian Unix, this module uses `mmap` to implement [shared-memory for the WAL-index](https://sqlite.org/wal.html#implementation_of_shared_memory_for_the_wal_index), like SQLite. To allow `mmap` to work, each connection needs to reserve up to 4GB of address space. To limit the address space each connection reserves, use [`WithMemoryLimitPages`](../tests/testcfg/testcfg.go). With [BSD locks](https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=flock&sektion=2) a WAL database can only be accessed by a single proccess. Other processes that attempt to access a database locked with BSD locks, will fail with the `SQLITE_PROTOCOL` error code. Otherwise, [WAL support is limited](https://sqlite.org/wal.html#noshm), and `EXCLUSIVE` locking mode must be set to create, read, and write WAL databases. To use `EXCLUSIVE` locking mode with the [`database/sql`](https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql) driver you must disable connection pooling by calling [`db.SetMaxOpenConns(1)`](https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql#DB.SetMaxOpenConns). You can use [`vfs.SupportsSharedMemory`](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3/vfs#SupportsSharedMemory) to check if your build supports shared memory. ### Batch-Atomic Write On 64-bit Linux, this module supports [batch-atomic writes](https://sqlite.org/cgi/src/technote/714) on the F2FS filesystem. ### Build Tags The VFS can be customized with a few build tags: - `sqlite3_flock` forces the use of BSD locks; it can be used on z/OS to enable locking, and elsewhere to test BSD locks. - `sqlite3_nosys` prevents importing [`x/sys`](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/sys); disables locking _and_ shared memory on all platforms. - `sqlite3_noshm` disables shared memory on all platforms. > [!IMPORTANT] > The default configuration of this package is compatible with the standard > [Unix and Windows SQLite VFSes](https://sqlite.org/vfs.html#multiple_vfses); > `sqlite3_flock` builds are compatible with the > [`unix-flock` VFS](https://sqlite.org/compile.html#enable_locking_style). > If incompatible file locking is used, accessing databases concurrently with > _other_ SQLite libraries will eventually corrupt data.