/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; window.HELP_IMPROVE_VIDEOJS = false; const Photoswipe = require("photoswipe/dist/umd/photoswipe.umd.min.js"); const PhotoswipeLightbox = require("photoswipe/dist/umd/photoswipe-lightbox.umd.min.js"); const PhotoswipeCaptionPlugin = require("photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin").default; const Plyr = require("plyr"); let [_, _user, type, id] = window.location.pathname.split("/"); if (type == "statuses") { let firstStatus = document.getElementsByClassName("thread")[0].children[0]; if (firstStatus.id != id) { document.getElementById(id).scrollIntoView(); } } const lightbox = new PhotoswipeLightbox({ gallery: '.photoswipe-gallery', children: '.photoswipe-slide', pswpModule: Photoswipe, }); new PhotoswipeCaptionPlugin(lightbox, { type: 'auto', captionContent(slide) { return slide.data.alt; } }); lightbox.addFilter('itemData', (item) => { const el = item.element; console.log(el); if (el && el.classList.contains("plyr-video")) { const parentNode = el._plyrContainer.parentNode; return { alt: el.getAttribute("alt"), _video: { open(c) { c.appendChild(el._plyrContainer); }, close() { parentNode.appendChild(el._plyrContainer); } }, width: parseInt(el.dataset.pswpWidth), height: parseInt(el.dataset.pswpHeight) }; } return item; }); lightbox.on("contentActivate", (e) => { const { content } = e; if (content.data._video != undefined) { console.log("activate", e); content.data._video.open(content.element); } }); lightbox.on("contentDeactivate", (e) => { const { content } = e; if (content.data._video != undefined) { console.log("deactivate", e); content.data._video.close(); } }); lightbox.on("close", function () { console.log("close", lightbox.pswp); if (lightbox.pswp.currSlide.data._video != undefined) { lightbox.pswp.currSlide.data._video.close(); } }); lightbox.init(); Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("text-spoiler")).forEach((spoiler) => { const button = spoiler.getElementsByClassName("button")[0]; if (button != undefined) { function update() { if (spoiler.open) { button.textContent = "Show less"; } else { button.textContent = "Show more"; } } update(); spoiler.addEventListener("toggle", update); } }); Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("plyr-video")).forEach((video) => { let player = new Plyr(video, { title: video.title, settings: ["loop"], disableContextMenu: false, hideControls: false, tooltips: { contrors: true, seek: true }, iconUrl: "/assets/plyr.svg", listeners: { fullscreen: () => { lightbox.loadAndOpen(parseInt(video.dataset.pswpIndex), { gallery: video.closest(".photoswipe-gallery") }); return false; } } }); player.elements.container.title = video.title; video._plyrContainer = player.elements.container; }); Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("video-spoiler")).forEach((spoiler) => { const video = spoiler.getElementsByClassName("plyr-video")[0]; if (video != undefined) { function update() { if (!spoiler.open) { video.pause(); } } spoiler.addEventListener("toggle", update); } });