{entries.length} {entries.length == 1 ? "entry uses" : "entries use"} a specific subdomain, which you might want to change to the main domain, as that includes all it's (future) subdomains.
> ); } interface DomainEntryIconProps { alreadyExists: boolean; suggestion: string; permTypeString: string; } function DomainEntryIcon({ alreadyExists, suggestion, permTypeString }: DomainEntryIconProps) { let icon; let text; if (suggestion) { icon = "fa-info-circle suggest-changes"; text = `Entry targets a specific subdomain, consider changing it to '${suggestion}'.`; } else if (alreadyExists) { icon = "fa-history permission-already-exists"; text = `Domain ${permTypeString} already exists.`; } if (!icon) { return null; } return ( <> {text} > ); }