/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; const Promise = require("bluebird"); const fileDownload = require("js-file-download"); const csv = require("papaparse"); const { nanoid } = require("nanoid"); const { isValidDomainBlock, hasBetterScope } = require("../../domain-block"); const { replaceCacheOnMutation, domainListToObject, unwrapRes } = require("../lib"); function parseDomainList(list) { if (list[0] == "[") { return JSON.parse(list); } else if (list.startsWith("#domain")) { // Mastodon CSV const { data, errors } = csv.parse(list, { header: true, transformHeader: (header) => header.slice(1), // removes starting '#' skipEmptyLines: true, dynamicTyping: true }); if (errors.length > 0) { let error = ""; errors.forEach((err) => { error += `${err.message} (line ${err.row})`; }); throw error; } return data; } else { return list.split("\n").map((line) => { let domain = line.trim(); let valid = true; if (domain.startsWith("http")) { try { domain = new URL(domain).hostname; } catch (e) { valid = false; } } return domain.length > 0 ? { domain, valid } : null; }).filter((a) => a); // not `null` } } function validateDomainList(list) { list.forEach((entry) => { if (entry.domain.startsWith("*.")) { // domain block always includes all subdomains, wildcard is meaningless here entry.domain = entry.domain.slice(2); } entry.valid = (entry.valid !== false) && isValidDomainBlock(entry.domain); if (entry.valid) { entry.suggest = hasBetterScope(entry.domain); } entry.checked = entry.valid; }); return list; } function deduplicateDomainList(list) { let domains = new Set(); return list.filter((entry) => { if (domains.has(entry.domain)) { return false; } else { domains.add(entry.domain); return true; } }); } module.exports = (build) => ({ processDomainList: build.mutation({ queryFn: (formData) => { return Promise.try(() => { if (formData.domains == undefined || formData.domains.length == 0) { throw "No domains entered"; } return parseDomainList(formData.domains); }).then((parsed) => { return deduplicateDomainList(parsed); }).then((deduped) => { return validateDomainList(deduped); }).then((data) => { data.forEach((entry) => { entry.key = nanoid(); // unique id that stays stable even if domain gets modified by user }); return { data }; }).catch((e) => { return { error: e.toString() }; }); } }), exportDomainList: build.mutation({ queryFn: (formData, api, _extraOpts, baseQuery) => { let process; if (formData.exportType == "json") { process = { transformEntry: (entry) => ({ domain: entry.domain, public_comment: entry.public_comment, obfuscate: entry.obfuscate }), stringify: (list) => JSON.stringify(list), extension: ".json", mime: "application/json" }; } else if (formData.exportType == "csv") { process = { transformEntry: (entry) => [ entry.domain, "suspend", // severity false, // reject_media false, // reject_reports entry.public_comment, entry.obfuscate ?? false ], stringify: (list) => csv.unparse({ fields: "#domain,#severity,#reject_media,#reject_reports,#public_comment,#obfuscate".split(","), data: list }), extension: ".csv", mime: "text/csv" }; } else { process = { transformEntry: (entry) => entry.domain, stringify: (list) => list.join("\n"), extension: ".txt", mime: "text/plain" }; } return Promise.try(() => { return baseQuery({ url: `/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks` }); }).then(unwrapRes).then((blockedInstances) => { return blockedInstances.map(process.transformEntry); }).then((exportList) => { return process.stringify(exportList); }).then((exportAsString) => { if (formData.action == "export") { return { data: exportAsString }; } else if (formData.action == "export-file") { let domain = new URL(api.getState().oauth.instance).host; let date = new Date(); let filename = [ domain, "blocklist", date.getFullYear(), (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0"), date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, "0"), ].join("-"); fileDownload( exportAsString, filename + process.extension, process.mime ); } return { data: null }; }).catch((e) => { return { error: e }; }); } }), importDomainList: build.mutation({ query: (formData) => { const { domains } = formData; // add/replace comments, obfuscation data let process = entryProcessor(formData); domains.forEach((entry) => { process(entry); }); return { method: "POST", url: `/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks?import=true`, asForm: true, discardEmpty: true, body: { domains: new Blob([JSON.stringify(domains)], { type: "application/json" }) } }; }, transformResponse: domainListToObject, ...replaceCacheOnMutation("instanceBlocks") }) }); const internalKeys = new Set("key,suggest,valid,checked".split(",")); function entryProcessor(formData) { let funcs = []; ["private_comment", "public_comment"].forEach((type) => { let text = formData[type].trim(); if (text.length > 0) { let behavior = formData[`${type}_behavior`]; if (behavior == "append") { funcs.push(function appendComment(entry) { if (entry[type] == undefined) { entry[type] = text; } else { entry[type] = [entry[type], text].join("\n"); } }); } else if (behavior == "replace") { funcs.push(function replaceComment(entry) { entry[type] = text; }); } } }); return function process(entry) { funcs.forEach((func) => { func(entry); }); entry.obfuscate = formData.obfuscate; Object.entries(entry).forEach(([key, val]) => { if (internalKeys.has(key) || val == undefined) { delete entry[key]; } }); }; }