/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import React from "react"; import { useTextInput, useFileInput } from "../../../lib/form"; import { TextInput, TextArea, FileInput } from "../../../components/form/inputs"; import MutationButton from "../../../components/form/mutation-button"; import { useInstanceV1Query } from "../../../lib/query/gts-api"; import { useUpdateInstanceMutation } from "../../../lib/query/admin"; import { InstanceV1 } from "../../../lib/types/instance"; import FormWithData from "../../../lib/form/form-with-data"; import useFormSubmit from "../../../lib/form/submit"; export default function InstanceSettings() { return ( <FormWithData dataQuery={useInstanceV1Query} DataForm={InstanceSettingsForm} /> ); } interface InstanceSettingsFormProps{ data: InstanceV1; } function InstanceSettingsForm({ data: instance }: InstanceSettingsFormProps) { const titleLimit = 40; const shortDescLimit = 500; const descLimit = 5000; const termsLimit = 5000; const form = { title: useTextInput("title", { source: instance, validator: (val: string) => val.length <= titleLimit ? "" : `Instance title is ${val.length} characters; must be ${titleLimit} characters or less` }), thumbnail: useFileInput("thumbnail", { withPreview: true }), thumbnailDesc: useTextInput("thumbnail_description", { source: instance }), shortDesc: useTextInput("short_description", { source: instance, // Select "raw" text version of parsed field for editing. valueSelector: (s: InstanceV1) => s.short_description_text, validator: (val: string) => val.length <= shortDescLimit ? "" : `Instance short description is ${val.length} characters; must be ${shortDescLimit} characters or less` }), description: useTextInput("description", { source: instance, // Select "raw" text version of parsed field for editing. valueSelector: (s: InstanceV1) => s.description_text, validator: (val: string) => val.length <= descLimit ? "" : `Instance description is ${val.length} characters; must be ${descLimit} characters or less` }), terms: useTextInput("terms", { source: instance, // Select "raw" text version of parsed field for editing. valueSelector: (s: InstanceV1) => s.terms_text, validator: (val: string) => val.length <= termsLimit ? "" : `Instance terms and conditions is ${val.length} characters; must be ${termsLimit} characters or less` }), contactUser: useTextInput("contact_username", { source: instance, valueSelector: (s) => s.contact_account?.username }), contactEmail: useTextInput("contact_email", { source: instance, valueSelector: (s) => s.email }) }; const [submitForm, result] = useFormSubmit(form, useUpdateInstanceMutation()); return ( <form onSubmit={submitForm} autoComplete="none" > <h1>Instance Settings</h1> <div className="form-section-docs"> <h3>Appearance</h3> <a href="https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/admin/settings/#instance-appearance" target="_blank" className="docslink" rel="noreferrer" > Learn more about these settings (opens in a new tab) </a> </div> <TextInput field={form.title} label={`Instance title (max ${titleLimit} characters)`} autoCapitalize="words" placeholder="My GoToSocial Instance" /> <div className="file-upload" aria-labelledby="avatar"> <strong id="avatar">Instance avatar (1:1 images look best)</strong> <div className="file-upload-with-preview"> <img className="preview avatar" src={form.thumbnail.previewValue ?? instance?.thumbnail} alt={form.thumbnailDesc.value ?? (instance?.thumbnail ? `Thumbnail image for the instance` : "No instance thumbnail image set")} /> <div className="file-input-with-image-description"> <FileInput field={form.thumbnail} accept="image/png, image/jpeg, image/webp, image/gif" /> <TextInput field={form.thumbnailDesc} label="Avatar image description" placeholder="A cute drawing of a smiling sloth." autoCapitalize="sentences" /> </div> </div> </div> <div className="form-section-docs"> <h3>Descriptors</h3> <a href="https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/admin/settings/#instance-descriptors" target="_blank" className="docslink" rel="noreferrer" > Learn more about these settings (opens in a new tab) </a> </div> <TextArea field={form.shortDesc} label={`Short description (markdown accepted, max ${shortDescLimit} characters)`} placeholder="A small testing instance for the GoToSocial alpha software." autoCapitalize="sentences" rows={6} /> <TextArea field={form.description} label={`Full description (markdown accepted, max ${descLimit} characters)`} placeholder="A small testing instance for the GoToSocial alpha software. Just trying it out, my main instance is https://example.com" autoCapitalize="sentences" rows={6} /> <TextArea field={form.terms} label={`Terms & Conditions (markdown accepted, max ${termsLimit} characters)`} placeholder="Terms and conditions of using this instance, data policy, imprint, GDPR stuff, yadda yadda." autoCapitalize="sentences" rows={6} /> <div className="form-section-docs"> <h3>Contact info</h3> <a href="https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/admin/settings/#instance-contact-info" target="_blank" className="docslink" rel="noreferrer" > Learn more about these settings (opens in a new tab) </a> </div> <TextInput field={form.contactUser} label="Contact user (local account username)" placeholder="admin" autoCapitalize="none" spellCheck="false" /> <TextInput field={form.contactEmail} label="Contact email" placeholder="admin@example.com" type="email" /> <MutationButton label="Save" result={result} disabled={false} /> </form> ); }