linters-settings: govet: check-shadowing: true gocyclo: min-complexity: 50 maligned: suggest-new: true dupl: threshold: 100 goconst: min-len: 2 min-occurrences: 3 linters: enable-all: true disable: - maligned - lll - godox - gocognit - whitespace - wsl - funlen - gochecknoglobals - gochecknoinits - scopelint - wrapcheck - exhaustivestruct - exhaustive - nlreturn - testpackage - gci - gofumpt - goerr113 - gomnd - tparallel - nestif - godot - tparallel - paralleltest - cyclop # because we have gocyclo already # TODO: review the linters below. We disabled them to make the CI pass first. - ireturn - varnamelen - forcetypeassert - thelper # Disable deprecated linters. # They will be removed from golangci-lint in future. - interfacer - golint