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// GoToSocial
// Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package dereferencing
import (
// isPermittedStatus returns whether the given status
// is permitted to be stored on this instance, checking:
// - author is not suspended
// - status passes visibility checks
// - status passes interaction policy checks
// If status is not permitted to be stored, the function
// will clean up after itself by removing the status.
// If status is a reply or a boost, and the author of
// the given status is only permitted to reply or boost
// pending approval, then "PendingApproval" will be set
// to "true" on status. Callers should check this
// and handle it as appropriate.
func (d *Dereferencer) isPermittedStatus(
ctx context.Context,
requestUser string,
existing *gtsmodel.Status,
status *gtsmodel.Status,
) (
permitted bool, // is permitted?
err error,
) {
switch {
case status.Account.IsSuspended():
// we shouldn't reach this point, log to poke devs to investigate.
log.Warnf(ctx, "status author suspended: %s", status.AccountURI)
permitted = false
case status.InReplyTo != nil:
// Status is a reply, check permissivity.
permitted, err = d.isPermittedReply(ctx,
if err != nil {
return false, gtserror.Newf("error checking reply permissivity: %w", err)
case status.BoostOf != nil:
// Status is a boost, check permissivity.
permitted, err = d.isPermittedBoost(ctx,
if err != nil {
return false, gtserror.Newf("error checking boost permissivity: %w", err)
// In all other cases
// permit this status.
permitted = true
if !permitted && existing != nil {
log.Infof(ctx, "deleting unpermitted: %s", existing.URI)
// Delete existing status from database as it's no longer permitted.
if err := d.state.DB.DeleteStatusByID(ctx, existing.ID); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error deleting %s after permissivity fail: %v", existing.URI, err)
func (d *Dereferencer) isPermittedReply(
ctx context.Context,
requestUser string,
status *gtsmodel.Status,
) (bool, error) {
// Extract reply from status.
inReplyTo := status.InReplyTo
if inReplyTo.BoostOfID != "" {
// We do not permit replies to
// boost wrapper statuses. (this
// shouldn't be able to happen).
log.Info(ctx, "rejecting reply to boost wrapper status")
return false, nil
// Check visibility of local
// inReplyTo to replying account.
if inReplyTo.IsLocal() {
visible, err := d.visFilter.StatusVisible(ctx,
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("error checking inReplyTo visibility: %w", err)
return false, err
// Our status is not visible to the
// account trying to do the reply.
if !visible {
return false, nil
// Check interaction policy of inReplyTo.
replyable, err := d.intFilter.StatusReplyable(ctx,
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("error checking status replyability: %w", err)
return false, err
if replyable.Forbidden() {
// Replier is not permitted
// to do this interaction.
return false, nil
if replyable.Permitted() &&
!replyable.MatchedOnCollection() {
// Replier is permitted to do this
// interaction, and didn't match on
// a collection so we don't need to
// do further checking.
return true, nil
// Replier is permitted to do this
// interaction pending approval, or
// permitted but matched on a collection.
// Check if we can dereference
// an Accept that grants approval.
if status.ApprovedByURI == "" {
// Status doesn't claim to be approved.
// For replies to local statuses that's
// fine, we can put it in the DB pending
// approval, and continue processing it.
// If permission was granted based on a match
// with a followers or following collection,
// we can mark it as PreApproved so the processor
// sends an accept out for it immediately.
// For replies to remote statuses, though
// we should be polite and just drop it.
if inReplyTo.IsLocal() {
status.PendingApproval = util.Ptr(true)
status.PreApproved = replyable.MatchedOnCollection()
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Status claims to be approved, check
// this by dereferencing the Accept and
// inspecting the return value.
if err := d.validateApprovedBy(
); err != nil {
// Error dereferencing means we couldn't
// get the Accept right now or it wasn't
// valid, so we shouldn't store this status.
log.Errorf(ctx, "undereferencable ApprovedByURI: %v", err)
return false, nil
// Status has been approved.
status.PendingApproval = util.Ptr(false)
return true, nil
func (d *Dereferencer) isPermittedBoost(
ctx context.Context,
requestUser string,
status *gtsmodel.Status,
) (bool, error) {
// Extract boost from status.
boostOf := status.BoostOf
if boostOf.BoostOfID != "" {
// We do not permit boosts of
// boost wrapper statuses. (this
// shouldn't be able to happen).
return false, nil
// Check visibility of local
// boostOf to boosting account.
if boostOf.IsLocal() {
visible, err := d.visFilter.StatusVisible(ctx,
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("error checking boostOf visibility: %w", err)
return false, err
// Our status is not visible to the
// account trying to do the boost.
if !visible {
return false, nil
// Check interaction policy of boostOf.
boostable, err := d.intFilter.StatusBoostable(ctx,
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("error checking status boostability: %w", err)
return false, err
if boostable.Forbidden() {
// Booster is not permitted
// to do this interaction.
return false, nil
if boostable.Permitted() &&
!boostable.MatchedOnCollection() {
// Booster is permitted to do this
// interaction, and didn't match on
// a collection so we don't need to
// do further checking.
return true, nil
// Booster is permitted to do this
// interaction pending approval, or
// permitted but matched on a collection.
// Check if we can dereference
// an Accept that grants approval.
if status.ApprovedByURI == "" {
// Status doesn't claim to be approved.
// For boosts of local statuses that's
// fine, we can put it in the DB pending
// approval, and continue processing it.
// If permission was granted based on a match
// with a followers or following collection,
// we can mark it as PreApproved so the processor
// sends an accept out for it immediately.
// For boosts of remote statuses, though
// we should be polite and just drop it.
if boostOf.IsLocal() {
status.PendingApproval = util.Ptr(true)
status.PreApproved = boostable.MatchedOnCollection()
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Boost claims to be approved, check
// this by dereferencing the Accept and
// inspecting the return value.
if err := d.validateApprovedBy(
); err != nil {
// Error dereferencing means we couldn't
// get the Accept right now or it wasn't
// valid, so we shouldn't store this status.
log.Errorf(ctx, "undereferencable ApprovedByURI: %v", err)
return false, nil
// Status has been approved.
status.PendingApproval = util.Ptr(false)
return true, nil
// validateApprovedBy dereferences the activitystreams Accept at
// the specified IRI, and checks the Accept for validity against
// the provided expectedObject and expectedActor.
// Will return either nil if everything looked OK, or an error if
// something went wrong during deref, or if the dereffed Accept
// did not meet expectations.
func (d *Dereferencer) validateApprovedBy(
ctx context.Context,
requestUser string,
approvedByURIStr string, // Eg., ""
expectObjectURIStr string, // Eg., ""
expectActorURIStr string, // Eg., ""
) error {
approvedByURI, err := url.Parse(approvedByURIStr)
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("error parsing approvedByURI: %w", err)
return err
// Don't make calls to the remote if it's blocked.
if blocked, err := d.state.DB.IsDomainBlocked(ctx, approvedByURI.Host); blocked || err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("domain %s is blocked", approvedByURI.Host)
return err
tsport, err := d.transportController.NewTransportForUsername(ctx, requestUser)
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("error creating transport: %w", err)
return err
// Make the call to resolve into an Acceptable.
rsp, err := tsport.Dereference(ctx, approvedByURI)
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("error dereferencing %s: %w", approvedByURIStr, err)
return err
acceptable, err := ap.ResolveAcceptable(ctx, rsp.Body)
// Tidy up rsp body.
_ = rsp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("error resolving Accept %s: %w", approvedByURIStr, err)
return err
// Extract the URI/ID of the Accept.
acceptURI := ap.GetJSONLDId(acceptable)
acceptURIStr := acceptURI.String()
// Check whether input URI and final returned URI
// have changed (i.e. we followed some redirects).
rspURL := rsp.Request.URL
rspURLStr := rspURL.String()
switch {
case rspURLStr == approvedByURIStr:
// i.e. from here, rspURLStr != approvedByURIStr.
// Make sure it's at least on the same host as
// what we expected (ie., we weren't redirected
// across domains), and make sure it's the same
// as the ID of the Accept we were returned.
case rspURL.Host != approvedByURI.Host:
return gtserror.Newf(
"final dereference host %s did not match approvedByURI host %s",
rspURL.Host, approvedByURI.Host,
case acceptURIStr != rspURLStr:
return gtserror.Newf(
"final dereference uri %s did not match returned Accept ID/URI %s",
rspURLStr, acceptURIStr,
// Extract the actor IRI and string from Accept.
actorIRIs := ap.GetActorIRIs(acceptable)
actorIRI, actorIRIStr := extractIRI(actorIRIs)
switch {
case actorIRIStr == "":
err := gtserror.New("missing Accept actor IRI")
return gtserror.SetMalformed(err)
// Ensure the Accept Actor is who we expect
// it to be, and not someone else trying to
// do an Accept for an interaction with a
// statusable they don't own.
case actorIRI.Host != acceptURI.Host:
return gtserror.Newf(
"Accept Actor %s was not the same host as Accept %s",
actorIRIStr, acceptURIStr,
// Ensure the Accept Actor is who we expect
// it to be, and not someone else trying to
// do an Accept for an interaction with a
// statusable they don't own.
case actorIRIStr != expectActorURIStr:
return gtserror.Newf(
"Accept Actor %s was not the same as expected actor %s",
actorIRIStr, expectActorURIStr,
// Extract the object IRI string from Accept.
objectIRIs := ap.GetObjectIRIs(acceptable)
_, objectIRIStr := extractIRI(objectIRIs)
switch {
case objectIRIStr == "":
err := gtserror.New("missing Accept object IRI")
return gtserror.SetMalformed(err)
// Ensure the Accept Object is what we expect
// it to be, ie., it's Accepting the interaction
// we need it to Accept, and not something else.
case objectIRIStr != expectObjectURIStr:
return gtserror.Newf(
"resolved Accept Object uri %s was not the same as expected object %s",
objectIRIStr, expectObjectURIStr,
return nil
// extractIRI is shorthand to extract the first IRI
// url.URL{} object and serialized form from slice.
func extractIRI(iris []*url.URL) (*url.URL, string) {
if len(iris) == 0 {
return nil, ""
u := iris[0]
return u, u.String()