Dominik Süß 9d0df426da
[feature] S3 support (#674)
* feat: vendor minio client

* feat: introduce storage package with s3 support

* feat: serve s3 files directly

this saves a lot of bandwith as the files are fetched from the object
store directly

* fix: use explicit local storage in tests

* feat: integrate s3 storage with the main server

* fix: add s3 config to cli tests

* docs: explicitly set values in example config

also adds license header to the storage package

* fix: use better http status code on s3 redirect

HTTP 302 Found is the best fit, as it signifies that the resource
requested was found but not under its presumed URL

307/TemporaryRedirect would mean that this resource is usually located
here, not in this case

303/SeeOther indicates that the redirection does not link to the
requested resource but to another page

* refactor: use context in storage driver interface
2022-07-03 12:08:30 +02:00

427 lines
14 KiB

* MinIO Go Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
* Copyright 2015-2020 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package s3utils
import (
// Sentinel URL is the default url value which is invalid.
var sentinelURL = url.URL{}
// IsValidDomain validates if input string is a valid domain name.
func IsValidDomain(host string) bool {
// See RFC 1035, RFC 3696.
host = strings.TrimSpace(host)
if len(host) == 0 || len(host) > 255 {
return false
// host cannot start or end with "-"
if host[len(host)-1:] == "-" || host[:1] == "-" {
return false
// host cannot start or end with "_"
if host[len(host)-1:] == "_" || host[:1] == "_" {
return false
// host cannot start with a "."
if host[:1] == "." {
return false
// All non alphanumeric characters are invalid.
if strings.ContainsAny(host, "`~!@#$%^&*()+={}[]|\\\"';:><?/") {
return false
// No need to regexp match, since the list is non-exhaustive.
// We let it valid and fail later.
return true
// IsValidIP parses input string for ip address validity.
func IsValidIP(ip string) bool {
return net.ParseIP(ip) != nil
// IsVirtualHostSupported - verifies if bucketName can be part of
// virtual host. Currently only Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
// would support this.
func IsVirtualHostSupported(endpointURL url.URL, bucketName string) bool {
if endpointURL == sentinelURL {
return false
// bucketName can be valid but '.' in the hostname will fail SSL
// certificate validation. So do not use host-style for such buckets.
if endpointURL.Scheme == "https" && strings.Contains(bucketName, ".") {
return false
// Return true for all other cases
return IsAmazonEndpoint(endpointURL) || IsGoogleEndpoint(endpointURL) || IsAliyunOSSEndpoint(endpointURL)
// Refer for region styles -
// amazonS3HostHyphen - regular expression used to determine if an arg is s3 host in hyphenated style.
var amazonS3HostHyphen = regexp.MustCompile(`^s3-(.*?)$`)
// amazonS3HostDualStack - regular expression used to determine if an arg is s3 host dualstack.
var amazonS3HostDualStack = regexp.MustCompile(`^s3.dualstack.(.*?)$`)
// amazonS3HostFIPS - regular expression used to determine if an arg is s3 FIPS host.
var amazonS3HostFIPS = regexp.MustCompile(`^s3-fips.(.*?)$`)
// amazonS3HostFIPSDualStack - regular expression used to determine if an arg is s3 FIPS host dualstack.
var amazonS3HostFIPSDualStack = regexp.MustCompile(`^s3-fips.dualstack.(.*?)$`)
// amazonS3HostDot - regular expression used to determine if an arg is s3 host in . style.
var amazonS3HostDot = regexp.MustCompile(`^s3.(.*?)$`)
// amazonS3ChinaHost - regular expression used to determine if the arg is s3 china host.
var amazonS3ChinaHost = regexp.MustCompile(`^s3.(cn.*?)$`)
// amazonS3ChinaHostDualStack - regular expression used to determine if the arg is s3 china host dualstack.
var amazonS3ChinaHostDualStack = regexp.MustCompile(`^s3.dualstack.(cn.*?)$`)
// Regular expression used to determine if the arg is elb host.
var elbAmazonRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`elb(.*?)$`)
// Regular expression used to determine if the arg is elb host in china.
var elbAmazonCnRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`elb(.*?)$`)
// amazonS3HostPrivateLink - regular expression used to determine if an arg is s3 host in AWS PrivateLink interface endpoints style
var amazonS3HostPrivateLink = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:bucket|accesspoint).vpce-.*?.s3.(.*?)$`)
// GetRegionFromURL - returns a region from url host.
func GetRegionFromURL(endpointURL url.URL) string {
if endpointURL == sentinelURL {
return ""
if endpointURL.Host == "" {
return ""
if IsAmazonGovCloudEndpoint(endpointURL) {
return "us-gov-west-1"
// if elb's are used we cannot calculate which region it may be, just return empty.
if elbAmazonRegex.MatchString(endpointURL.Host) || elbAmazonCnRegex.MatchString(endpointURL.Host) {
return ""
parts := amazonS3HostDualStack.FindStringSubmatch(endpointURL.Host)
if len(parts) > 1 {
return parts[1]
if IsAmazonFIPSUSEastWestEndpoint(endpointURL) {
// We check for FIPS dualstack matching first to avoid the non-greedy
// regex for FIPS non-dualstack matching a dualstack URL
parts = amazonS3HostFIPSDualStack.FindStringSubmatch(endpointURL.Host)
if len(parts) > 1 {
return parts[1]
parts = amazonS3HostFIPS.FindStringSubmatch(endpointURL.Host)
if len(parts) > 1 {
return parts[1]
parts = amazonS3HostHyphen.FindStringSubmatch(endpointURL.Host)
if len(parts) > 1 {
return parts[1]
parts = amazonS3ChinaHost.FindStringSubmatch(endpointURL.Host)
if len(parts) > 1 {
return parts[1]
parts = amazonS3ChinaHostDualStack.FindStringSubmatch(endpointURL.Host)
if len(parts) > 1 {
return parts[1]
parts = amazonS3HostDot.FindStringSubmatch(endpointURL.Host)
if len(parts) > 1 {
return parts[1]
parts = amazonS3HostPrivateLink.FindStringSubmatch(endpointURL.Host)
if len(parts) > 1 {
return parts[1]
return ""
// IsAliyunOSSEndpoint - Match if it is exactly Aliyun OSS endpoint.
func IsAliyunOSSEndpoint(endpointURL url.URL) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(endpointURL.Host, "")
// IsAmazonEndpoint - Match if it is exactly Amazon S3 endpoint.
func IsAmazonEndpoint(endpointURL url.URL) bool {
if endpointURL.Host == "" || endpointURL.Host == "" {
return true
return GetRegionFromURL(endpointURL) != ""
// IsAmazonGovCloudEndpoint - Match if it is exactly Amazon S3 GovCloud endpoint.
func IsAmazonGovCloudEndpoint(endpointURL url.URL) bool {
if endpointURL == sentinelURL {
return false
return (endpointURL.Host == "" ||
// IsAmazonFIPSGovCloudEndpoint - Match if it is exactly Amazon S3 FIPS GovCloud endpoint.
// See
func IsAmazonFIPSGovCloudEndpoint(endpointURL url.URL) bool {
if endpointURL == sentinelURL {
return false
return endpointURL.Host == "" ||
endpointURL.Host == "" ||
endpointURL.Host == ""
// IsAmazonFIPSUSEastWestEndpoint - Match if it is exactly Amazon S3 FIPS US East/West endpoint.
// See
func IsAmazonFIPSUSEastWestEndpoint(endpointURL url.URL) bool {
if endpointURL == sentinelURL {
return false
switch endpointURL.Host {
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
return false
return true
// IsAmazonFIPSEndpoint - Match if it is exactly Amazon S3 FIPS endpoint.
// See
func IsAmazonFIPSEndpoint(endpointURL url.URL) bool {
return IsAmazonFIPSUSEastWestEndpoint(endpointURL) || IsAmazonFIPSGovCloudEndpoint(endpointURL)
// IsAmazonPrivateLinkEndpoint - Match if it is exactly Amazon S3 PrivateLink interface endpoint
// See
func IsAmazonPrivateLinkEndpoint(endpointURL url.URL) bool {
if endpointURL == sentinelURL {
return false
return amazonS3HostPrivateLink.MatchString(endpointURL.Host)
// IsGoogleEndpoint - Match if it is exactly Google cloud storage endpoint.
func IsGoogleEndpoint(endpointURL url.URL) bool {
if endpointURL == sentinelURL {
return false
return endpointURL.Host == ""
// Expects ascii encoded strings - from output of urlEncodePath
func percentEncodeSlash(s string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(s, "/", "%2F")
// QueryEncode - encodes query values in their URL encoded form. In
// addition to the percent encoding performed by urlEncodePath() used
// here, it also percent encodes '/' (forward slash)
func QueryEncode(v url.Values) string {
if v == nil {
return ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
keys := make([]string, 0, len(v))
for k := range v {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
vs := v[k]
prefix := percentEncodeSlash(EncodePath(k)) + "="
for _, v := range vs {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
return buf.String()
// TagDecode - decodes canonical tag into map of key and value.
func TagDecode(ctag string) map[string]string {
if ctag == "" {
return map[string]string{}
tags := strings.Split(ctag, "&")
tagMap := make(map[string]string, len(tags))
var err error
for _, tag := range tags {
kvs := strings.SplitN(tag, "=", 2)
if len(kvs) == 0 {
return map[string]string{}
if len(kvs) == 1 {
return map[string]string{}
tagMap[kvs[0]], err = url.PathUnescape(kvs[1])
if err != nil {
return tagMap
// TagEncode - encodes tag values in their URL encoded form. In
// addition to the percent encoding performed by urlEncodePath() used
// here, it also percent encodes '/' (forward slash)
func TagEncode(tags map[string]string) string {
if tags == nil {
return ""
values := url.Values{}
for k, v := range tags {
values[k] = []string{v}
return QueryEncode(values)
// if object matches reserved string, no need to encode them
var reservedObjectNames = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.~/]+$")
// EncodePath encode the strings from UTF-8 byte representations to HTML hex escape sequences
// This is necessary since regular url.Parse() and url.Encode() functions do not support UTF-8
// non english characters cannot be parsed due to the nature in which url.Encode() is written
// This function on the other hand is a direct replacement for url.Encode() technique to support
// pretty much every UTF-8 character.
func EncodePath(pathName string) string {
if reservedObjectNames.MatchString(pathName) {
return pathName
var encodedPathname strings.Builder
for _, s := range pathName {
if 'A' <= s && s <= 'Z' || 'a' <= s && s <= 'z' || '0' <= s && s <= '9' { // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark)
switch s {
case '-', '_', '.', '~', '/': // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark)
len := utf8.RuneLen(s)
if len < 0 {
// if utf8 cannot convert return the same string as is
return pathName
u := make([]byte, len)
utf8.EncodeRune(u, s)
for _, r := range u {
hex := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{r})
encodedPathname.WriteString("%" + strings.ToUpper(hex))
return encodedPathname.String()
// We support '.' with bucket names but we fallback to using path
// style requests instead for such buckets.
var (
validBucketName = regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\.\-\_\:]{1,61}[A-Za-z0-9]$`)
validBucketNameStrict = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\-]{1,61}[a-z0-9]$`)
ipAddress = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+\.){3}\d+$`)
// Common checker for both stricter and basic validation.
func checkBucketNameCommon(bucketName string, strict bool) (err error) {
if strings.TrimSpace(bucketName) == "" {
return errors.New("Bucket name cannot be empty")
if len(bucketName) < 3 {
return errors.New("Bucket name cannot be shorter than 3 characters")
if len(bucketName) > 63 {
return errors.New("Bucket name cannot be longer than 63 characters")
if ipAddress.MatchString(bucketName) {
return errors.New("Bucket name cannot be an ip address")
if strings.Contains(bucketName, "..") || strings.Contains(bucketName, ".-") || strings.Contains(bucketName, "-.") {
return errors.New("Bucket name contains invalid characters")
if strict {
if !validBucketNameStrict.MatchString(bucketName) {
err = errors.New("Bucket name contains invalid characters")
return err
if !validBucketName.MatchString(bucketName) {
err = errors.New("Bucket name contains invalid characters")
return err
// CheckValidBucketName - checks if we have a valid input bucket name.
func CheckValidBucketName(bucketName string) (err error) {
return checkBucketNameCommon(bucketName, false)
// CheckValidBucketNameStrict - checks if we have a valid input bucket name.
// This is a stricter version.
// -
func CheckValidBucketNameStrict(bucketName string) (err error) {
return checkBucketNameCommon(bucketName, true)
// CheckValidObjectNamePrefix - checks if we have a valid input object name prefix.
// -
func CheckValidObjectNamePrefix(objectName string) error {
if len(objectName) > 1024 {
return errors.New("Object name cannot be longer than 1024 characters")
if !utf8.ValidString(objectName) {
return errors.New("Object name with non UTF-8 strings are not supported")
return nil
// CheckValidObjectName - checks if we have a valid input object name.
// -
func CheckValidObjectName(objectName string) error {
if strings.TrimSpace(objectName) == "" {
return errors.New("Object name cannot be empty")
return CheckValidObjectNamePrefix(objectName)