Tobi Smethurst b71bbc86a7
remove regex hostname parsing (#67)
Drop regex validation for postgres hostname, because it was breaking when running in a docker-compose stack where hostnames can be just one word.

If necessary this can be added in again later, but it probably won't be necessary because it doesn't actually add anything useful!
2021-06-26 20:59:38 +02:00

1171 lines
35 KiB

Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package pg
import (
// postgresService satisfies the DB interface
type postgresService struct {
config *config.Config
conn *pg.DB
log *logrus.Logger
cancel context.CancelFunc
// NewPostgresService returns a postgresService derived from the provided config, which implements the go-fed DB interface.
// Under the hood, it uses to create and maintain a database connection.
func NewPostgresService(ctx context.Context, c *config.Config, log *logrus.Logger) (db.DB, error) {
opts, err := derivePGOptions(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create postgres service: %s", err)
log.Debugf("using pg options: %+v", opts)
// create a connection
pgCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
conn := pg.Connect(opts).WithContext(pgCtx)
// this will break the logfmt format we normally log in,
// since we can't choose where pg outputs to and it defaults to
// stdout. So use this option with care!
if log.GetLevel() >= logrus.TraceLevel {
// Print all queries.
Verbose: true,
// actually *begin* the connection so that we can tell if the db is there and listening
if err := conn.Ping(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("db connection error: %s", err)
// print out discovered postgres version
var version string
if _, err = conn.QueryOneContext(ctx, pg.Scan(&version), "SELECT version()"); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("db connection error: %s", err)
log.Infof("connected to postgres version: %s", version)
ps := &postgresService{
config: c,
conn: conn,
log: log,
cancel: cancel,
// we can confidently return this useable postgres service now
return ps, nil
// derivePGOptions takes an application config and returns either a ready-to-use *pg.Options
// with sensible defaults, or an error if it's not satisfied by the provided config.
func derivePGOptions(c *config.Config) (*pg.Options, error) {
if strings.ToUpper(c.DBConfig.Type) != db.DBTypePostgres {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected db type of %s but got %s", db.DBTypePostgres, c.DBConfig.Type)
// validate port
if c.DBConfig.Port == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no port set")
// validate address
if c.DBConfig.Address == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no address set")
// validate username
if c.DBConfig.User == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no user set")
// validate that there's a password
if c.DBConfig.Password == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no password set")
// validate database
if c.DBConfig.Database == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no database set")
// We can rely on the pg library we're using to set
// sensible defaults for everything we don't set here.
options := &pg.Options{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.DBConfig.Address, c.DBConfig.Port),
User: c.DBConfig.User,
Password: c.DBConfig.Password,
Database: c.DBConfig.Database,
ApplicationName: c.ApplicationName,
return options, nil
func (ps *postgresService) CreateTable(i interface{}) error {
return ps.conn.Model(i).CreateTable(&orm.CreateTableOptions{
IfNotExists: true,
func (ps *postgresService) DropTable(i interface{}) error {
return ps.conn.Model(i).DropTable(&orm.DropTableOptions{
IfExists: true,
func (ps *postgresService) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
ps.log.Info("closing db connection")
if err := ps.conn.Close(); err != nil {
// only cancel if there's a problem closing the db
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) IsHealthy(ctx context.Context) error {
return ps.conn.Ping(ctx)
func (ps *postgresService) CreateSchema(ctx context.Context) error {
models := []interface{}{
ps.log.Info("creating db schema")
for _, model := range models {
err := ps.conn.Model(model).CreateTable(&orm.CreateTableOptions{
IfNotExists: true,
if err != nil {
return err
ps.log.Info("db schema created")
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetByID(id string, i interface{}) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(i).Where("id = ?", id).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetWhere(where []db.Where, i interface{}) error {
if len(where) == 0 {
return errors.New("no queries provided")
q := ps.conn.Model(i)
for _, w := range where {
if w.Value == nil {
q = q.Where("? IS NULL", pg.Ident(w.Key))
} else {
if w.CaseInsensitive {
q = q.Where("LOWER(?) = LOWER(?)", pg.Safe(w.Key), w.Value)
} else {
q = q.Where("? = ?", pg.Safe(w.Key), w.Value)
if err := q.Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetAll(i interface{}) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(i).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) Put(i interface{}) error {
_, err := ps.conn.Model(i).Insert(i)
if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "duplicate key value violates unique constraint") {
return db.ErrAlreadyExists{}
return err
func (ps *postgresService) Upsert(i interface{}, conflictColumn string) error {
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(i).OnConflict(fmt.Sprintf("(%s) DO UPDATE", conflictColumn)).Insert(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) UpdateByID(id string, i interface{}) error {
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(i).Where("id = ?", id).OnConflict("(id) DO UPDATE").Insert(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) UpdateOneByID(id string, key string, value interface{}, i interface{}) error {
_, err := ps.conn.Model(i).Set("? = ?", pg.Safe(key), value).Where("id = ?", id).Update()
return err
func (ps *postgresService) DeleteByID(id string, i interface{}) error {
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(i).Where("id = ?", id).Delete(); err != nil {
// if there are no rows *anyway* then that's fine
// just return err if there's an actual error
if err != pg.ErrNoRows {
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) DeleteWhere(where []db.Where, i interface{}) error {
if len(where) == 0 {
return errors.New("no queries provided")
q := ps.conn.Model(i)
for _, w := range where {
q = q.Where("? = ?", pg.Safe(w.Key), w.Value)
if _, err := q.Delete(); err != nil {
// if there are no rows *anyway* then that's fine
// just return err if there's an actual error
if err != pg.ErrNoRows {
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) AcceptFollowRequest(originAccountID string, targetAccountID string) (*gtsmodel.Follow, error) {
// make sure the original follow request exists
fr := &gtsmodel.FollowRequest{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(fr).Where("account_id = ?", originAccountID).Where("target_account_id = ?", targetAccountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrMultiRows {
return nil, db.ErrNoEntries{}
return nil, err
// create a new follow to 'replace' the request with
follow := &gtsmodel.Follow{
ID: fr.ID,
AccountID: originAccountID,
TargetAccountID: targetAccountID,
URI: fr.URI,
// if the follow already exists, just update the URI -- we don't need to do anything else
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(follow).OnConflict("ON CONSTRAINT follows_account_id_target_account_id_key DO UPDATE set uri = ?", follow.URI).Insert(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// now remove the follow request
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.FollowRequest{}).Where("account_id = ?", originAccountID).Where("target_account_id = ?", targetAccountID).Delete(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return follow, nil
func (ps *postgresService) CreateInstanceAccount() error {
username := ps.config.Host
key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {
ps.log.Errorf("error creating new rsa key: %s", err)
return err
aID, err := id.NewRandomULID()
if err != nil {
return err
newAccountURIs := util.GenerateURIsForAccount(username, ps.config.Protocol, ps.config.Host)
a := &gtsmodel.Account{
ID: aID,
Username: ps.config.Host,
DisplayName: username,
URL: newAccountURIs.UserURL,
PrivateKey: key,
PublicKey: &key.PublicKey,
PublicKeyURI: newAccountURIs.PublicKeyURI,
ActorType: gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsPerson,
URI: newAccountURIs.UserURI,
InboxURI: newAccountURIs.InboxURI,
OutboxURI: newAccountURIs.OutboxURI,
FollowersURI: newAccountURIs.FollowersURI,
FollowingURI: newAccountURIs.FollowingURI,
FeaturedCollectionURI: newAccountURIs.CollectionURI,
inserted, err := ps.conn.Model(a).Where("username = ?", username).SelectOrInsert()
if err != nil {
return err
if inserted {
ps.log.Infof("created instance account %s with id %s", username, a.ID)
} else {
ps.log.Infof("instance account %s already exists with id %s", username, a.ID)
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) CreateInstanceInstance() error {
iID, err := id.NewRandomULID()
if err != nil {
return err
i := &gtsmodel.Instance{
ID: iID,
Domain: ps.config.Host,
Title: ps.config.Host,
URI: fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", ps.config.Protocol, ps.config.Host),
inserted, err := ps.conn.Model(i).Where("domain = ?", ps.config.Host).SelectOrInsert()
if err != nil {
return err
if inserted {
ps.log.Infof("created instance instance %s with id %s", ps.config.Host, i.ID)
} else {
ps.log.Infof("instance instance %s already exists with id %s", ps.config.Host, i.ID)
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetAccountByUserID(userID string, account *gtsmodel.Account) error {
user := &gtsmodel.User{
ID: userID,
if err := ps.conn.Model(user).Where("id = ?", userID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
if err := ps.conn.Model(account).Where("id = ?", user.AccountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetLocalAccountByUsername(username string, account *gtsmodel.Account) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(account).Where("username = ?", username).Where("? IS NULL", pg.Ident("domain")).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetFollowRequestsForAccountID(accountID string, followRequests *[]gtsmodel.FollowRequest) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(followRequests).Where("target_account_id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return nil
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetFollowingByAccountID(accountID string, following *[]gtsmodel.Follow) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(following).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return nil
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetFollowersByAccountID(accountID string, followers *[]gtsmodel.Follow, localOnly bool) error {
q := ps.conn.Model(followers)
if localOnly {
// for local accounts let's get where domain is null OR where domain is an empty string, just to be safe
whereGroup := func(q *pg.Query) (*pg.Query, error) {
q = q.
WhereOr("? IS NULL", pg.Ident("a.domain")).
WhereOr("a.domain = ?", "")
return q, nil
q = q.ColumnExpr("follow.*").
Join("JOIN accounts AS a ON follow.account_id = TEXT(").
Where("follow.target_account_id = ?", accountID).
} else {
q = q.Where("target_account_id = ?", accountID)
if err := q.Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return nil
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetFavesByAccountID(accountID string, faves *[]gtsmodel.StatusFave) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(faves).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return nil
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) CountStatusesByAccountID(accountID string) (int, error) {
count, err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Status{}).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Count()
if err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return 0, nil
return 0, err
return count, nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetStatusesByTimeDescending(accountID string, statuses *[]gtsmodel.Status, limit int, excludeReplies bool, maxID string, pinned bool, mediaOnly bool) error {
q := ps.conn.Model(statuses).Order("created_at DESC")
if accountID != "" {
q = q.Where("account_id = ?", accountID)
if limit != 0 {
q = q.Limit(limit)
if excludeReplies {
q = q.Where("? IS NULL", pg.Ident("in_reply_to_id"))
if pinned {
q = q.Where("pinned = ?", true)
if mediaOnly {
q = q.WhereGroup(func(q *pg.Query) (*pg.Query, error) {
return q.Where("? IS NOT NULL", pg.Ident("attachments")).Where("attachments != '{}'"), nil
if maxID != "" {
s := &gtsmodel.Status{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(s).Where("id = ?", maxID).Select(); err != nil {
return err
q = q.Where("status.created_at < ?", s.CreatedAt)
if err := q.Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetLastStatusForAccountID(accountID string, status *gtsmodel.Status) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(status).Order("created_at DESC").Limit(1).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) IsUsernameAvailable(username string) error {
// if no error we fail because it means we found something
// if error but it's not pg.ErrNoRows then we fail
// if err is pg.ErrNoRows we're good, we found nothing so continue
if err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Account{}).Where("username = ?", username).Where("domain = ?", nil).Select(); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("username %s already in use", username)
} else if err != pg.ErrNoRows {
return fmt.Errorf("db error: %s", err)
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) IsEmailAvailable(email string) error {
// parse the domain from the email
m, err := mail.ParseAddress(email)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing email address %s: %s", email, err)
domain := strings.Split(m.Address, "@")[1] // domain will always be the second part after @
// check if the email domain is blocked
if err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.EmailDomainBlock{}).Where("domain = ?", domain).Select(); err == nil {
// fail because we found something
return fmt.Errorf("email domain %s is blocked", domain)
} else if err != pg.ErrNoRows {
// fail because we got an unexpected error
return fmt.Errorf("db error: %s", err)
// check if this email is associated with a user already
if err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.User{}).Where("email = ?", email).WhereOr("unconfirmed_email = ?", email).Select(); err == nil {
// fail because we found something
return fmt.Errorf("email %s already in use", email)
} else if err != pg.ErrNoRows {
// fail because we got an unexpected error
return fmt.Errorf("db error: %s", err)
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) NewSignup(username string, reason string, requireApproval bool, email string, password string, signUpIP net.IP, locale string, appID string) (*gtsmodel.User, error) {
key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {
ps.log.Errorf("error creating new rsa key: %s", err)
return nil, err
newAccountURIs := util.GenerateURIsForAccount(username, ps.config.Protocol, ps.config.Host)
newAccountID, err := id.NewRandomULID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a := &gtsmodel.Account{
ID: newAccountID,
Username: username,
DisplayName: username,
Reason: reason,
URL: newAccountURIs.UserURL,
PrivateKey: key,
PublicKey: &key.PublicKey,
PublicKeyURI: newAccountURIs.PublicKeyURI,
ActorType: gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsPerson,
URI: newAccountURIs.UserURI,
InboxURI: newAccountURIs.InboxURI,
OutboxURI: newAccountURIs.OutboxURI,
FollowersURI: newAccountURIs.FollowersURI,
FollowingURI: newAccountURIs.FollowingURI,
FeaturedCollectionURI: newAccountURIs.CollectionURI,
if _, err = ps.conn.Model(a).Insert(); err != nil {
return nil, err
pw, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error hashing password: %s", err)
newUserID, err := id.NewRandomULID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u := &gtsmodel.User{
ID: newUserID,
AccountID: newAccountID,
EncryptedPassword: string(pw),
SignUpIP: signUpIP,
Locale: locale,
UnconfirmedEmail: email,
CreatedByApplicationID: appID,
Approved: !requireApproval, // if we don't require moderator approval, just pre-approve the user
if _, err = ps.conn.Model(u).Insert(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return u, nil
func (ps *postgresService) SetHeaderOrAvatarForAccountID(mediaAttachment *gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, accountID string) error {
if mediaAttachment.Avatar && mediaAttachment.Header {
return errors.New("one media attachment cannot be both header and avatar")
var headerOrAVI string
if mediaAttachment.Avatar {
headerOrAVI = "avatar"
} else if mediaAttachment.Header {
headerOrAVI = "header"
} else {
return errors.New("given media attachment was neither a header nor an avatar")
// TODO: there are probably more side effects here that need to be handled
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(mediaAttachment).OnConflict("(id) DO UPDATE").Insert(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Account{}).Set(fmt.Sprintf("%s_media_attachment_id = ?", headerOrAVI), mediaAttachment.ID).Where("id = ?", accountID).Update(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetHeaderForAccountID(header *gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, accountID string) error {
acct := &gtsmodel.Account{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(acct).Where("id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
if acct.HeaderMediaAttachmentID == "" {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(header).Where("id = ?", acct.HeaderMediaAttachmentID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetAvatarForAccountID(avatar *gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, accountID string) error {
acct := &gtsmodel.Account{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(acct).Where("id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
if acct.AvatarMediaAttachmentID == "" {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(avatar).Where("id = ?", acct.AvatarMediaAttachmentID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return db.ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) Blocked(account1 string, account2 string) (bool, error) {
// TODO: check domain blocks as well
var blocked bool
if err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Block{}).
Where("account_id = ?", account1).Where("target_account_id = ?", account2).
WhereOr("target_account_id = ?", account1).Where("account_id = ?", account2).
Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
blocked = false
return blocked, nil
return blocked, err
blocked = true
return blocked, nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetRelationship(requestingAccount string, targetAccount string) (*gtsmodel.Relationship, error) {
r := &gtsmodel.Relationship{
ID: targetAccount,
// check if the requesting account follows the target account
follow := &gtsmodel.Follow{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(follow).Where("account_id = ?", requestingAccount).Where("target_account_id = ?", targetAccount).Select(); err != nil {
if err != pg.ErrNoRows {
// a proper error
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getrelationship: error checking follow existence: %s", err)
// no follow exists so these are all false
r.Following = false
r.ShowingReblogs = false
r.Notifying = false
} else {
// follow exists so we can fill these fields out...
r.Following = true
r.ShowingReblogs = follow.ShowReblogs
r.Notifying = follow.Notify
// check if the target account follows the requesting account
followedBy, err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Follow{}).Where("account_id = ?", targetAccount).Where("target_account_id = ?", requestingAccount).Exists()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getrelationship: error checking followed_by existence: %s", err)
r.FollowedBy = followedBy
// check if the requesting account blocks the target account
blocking, err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Block{}).Where("account_id = ?", requestingAccount).Where("target_account_id = ?", targetAccount).Exists()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getrelationship: error checking blocking existence: %s", err)
r.Blocking = blocking
// check if the target account blocks the requesting account
blockedBy, err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Block{}).Where("account_id = ?", targetAccount).Where("target_account_id = ?", requestingAccount).Exists()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getrelationship: error checking blocked existence: %s", err)
r.BlockedBy = blockedBy
// check if there's a pending following request from requesting account to target account
requested, err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.FollowRequest{}).Where("account_id = ?", requestingAccount).Where("target_account_id = ?", targetAccount).Exists()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getrelationship: error checking blocked existence: %s", err)
r.Requested = requested
return r, nil
func (ps *postgresService) Follows(sourceAccount *gtsmodel.Account, targetAccount *gtsmodel.Account) (bool, error) {
if sourceAccount == nil || targetAccount == nil {
return false, nil
return ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Follow{}).Where("account_id = ?", sourceAccount.ID).Where("target_account_id = ?", targetAccount.ID).Exists()
func (ps *postgresService) FollowRequested(sourceAccount *gtsmodel.Account, targetAccount *gtsmodel.Account) (bool, error) {
if sourceAccount == nil || targetAccount == nil {
return false, nil
return ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.FollowRequest{}).Where("account_id = ?", sourceAccount.ID).Where("target_account_id = ?", targetAccount.ID).Exists()
func (ps *postgresService) Mutuals(account1 *gtsmodel.Account, account2 *gtsmodel.Account) (bool, error) {
if account1 == nil || account2 == nil {
return false, nil
// make sure account 1 follows account 2
f1, err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Follow{}).Where("account_id = ?", account1.ID).Where("target_account_id = ?", account2.ID).Exists()
if err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return false, nil
return false, err
// make sure account 2 follows account 1
f2, err := ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Follow{}).Where("account_id = ?", account2.ID).Where("target_account_id = ?", account1.ID).Exists()
if err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return false, nil
return false, err
return f1 && f2, nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetReplyCountForStatus(status *gtsmodel.Status) (int, error) {
return ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Status{}).Where("in_reply_to_id = ?", status.ID).Count()
func (ps *postgresService) GetReblogCountForStatus(status *gtsmodel.Status) (int, error) {
return ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Status{}).Where("boost_of_id = ?", status.ID).Count()
func (ps *postgresService) GetFaveCountForStatus(status *gtsmodel.Status) (int, error) {
return ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.StatusFave{}).Where("status_id = ?", status.ID).Count()
func (ps *postgresService) StatusFavedBy(status *gtsmodel.Status, accountID string) (bool, error) {
return ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.StatusFave{}).Where("status_id = ?", status.ID).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Exists()
func (ps *postgresService) StatusRebloggedBy(status *gtsmodel.Status, accountID string) (bool, error) {
return ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.Status{}).Where("boost_of_id = ?", status.ID).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Exists()
func (ps *postgresService) StatusMutedBy(status *gtsmodel.Status, accountID string) (bool, error) {
return ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.StatusMute{}).Where("status_id = ?", status.ID).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Exists()
func (ps *postgresService) StatusBookmarkedBy(status *gtsmodel.Status, accountID string) (bool, error) {
return ps.conn.Model(&gtsmodel.StatusBookmark{}).Where("status_id = ?", status.ID).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Exists()
func (ps *postgresService) WhoFavedStatus(status *gtsmodel.Status) ([]*gtsmodel.Account, error) {
accounts := []*gtsmodel.Account{}
faves := []*gtsmodel.StatusFave{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(&faves).Where("status_id = ?", status.ID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return accounts, nil // no rows just means nobody has faved this status, so that's fine
return nil, err // an actual error has occurred
for _, f := range faves {
acc := &gtsmodel.Account{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(acc).Where("id = ?", f.AccountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
continue // the account doesn't exist for some reason??? but this isn't the place to worry about that so just skip it
return nil, err // an actual error has occurred
accounts = append(accounts, acc)
return accounts, nil
func (ps *postgresService) WhoBoostedStatus(status *gtsmodel.Status) ([]*gtsmodel.Account, error) {
accounts := []*gtsmodel.Account{}
boosts := []*gtsmodel.Status{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(&boosts).Where("boost_of_id = ?", status.ID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return accounts, nil // no rows just means nobody has boosted this status, so that's fine
return nil, err // an actual error has occurred
for _, f := range boosts {
acc := &gtsmodel.Account{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(acc).Where("id = ?", f.AccountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
continue // the account doesn't exist for some reason??? but this isn't the place to worry about that so just skip it
return nil, err // an actual error has occurred
accounts = append(accounts, acc)
return accounts, nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetStatusesWhereFollowing(accountID string, maxID string, sinceID string, minID string, limit int, local bool) ([]*gtsmodel.Status, error) {
statuses := []*gtsmodel.Status{}
q := ps.conn.Model(&statuses)
q = q.ColumnExpr("status.*").
Join("JOIN follows AS f ON f.target_account_id = status.account_id").
Where("f.account_id = ?", accountID).
Order(" DESC")
if maxID != "" {
q = q.Where(" < ?", maxID)
if sinceID != "" {
q = q.Where(" > ?", sinceID)
if minID != "" {
q = q.Where(" > ?", minID)
if local {
q = q.Where("status.local = ?", local)
if limit > 0 {
q = q.Limit(limit)
err := q.Select()
if err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return nil, db.ErrNoEntries{}
return nil, err
if len(statuses) == 0 {
return nil, db.ErrNoEntries{}
return statuses, nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetPublicTimelineForAccount(accountID string, maxID string, sinceID string, minID string, limit int, local bool) ([]*gtsmodel.Status, error) {
statuses := []*gtsmodel.Status{}
q := ps.conn.Model(&statuses).
Where("visibility = ?", gtsmodel.VisibilityPublic).
Where("? IS NULL", pg.Ident("in_reply_to_id")).
Where("? IS NULL", pg.Ident("in_reply_to_uri")).
Where("? IS NULL", pg.Ident("boost_of_id")).
Order(" DESC")
if maxID != "" {
q = q.Where(" < ?", maxID)
if sinceID != "" {
q = q.Where(" > ?", sinceID)
if minID != "" {
q = q.Where(" > ?", minID)
if local {
q = q.Where("status.local = ?", local)
if limit > 0 {
q = q.Limit(limit)
err := q.Select()
if err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return nil, db.ErrNoEntries{}
return nil, err
return statuses, nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetNotificationsForAccount(accountID string, limit int, maxID string, sinceID string) ([]*gtsmodel.Notification, error) {
notifications := []*gtsmodel.Notification{}
q := ps.conn.Model(&notifications).Where("target_account_id = ?", accountID)
if maxID != "" {
q = q.Where("id < ?", maxID)
if sinceID != "" {
q = q.Where("id > ?", sinceID)
if limit != 0 {
q = q.Limit(limit)
q = q.Order("created_at DESC")
if err := q.Select(); err != nil {
if err != pg.ErrNoRows {
return nil, err
return notifications, nil
// TODO: move these to the type converter, it's bananas that they're here and not there
func (ps *postgresService) MentionStringsToMentions(targetAccounts []string, originAccountID string, statusID string) ([]*gtsmodel.Mention, error) {
ogAccount := &gtsmodel.Account{}
if err := ps.conn.Model(ogAccount).Where("id = ?", originAccountID).Select(); err != nil {
return nil, err
menchies := []*gtsmodel.Mention{}
for _, a := range targetAccounts {
// A mentioned account looks like "" or just "@test" for a local account
// -- we can guarantee this from the regex that targetAccounts should have been derived from.
// But we still need to do a bit of fiddling to get what we need here -- the username and domain (if given).
// 1. trim off the first @
t := strings.TrimPrefix(a, "@")
// 2. split the username and domain
s := strings.Split(t, "@")
// 3. if it's length 1 it's a local account, length 2 means remote, anything else means something is wrong
var local bool
switch len(s) {
case 1:
local = true
case 2:
local = false
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mentioned account format '%s' was not valid", a)
var username, domain string
username = s[0]
if !local {
domain = s[1]
// 4. check we now have a proper username and domain
if username == "" || (!local && domain == "") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("username or domain for '%s' was nil", a)
// okay we're good now, we can start pulling accounts out of the database
mentionedAccount := &gtsmodel.Account{}
var err error
// match username + account, case insensitive
if local {
// local user -- should have a null domain
err = ps.conn.Model(mentionedAccount).Where("LOWER(?) = LOWER(?)", pg.Ident("username"), username).Where("? IS NULL", pg.Ident("domain")).Select()
} else {
// remote user -- should have domain defined
err = ps.conn.Model(mentionedAccount).Where("LOWER(?) = LOWER(?)", pg.Ident("username"), username).Where("LOWER(?) = LOWER(?)", pg.Ident("domain"), domain).Select()
if err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
// no result found for this username/domain so just don't include it as a mencho and carry on about our business
ps.log.Debugf("no account found with username '%s' and domain '%s', skipping it", username, domain)
// a serious error has happened so bail
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting account with username '%s' and domain '%s': %s", username, domain, err)
// id, createdAt and updatedAt will be populated by the db, so we have everything we need!
menchies = append(menchies, &gtsmodel.Mention{
StatusID: statusID,
OriginAccountID: ogAccount.ID,
OriginAccountURI: ogAccount.URI,
TargetAccountID: mentionedAccount.ID,
NameString: a,
MentionedAccountURI: mentionedAccount.URI,
MentionedAccountURL: mentionedAccount.URL,
GTSAccount: mentionedAccount,
return menchies, nil
func (ps *postgresService) TagStringsToTags(tags []string, originAccountID string, statusID string) ([]*gtsmodel.Tag, error) {
newTags := []*gtsmodel.Tag{}
for _, t := range tags {
tag := &gtsmodel.Tag{}
// we can use selectorinsert here to create the new tag if it doesn't exist already
// inserted will be true if this is a new tag we just created
if err := ps.conn.Model(tag).Where("LOWER(?) = LOWER(?)", pg.Ident("name"), t).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
// tag doesn't exist yet so populate it
newID, err := id.NewRandomULID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tag.ID = newID
tag.URL = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/tags/%s", ps.config.Protocol, ps.config.Host, t)
tag.Name = t
tag.FirstSeenFromAccountID = originAccountID
tag.CreatedAt = time.Now()
tag.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
tag.Useable = true
tag.Listable = true
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting tag with name %s: %s", t, err)
// bail already if the tag isn't useable
if !tag.Useable {
tag.LastStatusAt = time.Now()
newTags = append(newTags, tag)
return newTags, nil
func (ps *postgresService) EmojiStringsToEmojis(emojis []string, originAccountID string, statusID string) ([]*gtsmodel.Emoji, error) {
newEmojis := []*gtsmodel.Emoji{}
for _, e := range emojis {
emoji := &gtsmodel.Emoji{}
err := ps.conn.Model(emoji).Where("shortcode = ?", e).Where("visible_in_picker = true").Where("disabled = false").Select()
if err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
// no result found for this username/domain so just don't include it as an emoji and carry on about our business
ps.log.Debugf("no emoji found with shortcode %s, skipping it", e)
// a serious error has happened so bail
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting emoji with shortcode %s: %s", e, err)
newEmojis = append(newEmojis, emoji)
return newEmojis, nil