tobi bcb80d3ff4
[chore] bump gruf/go-store to v2 (#953)
* [chore] bump gruf/go-store to v2

* no more boobs
2022-11-05 11:10:19 +00:00

26 lines
1.1 KiB

help: ## show help, shown by default if no target is specified
@grep -E '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
lint: ## run code linters
golangci-lint run
benchmark: ## run benchmarks
cd benchmarks && perflock go test -cpu 8 -run=^# -bench=.
benchmark-perflock: ## run benchmarks using perflock -
cd benchmarks && perflock -governor 80% go test -count 3 -cpu 8 -run=^# -bench=.
test: ## run tests
go test -race ./...
GOARCH=386 go test ./...
test-coverage: ## run unit tests and create test coverage
go test ./... -coverprofile .testCoverage -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=./...
test-coverage-web: test-coverage ## run unit tests and show test coverage in browser
go tool cover -func .testCoverage | grep total | awk '{print "Total coverage: "$$3}'
go tool cover -html=.testCoverage
install-linters: ## install all used linters
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $$(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.49.0