
1154 lines
35 KiB

// GoToSocial
// Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package workers
import (
// fediAPI wraps processing functions
// specifically for messages originating
// from the federation/ActivityPub API.
type fediAPI struct {
state *state.State
surface *Surface
federate *federate
account *account.Processor
common *common.Processor
utils *utils
func (p *Processor) ProcessFromFediAPI(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
// Allocate new log fields slice
fields := make([]kv.Field, 3, 5)
fields[0] = kv.Field{"activityType", fMsg.APActivityType}
fields[1] = kv.Field{"objectType", fMsg.APObjectType}
fields[2] = kv.Field{"toAccount", fMsg.Receiving.Username}
if fMsg.APIRI != nil {
// An IRI was supplied, append to log
fields = append(fields, kv.Field{
"iri", fMsg.APIRI,
// Include GTSModel in logs if appropriate.
if fMsg.GTSModel != nil &&
log.Level() >= log.DEBUG {
fields = append(fields, kv.Field{
"model", fMsg.GTSModel,
l := log.WithContext(ctx).WithFields(fields...)
l.Info("processing from fedi API")
switch fMsg.APActivityType {
case ap.ActivityCreate:
switch fMsg.APObjectType {
case ap.ObjectNote:
return p.fediAPI.CreateStatus(ctx, fMsg)
// CREATE FOLLOW (request)
case ap.ActivityFollow:
return p.fediAPI.CreateFollowReq(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityLike:
return p.fediAPI.CreateLike(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityAnnounce:
return p.fediAPI.CreateAnnounce(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityBlock:
return p.fediAPI.CreateBlock(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityFlag:
return p.fediAPI.CreateFlag(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityQuestion:
return p.fediAPI.CreatePollVote(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityUpdate:
switch fMsg.APObjectType {
case ap.ObjectNote:
return p.fediAPI.UpdateStatus(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActorPerson:
return p.fediAPI.UpdateAccount(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityAccept:
switch fMsg.APObjectType {
// ACCEPT (pending) FOLLOW
case ap.ActivityFollow:
return p.fediAPI.AcceptFollow(ctx, fMsg)
// ACCEPT (pending) LIKE
case ap.ActivityLike:
return p.fediAPI.AcceptLike(ctx, fMsg)
// ACCEPT (pending) REPLY
case ap.ObjectNote:
return p.fediAPI.AcceptReply(ctx, fMsg)
// ACCEPT (pending) ANNOUNCE
case ap.ActivityAnnounce:
return p.fediAPI.AcceptAnnounce(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ObjectUnknown:
return p.fediAPI.AcceptRemoteStatus(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityReject:
switch fMsg.APObjectType {
case ap.ActivityLike:
return p.fediAPI.RejectLike(ctx, fMsg)
// REJECT NOTE/STATUS (ie., reject a reply)
case ap.ObjectNote:
return p.fediAPI.RejectReply(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityAnnounce:
return p.fediAPI.RejectAnnounce(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityDelete:
switch fMsg.APObjectType {
case ap.ObjectNote:
return p.fediAPI.DeleteStatus(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActorPerson:
return p.fediAPI.DeleteAccount(ctx, fMsg)
case ap.ActivityMove:
// fromfediapi_move.go.
if fMsg.APObjectType == ap.ActorPerson {
return p.fediAPI.MoveAccount(ctx, fMsg)
return gtserror.Newf("unhandled: %s %s", fMsg.APActivityType, fMsg.APObjectType)
func (p *fediAPI) CreateStatus(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
var (
status *gtsmodel.Status
statusable ap.Statusable
err error
var ok bool
switch {
case fMsg.APObject != nil:
// A model was provided, extract this from message.
statusable, ok = fMsg.APObject.(ap.Statusable)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("cannot cast %T -> ap.Statusable", fMsg.APObject)
// Create bare-bones model to pass
// into RefreshStatus(), which it will
// further populate and insert as new.
bareStatus := new(gtsmodel.Status)
bareStatus.Local = util.Ptr(false)
bareStatus.URI = ap.GetJSONLDId(statusable).String()
// Call RefreshStatus() to parse and process the provided
// statusable model, which it will use to further flesh out
// the bare bones model and insert it into the database.
status, statusable, err = p.federate.RefreshStatus(ctx,
// Force refresh within 5min window.
if err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error processing new status %s: %w", bareStatus.URI, err)
case fMsg.APIRI != nil:
// Model was not set, deref with IRI (this is a forward).
// This will also cause the status to be inserted into the db.
status, statusable, err = p.federate.GetStatusByURI(ctx,
if err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error dereferencing forwarded status %s: %w", fMsg.APIRI, err)
return gtserror.New("neither APObjectModel nor APIri set")
if statusable == nil {
// Another thread beat us to
// creating this status! Return
// here and let the other thread
// handle timelining + notifying.
return nil
// If pending approval is true then
// status must reply to a LOCAL status
// that requires approval for the reply.
pendingApproval := util.PtrOrZero(status.PendingApproval)
switch {
case pendingApproval && !status.PreApproved:
// If approval is required and status isn't
// preapproved, then just notify the account
// that's being interacted with: they can
// approve or deny the interaction later.
if err := p.utils.requestReply(ctx, status); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error pending reply: %w", err)
// Return early.
return nil
case pendingApproval && status.PreApproved:
// If approval is required and status is
// preapproved, that means this is a reply
// to one of our statuses with permission
// that matched on a following/followers
// collection. Do the Accept immediately and
// then process everything else as normal.
// Store an already-accepted interaction request.
id := id.NewULID()
approval := &gtsmodel.InteractionRequest{
ID: id,
StatusID: status.InReplyToID,
TargetAccountID: status.InReplyToAccountID,
TargetAccount: status.InReplyToAccount,
InteractingAccountID: status.AccountID,
InteractingAccount: status.Account,
InteractionURI: status.URI,
InteractionType: gtsmodel.InteractionLike,
Reply: status,
URI: uris.GenerateURIForAccept(status.InReplyToAccount.Username, id),
AcceptedAt: time.Now(),
if err := p.state.DB.PutInteractionRequest(ctx, approval); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error putting pre-approved interaction request: %w", err)
// Mark the status as now approved.
status.PendingApproval = util.Ptr(false)
status.PreApproved = false
status.ApprovedByURI = approval.URI
if err := p.state.DB.UpdateStatus(
); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error updating status: %w", err)
// Send out the approval as Accept.
if err := p.federate.AcceptInteraction(ctx, approval); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error federating pre-approval of reply: %w", err)
// Don't return, just continue as normal.
// Update stats for the remote account.
if err := p.utils.incrementStatusesCount(ctx, fMsg.Requesting, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
if err := p.surface.timelineAndNotifyStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error timelining and notifying status: %v", err)
if status.InReplyToID != "" {
// Interaction counts changed on the replied status; uncache the
// prepared version from all timelines. The status dereferencer
// functions will ensure necessary ancestors exist before this point.
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, status.InReplyToID)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) CreatePollVote(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
// Cast poll vote type from the worker message.
vote, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.PollVote)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("cannot cast %T -> *gtsmodel.PollVote", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Insert the new poll vote in the database.
if err := p.state.DB.PutPollVote(ctx, vote); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error inserting poll vote in db: %w", err)
// Ensure the poll vote is fully populated at this point.
if err := p.state.DB.PopulatePollVote(ctx, vote); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error populating poll vote from db: %w", err)
// Ensure the poll on the vote is fully populated to get origin status.
if err := p.state.DB.PopulatePoll(ctx, vote.Poll); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error populating poll from db: %w", err)
// Get the origin status,
// (also set the poll on it).
status := vote.Poll.Status
status.Poll = vote.Poll
if *status.Local {
// Before federating it, increment the
// poll vote counts on our local copy.
// These were poll votes in a local status, we need to
// federate the updated status model with latest vote counts.
if err := p.federate.UpdateStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error federating status update: %v", err)
// Interaction counts changed on the source status, uncache from timelines.
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, vote.Poll.StatusID)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) CreateFollowReq(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
followRequest, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.FollowRequest)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.FollowRequest", fMsg.GTSModel)
if err := p.state.DB.PopulateFollowRequest(ctx, followRequest); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error populating follow request: %w", err)
if *followRequest.TargetAccount.Locked {
// Local account is locked: just notify the follow request.
if err := p.surface.notifyFollowRequest(ctx, followRequest); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error notifying follow request: %v", err)
// And update stats for the local account.
if err := p.utils.incrementFollowRequestsCount(ctx, fMsg.Receiving); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
return nil
// Local account is not locked:
// Automatically accept the follow request
// and notify about the new follower.
follow, err := p.state.DB.AcceptFollowRequest(
if err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error accepting follow request: %w", err)
// Update stats for the local account.
if err := p.utils.incrementFollowersCount(ctx, fMsg.Receiving); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
// Update stats for the remote account.
if err := p.utils.incrementFollowingCount(ctx, fMsg.Requesting); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
if err := p.federate.AcceptFollow(ctx, follow); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error federating follow request accept: %v", err)
if err := p.surface.notifyFollow(ctx, follow); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error notifying follow: %v", err)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) CreateLike(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
fave, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.StatusFave)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.StatusFave", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Ensure fave populated.
if err := p.state.DB.PopulateStatusFave(ctx, fave); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error populating status fave: %w", err)
// If pending approval is true then
// fave must target a LOCAL status
// that requires approval for the fave.
pendingApproval := util.PtrOrZero(fave.PendingApproval)
switch {
case pendingApproval && !fave.PreApproved:
// If approval is required and fave isn't
// preapproved, then just notify the account
// that's being interacted with: they can
// approve or deny the interaction later.
if err := p.utils.requestFave(ctx, fave); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error pending fave: %w", err)
// Return early.
return nil
case pendingApproval && fave.PreApproved:
// If approval is required and fave is
// preapproved, that means this is a fave
// of one of our statuses with permission
// that matched on a following/followers
// collection. Do the Accept immediately and
// then process everything else as normal.
// Store an already-accepted interaction request.
id := id.NewULID()
approval := &gtsmodel.InteractionRequest{
ID: id,
StatusID: fave.StatusID,
TargetAccountID: fave.TargetAccountID,
TargetAccount: fave.TargetAccount,
InteractingAccountID: fave.AccountID,
InteractingAccount: fave.Account,
InteractionURI: fave.URI,
InteractionType: gtsmodel.InteractionLike,
Like: fave,
URI: uris.GenerateURIForAccept(fave.TargetAccount.Username, id),
AcceptedAt: time.Now(),
if err := p.state.DB.PutInteractionRequest(ctx, approval); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error putting pre-approved interaction request: %w", err)
// Mark the fave itself as now approved.
fave.PendingApproval = util.Ptr(false)
fave.PreApproved = false
fave.ApprovedByURI = approval.URI
if err := p.state.DB.UpdateStatusFave(
); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error updating status fave: %w", err)
// Send out the approval as Accept.
if err := p.federate.AcceptInteraction(ctx, approval); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error federating pre-approval of fave: %w", err)
// Don't return, just continue as normal.
if err := p.surface.notifyFave(ctx, fave); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error notifying fave: %v", err)
// Interaction counts changed on the faved status;
// uncache the prepared version from all timelines.
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, fave.StatusID)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) CreateAnnounce(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
boost, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.Status)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.Status", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Dereference into a boost wrapper status.
// Note: this will handle storing the boost in
// the db, and dereferencing the target status
// ancestors / descendants where appropriate.
var err error
boost, err = p.federate.EnrichAnnounce(
if err != nil {
if gtserror.IsUnretrievable(err) ||
gtserror.NotPermitted(err) {
// Boosted status domain blocked, or
// otherwise not permitted, nothing to do.
log.Debugf(ctx, "skipping announce: %v", err)
return nil
// Actual error.
return gtserror.Newf("error dereferencing announce: %w", err)
// If pending approval is true then
// boost must target a LOCAL status
// that requires approval for the boost.
pendingApproval := util.PtrOrZero(boost.PendingApproval)
switch {
case pendingApproval && !boost.PreApproved:
// If approval is required and boost isn't
// preapproved, then just notify the account
// that's being interacted with: they can
// approve or deny the interaction later.
if err := p.utils.requestAnnounce(ctx, boost); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error pending boost: %w", err)
// Return early.
return nil
case pendingApproval && boost.PreApproved:
// If approval is required and status is
// preapproved, that means this is a boost
// of one of our statuses with permission
// that matched on a following/followers
// collection. Do the Accept immediately and
// then process everything else as normal.
// Store an already-accepted interaction request.
id := id.NewULID()
approval := &gtsmodel.InteractionRequest{
ID: id,
StatusID: boost.BoostOfID,
TargetAccountID: boost.BoostOfAccountID,
TargetAccount: boost.BoostOfAccount,
InteractingAccountID: boost.AccountID,
InteractingAccount: boost.Account,
InteractionURI: boost.URI,
InteractionType: gtsmodel.InteractionLike,
Announce: boost,
URI: uris.GenerateURIForAccept(boost.BoostOfAccount.Username, id),
AcceptedAt: time.Now(),
if err := p.state.DB.PutInteractionRequest(ctx, approval); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error putting pre-approved interaction request: %w", err)
// Mark the boost itself as now approved.
boost.PendingApproval = util.Ptr(false)
boost.PreApproved = false
boost.ApprovedByURI = approval.URI
if err := p.state.DB.UpdateStatus(
); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error updating status: %w", err)
// Send out the approval as Accept.
if err := p.federate.AcceptInteraction(ctx, approval); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error federating pre-approval of boost: %w", err)
// Don't return, just continue as normal.
// Update stats for the remote account.
if err := p.utils.incrementStatusesCount(ctx, fMsg.Requesting, boost); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
// Timeline and notify the announce.
if err := p.surface.timelineAndNotifyStatus(ctx, boost); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error timelining and notifying status: %v", err)
if err := p.surface.notifyAnnounce(ctx, boost); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error notifying announce: %v", err)
// Interaction counts changed on the original status;
// uncache the prepared version from all timelines.
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, boost.BoostOfID)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) CreateBlock(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
block, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.Block)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.Block", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Remove each account's posts from the other's timelines.
// First home timelines.
if err := p.state.Timelines.Home.WipeItemsFromAccountID(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error wiping items from block -> target's home timeline: %v", err)
if err := p.state.Timelines.Home.WipeItemsFromAccountID(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error wiping items from target -> block's home timeline: %v", err)
// Now list timelines.
if err := p.state.Timelines.List.WipeItemsFromAccountID(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error wiping items from block -> target's list timeline(s): %v", err)
if err := p.state.Timelines.List.WipeItemsFromAccountID(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error wiping items from target -> block's list timeline(s): %v", err)
// Remove any follows that existed between blocker + blockee.
if err := p.state.DB.DeleteFollow(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error deleting follow from block -> target: %v", err)
if err := p.state.DB.DeleteFollow(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error deleting follow from target -> block: %v", err)
// Remove any follow requests that existed between blocker + blockee.
if err := p.state.DB.DeleteFollowRequest(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error deleting follow request from block -> target: %v", err)
if err := p.state.DB.DeleteFollowRequest(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error deleting follow request from target -> block: %v", err)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) CreateFlag(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
incomingReport, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.Report)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.Report", fMsg.GTSModel)
// TODO: handle additional side effects of flag creation:
// - notify admins by dm / notification
if err := p.surface.emailAdminReportOpened(ctx, incomingReport); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error emailing report opened: %v", err)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) UpdateAccount(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
// Parse the old/existing account model.
account, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.Account)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("cannot cast %T -> *gtsmodel.Account", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Because this was an Update, the new Accountable should be set on the message.
apubAcc, ok := fMsg.APObject.(ap.Accountable)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("cannot cast %T -> ap.Accountable", fMsg.APObject)
// Fetch up-to-date bio, avatar, header, etc.
_, _, err := p.federate.RefreshAccount(
// Force refresh within 10s window.
// Missing account updates could be
// detrimental to federation if they
// include public key changes.
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error refreshing account: %v", err)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) AcceptFollow(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
// Update stats for the remote account.
if err := p.utils.decrementFollowRequestsCount(ctx, fMsg.Requesting); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
if err := p.utils.incrementFollowersCount(ctx, fMsg.Requesting); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
// Update stats for the local account.
if err := p.utils.incrementFollowingCount(ctx, fMsg.Receiving); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) AcceptLike(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
// TODO: Add something here if we ever implement sending out Likes to
// followers more broadly and not just the owner of the Liked status.
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) AcceptReply(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
status, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.Status)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.Status", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Update stats for the actor account.
if err := p.utils.incrementStatusesCount(ctx, status.Account, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
// Timeline and notify the status.
if err := p.surface.timelineAndNotifyStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error timelining and notifying status: %v", err)
// Send out the reply again, fully this time.
if err := p.federate.CreateStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error federating announce: %v", err)
// Interaction counts changed on the replied-to status;
// uncache the prepared version from all timelines.
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, status.InReplyToID)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) AcceptRemoteStatus(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
// See if we can accept a remote
// status we don't have stored yet.
objectIRI, ok := fMsg.APObject.(*url.URL)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *url.URL", fMsg.APObject)
acceptIRI := fMsg.APIRI
if acceptIRI == nil {
return gtserror.New("acceptIRI was nil")
// Assume we're accepting a status; create a
// barebones status for dereferencing purposes.
bareStatus := &gtsmodel.Status{
URI: objectIRI.String(),
ApprovedByURI: acceptIRI.String(),
// Call RefreshStatus() to process the provided
// barebones status and insert it into the database,
// if indeed it's actually a status URI we can fetch.
// This will also check whether the given AcceptIRI
// actually grants permission for this status.
status, _, err := p.federate.RefreshStatus(ctx,
nil, nil,
if err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("error processing accepted status %s: %w", bareStatus.URI, err)
// No error means it was indeed a remote status, and the
// given acceptIRI permitted it. Timeline and notify it.
if err := p.surface.timelineAndNotifyStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error timelining and notifying status: %v", err)
// Interaction counts changed on the interacted status;
// uncache the prepared version from all timelines.
if status.InReplyToID != "" {
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, status.InReplyToID)
if status.BoostOfID != "" {
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, status.BoostOfID)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) AcceptAnnounce(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
boost, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.Status)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.Status", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Update stats for the actor account.
if err := p.utils.incrementStatusesCount(ctx, boost.Account, boost); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
// Timeline and notify the boost wrapper status.
if err := p.surface.timelineAndNotifyStatus(ctx, boost); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error timelining and notifying status: %v", err)
// Send out the boost again, fully this time.
if err := p.federate.Announce(ctx, boost); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error federating announce: %v", err)
// Interaction counts changed on the boosted status;
// uncache the prepared version from all timelines.
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, boost.BoostOfID)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
// Cast the existing Status model attached to msg.
existing, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.Status)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("cannot cast %T -> *gtsmodel.Status", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Cast the updated ActivityPub statusable object .
apStatus, _ := fMsg.APObject.(ap.Statusable)
// Fetch up-to-date attach status attachments, etc.
status, _, err := p.federate.RefreshStatus(
// Force refresh within 5min window.
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error refreshing status: %v", err)
if status.Poll != nil && status.Poll.Closing {
// If the latest status has a newly closed poll, at least compared
// to the existing version, then notify poll close to all voters.
if err := p.surface.notifyPollClose(ctx, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error sending poll notification: %v", err)
// Push message that the status has been edited to streams.
if err := p.surface.timelineStatusUpdate(ctx, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error streaming status edit: %v", err)
// Status representation was refetched, uncache from timelines.
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, status.ID)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) DeleteStatus(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
status, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.Status)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.Status", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Try to populate status structs if possible,
// in order to more thoroughly remove them.
if err := p.state.DB.PopulateStatus(
ctx, status,
); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoEntries) {
return gtserror.Newf("db error populating status: %w", err)
// Drop any outgoing queued AP requests about / targeting
// this status, (stops queued likes, boosts, creates etc).
p.state.Workers.Delivery.Queue.Delete("ObjectID", status.URI)
p.state.Workers.Delivery.Queue.Delete("TargetID", status.URI)
// Drop any incoming queued client messages about / targeting
// status, (stops processing of local origin data for status).
p.state.Workers.Client.Queue.Delete("TargetURI", status.URI)
// Drop any incoming queued federator messages targeting status,
// (stops processing of remote origin data targeting this status).
p.state.Workers.Federator.Queue.Delete("TargetURI", status.URI)
// Delete attachments from this status, since this request
// comes from the federating API, and there's no way the
// poster can do a delete + redraft for it on our instance.
const deleteAttachments = true
// This is just a deletion, not a Reject,
// we don't need to take a copy of this status.
const copyToSinBin = false
// Perform the actual status deletion.
if err := p.utils.wipeStatus(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error wiping status: %v", err)
// Update stats for the remote account.
if err := p.utils.decrementStatusesCount(ctx, fMsg.Requesting, status); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error updating account stats: %v", err)
if status.InReplyToID != "" {
// Interaction counts changed on the replied status;
// uncache the prepared version from all timelines.
p.surface.invalidateStatusFromTimelines(ctx, status.InReplyToID)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
account, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.Account)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.Account", fMsg.GTSModel)
// Drop any outgoing queued AP requests to / from / targeting
// this account, (stops queued likes, boosts, creates etc).
p.state.Workers.Delivery.Queue.Delete("ObjectID", account.URI)
p.state.Workers.Delivery.Queue.Delete("TargetID", account.URI)
// Drop any incoming queued client messages to / from this
// account, (stops processing of local origin data for acccount).
p.state.Workers.Client.Queue.Delete("Target.ID", account.ID)
p.state.Workers.Client.Queue.Delete("TargetURI", account.URI)
// Drop any incoming queued federator messages to this account,
// (stops processing of remote origin data targeting this account).
p.state.Workers.Federator.Queue.Delete("Requesting.ID", account.ID)
p.state.Workers.Federator.Queue.Delete("TargetURI", account.URI)
// First perform the actual account deletion.
if err := p.account.Delete(ctx, account, account.ID); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error deleting account: %v", err)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) RejectLike(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
req, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.InteractionRequest)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.InteractionRequest", fMsg.GTSModel)
// At this point the InteractionRequest should already
// be in the database, we just need to do side effects.
// Send out the Reject.
if err := p.federate.RejectInteraction(ctx, req); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error federating rejection of like: %v", err)
// Get the rejected fave.
fave, err := p.state.DB.GetStatusFaveByURI(
if err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error getting rejected fave: %w", err)
// Delete the fave.
if err := p.state.DB.DeleteStatusFaveByID(ctx, fave.ID); err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error deleting fave: %w", err)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) RejectReply(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
req, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.InteractionRequest)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.InteractionRequest", fMsg.GTSModel)
// At this point the InteractionRequest should already
// be in the database, we just need to do side effects.
// Get the rejected status.
status, err := p.state.DB.GetStatusByURI(
if err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error getting rejected reply: %w", err)
// Delete attachments from this status.
// It's rejected so there's no possibility
// for the poster to delete + redraft it.
const deleteAttachments = true
// Keep a copy of the status in
// the sin bin for future review.
const copyToSinBin = true
// Perform the actual status deletion.
if err := p.utils.wipeStatus(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error wiping reply: %v", err)
return nil
func (p *fediAPI) RejectAnnounce(ctx context.Context, fMsg *messages.FromFediAPI) error {
req, ok := fMsg.GTSModel.(*gtsmodel.InteractionRequest)
if !ok {
return gtserror.Newf("%T not parseable as *gtsmodel.InteractionRequest", fMsg.GTSModel)
// At this point the InteractionRequest should already
// be in the database, we just need to do side effects.
// Get the rejected boost.
boost, err := p.state.DB.GetStatusByURI(
if err != nil {
return gtserror.Newf("db error getting rejected announce: %w", err)
// Boosts don't have attachments anyway
// so it doesn't matter what we set here.
const deleteAttachments = true
// This is just a boost, don't
// keep a copy in the sin bin.
const copyToSinBin = true
// Perform the actual status deletion.
if err := p.utils.wipeStatus(
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "error wiping announce: %v", err)
return nil