import { set, delete as del } from 'vue' import { setPreset, applyTheme } from '../services/style_setter/style_setter.js' import messages from '../i18n/messages' const browserLocale = (window.navigator.language || 'en').split('-')[0] /* TODO this is a bit messy. * We need to declare settings with their types and also deal with * instance-default settings in some way, hopefully try to avoid copy-pasta * in general. */ export const multiChoiceProperties = [ 'postContentType', 'subjectLineBehavior' ] export const defaultState = { colors: {}, theme: undefined, customTheme: undefined, customThemeSource: undefined, hideISP: false, hideInstanceWallpaper: false, // bad name: actually hides posts of muted USERS hideMutedPosts: undefined, // instance default collapseMessageWithSubject: undefined, // instance default padEmoji: true, hideAttachments: false, hideAttachmentsInConv: false, maxThumbnails: 16, hideNsfw: true, preloadImage: true, loopVideo: true, loopVideoSilentOnly: true, streaming: false, emojiReactionsOnTimeline: true, alwaysShowNewPostButton: false, autohideFloatingPostButton: false, pauseOnUnfocused: true, stopGifs: false, replyVisibility: 'all', notificationVisibility: { follows: true, mentions: true, likes: true, repeats: true, moves: true, emojiReactions: true, followRequest: true, chatMention: true }, webPushNotifications: false, muteWords: [], highlight: {}, interfaceLanguage: browserLocale, hideScopeNotice: false, useStreamingApi: false, sidebarRight: undefined, // instance default scopeCopy: undefined, // instance default subjectLineBehavior: undefined, // instance default alwaysShowSubjectInput: undefined, // instance default postContentType: undefined, // instance default minimalScopesMode: undefined, // instance default // This hides statuses filtered via a word filter hideFilteredStatuses: undefined, // instance default playVideosInModal: false, useOneClickNsfw: false, useContainFit: false, greentext: undefined, // instance default hidePostStats: undefined, // instance default hideUserStats: undefined, // instance default virtualScrolling: undefined, // instance default sensitiveByDefault: undefined // instance default } // caching the instance default properties export const instanceDefaultProperties = Object.entries(defaultState) .filter(([key, value]) => value === undefined) .map(([key, value]) => key) const config = { state: { ...defaultState }, getters: { defaultConfig (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) { const { instance } = rootState return { ...defaultState, ...Object.fromEntries( => [key, instance[key]]) ) } }, mergedConfig (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) { const { defaultConfig } = rootGetters return { ...defaultConfig, ...state } } }, mutations: { setOption (state, { name, value }) { set(state, name, value) }, setHighlight (state, { user, color, type }) { const data = this.state.config.highlight[user] if (color || type) { set(state.highlight, user, { color: color || data.color, type: type || data.type }) } else { del(state.highlight, user) } } }, actions: { loadSettings ({ dispatch }, data) { const knownKeys = new Set(Object.keys(defaultState)) const presentKeys = new Set(Object.keys(data)) const intersection = new Set() for (let elem of presentKeys) { if (knownKeys.has(elem)) { intersection.add(elem) } } intersection.forEach( name => dispatch('setOption', { name, value: data[name] }) ) }, setHighlight ({ commit, dispatch }, { user, color, type }) { commit('setHighlight', { user, color, type }) }, setOption ({ commit, dispatch }, { name, value }) { commit('setOption', { name, value }) switch (name) { case 'theme': setPreset(value) break case 'customTheme': case 'customThemeSource': applyTheme(value) break case 'interfaceLanguage': messages.setLanguage(this.getters.i18n, value) break } } } } export default config