import { each, map, concat, last, get } from 'lodash' import { parseStatus, parseUser, parseNotification, parseAttachment, parseLinkHeaderPagination } from '../entity_normalizer/entity_normalizer.service.js' import { RegistrationError, StatusCodeError } from '../errors/errors' /* eslint-env browser */ const BLOCKS_IMPORT_URL = '/api/pleroma/blocks_import' const FOLLOW_IMPORT_URL = '/api/pleroma/follow_import' const DELETE_ACCOUNT_URL = '/api/pleroma/delete_account' const CHANGE_EMAIL_URL = '/api/pleroma/change_email' const CHANGE_PASSWORD_URL = '/api/pleroma/change_password' const TAG_USER_URL = '/api/pleroma/admin/users/tag' const PERMISSION_GROUP_URL = (screenName, right) => `/api/pleroma/admin/users/${screenName}/permission_group/${right}` const ACTIVATE_USER_URL = '/api/pleroma/admin/users/activate' const DEACTIVATE_USER_URL = '/api/pleroma/admin/users/deactivate' const ADMIN_USERS_URL = '/api/pleroma/admin/users' const SUGGESTIONS_URL = '/api/v1/suggestions' const NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_URL = '/api/pleroma/notification_settings' const NOTIFICATION_READ_URL = '/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read' const MFA_SETTINGS_URL = '/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa' const MFA_BACKUP_CODES_URL = '/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/backup_codes' const MFA_SETUP_OTP_URL = '/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/setup/totp' const MFA_CONFIRM_OTP_URL = '/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/confirm/totp' const MFA_DISABLE_OTP_URL = '/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/totp' const MASTODON_LOGIN_URL = '/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials' const MASTODON_REGISTRATION_URL = '/api/v1/accounts' const MASTODON_USER_FAVORITES_TIMELINE_URL = '/api/v1/favourites' const MASTODON_USER_NOTIFICATIONS_URL = '/api/v1/notifications' const MASTODON_DISMISS_NOTIFICATION_URL = id => `/api/v1/notifications/${id}/dismiss` const MASTODON_FAVORITE_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/favourite` const MASTODON_UNFAVORITE_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/unfavourite` const MASTODON_RETWEET_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/reblog` const MASTODON_UNRETWEET_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/unreblog` const MASTODON_DELETE_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}` const MASTODON_FOLLOW_URL = id => `/api/v1/accounts/${id}/follow` const MASTODON_UNFOLLOW_URL = id => `/api/v1/accounts/${id}/unfollow` const MASTODON_FOLLOWING_URL = id => `/api/v1/accounts/${id}/following` const MASTODON_FOLLOWERS_URL = id => `/api/v1/accounts/${id}/followers` const MASTODON_FOLLOW_REQUESTS_URL = '/api/v1/follow_requests' const MASTODON_APPROVE_USER_URL = id => `/api/v1/follow_requests/${id}/authorize` const MASTODON_DENY_USER_URL = id => `/api/v1/follow_requests/${id}/reject` const MASTODON_DIRECT_MESSAGES_TIMELINE_URL = '/api/v1/timelines/direct' const MASTODON_PUBLIC_TIMELINE = '/api/v1/timelines/public' const MASTODON_USER_HOME_TIMELINE_URL = '/api/v1/timelines/home' const MASTODON_STATUS_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}` const MASTODON_STATUS_CONTEXT_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/context` const MASTODON_USER_URL = '/api/v1/accounts' const MASTODON_USER_RELATIONSHIPS_URL = '/api/v1/accounts/relationships' const MASTODON_USER_TIMELINE_URL = id => `/api/v1/accounts/${id}/statuses` const MASTODON_TAG_TIMELINE_URL = tag => `/api/v1/timelines/tag/${tag}` const MASTODON_BOOKMARK_TIMELINE_URL = '/api/v1/bookmarks' const MASTODON_USER_BLOCKS_URL = '/api/v1/blocks/' const MASTODON_USER_MUTES_URL = '/api/v1/mutes/' const MASTODON_BLOCK_USER_URL = id => `/api/v1/accounts/${id}/block` const MASTODON_UNBLOCK_USER_URL = id => `/api/v1/accounts/${id}/unblock` const MASTODON_MUTE_USER_URL = id => `/api/v1/accounts/${id}/mute` const MASTODON_UNMUTE_USER_URL = id => `/api/v1/accounts/${id}/unmute` const MASTODON_SUBSCRIBE_USER = id => `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/${id}/subscribe` const MASTODON_UNSUBSCRIBE_USER = id => `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/${id}/unsubscribe` const MASTODON_BOOKMARK_STATUS_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/bookmark` const MASTODON_UNBOOKMARK_STATUS_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/unbookmark` const MASTODON_POST_STATUS_URL = '/api/v1/statuses' const MASTODON_MEDIA_UPLOAD_URL = '/api/v1/media' const MASTODON_VOTE_URL = id => `/api/v1/polls/${id}/votes` const MASTODON_POLL_URL = id => `/api/v1/polls/${id}` const MASTODON_STATUS_FAVORITEDBY_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/favourited_by` const MASTODON_STATUS_REBLOGGEDBY_URL = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/reblogged_by` const MASTODON_PROFILE_UPDATE_URL = '/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials' const MASTODON_REPORT_USER_URL = '/api/v1/reports' const MASTODON_PIN_OWN_STATUS = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/pin` const MASTODON_UNPIN_OWN_STATUS = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/unpin` const MASTODON_MUTE_CONVERSATION = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/mute` const MASTODON_UNMUTE_CONVERSATION = id => `/api/v1/statuses/${id}/unmute` const MASTODON_SEARCH_2 = `/api/v2/search` const MASTODON_USER_SEARCH_URL = '/api/v1/accounts/search' const MASTODON_DOMAIN_BLOCKS_URL = '/api/v1/domain_blocks' const MASTODON_STREAMING = '/api/v1/streaming' const MASTODON_KNOWN_DOMAIN_LIST_URL = '/api/v1/instance/peers' const PLEROMA_EMOJI_REACTIONS_URL = id => `/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/${id}/reactions` const PLEROMA_EMOJI_REACT_URL = (id, emoji) => `/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/${id}/reactions/${emoji}` const PLEROMA_EMOJI_UNREACT_URL = (id, emoji) => `/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/${id}/reactions/${emoji}` const oldfetch = window.fetch let fetch = (url, options) => { options = options || {} const baseUrl = '' const fullUrl = baseUrl + url options.credentials = 'same-origin' return oldfetch(fullUrl, options) } const promisedRequest = ({ method, url, params, payload, credentials, headers = {} }) => { const options = { method, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', ...headers } } if (params) { url += '?' + Object.entries(params) .map(([key, value]) => encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)) .join('&') } if (payload) { options.body = JSON.stringify(payload) } if (credentials) { options.headers = { ...options.headers, ...authHeaders(credentials) } } return fetch(url, options) .then((response) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => response.json() .then((json) => { if (!response.ok) { return reject(new StatusCodeError(response.status, json, { url, options }, response)) } return resolve(json) })) }) } const updateNotificationSettings = ({ credentials, settings }) => { const form = new FormData() each(settings, (value, key) => { form.append(key, value) }) return fetch(NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_URL, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'PUT', body: form }).then((data) => data.json()) } const updateAvatar = ({ credentials, avatar }) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('avatar', avatar) return fetch(MASTODON_PROFILE_UPDATE_URL, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'PATCH', body: form }).then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => parseUser(data)) } const updateBg = ({ credentials, background }) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('pleroma_background_image', background) return fetch(MASTODON_PROFILE_UPDATE_URL, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'PATCH', body: form }) .then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => parseUser(data)) } const updateBanner = ({ credentials, banner }) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('header', banner) return fetch(MASTODON_PROFILE_UPDATE_URL, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'PATCH', body: form }).then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => parseUser(data)) } const updateProfile = ({ credentials, params }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_PROFILE_UPDATE_URL, method: 'PATCH', payload: params, credentials }).then((data) => parseUser(data)) } // Params needed: // nickname // email // fullname // password // password_confirm // // Optional // bio // homepage // location // token const register = ({ params, credentials }) => { const { nickname, } = params return fetch(MASTODON_REGISTRATION_URL, { method: 'POST', headers: { ...authHeaders(credentials), 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ nickname, locale: 'en_US', agreement: true, }) }) .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { return response.json() } else { return response.json().then((error) => { throw new RegistrationError(error) }) } }) } const getCaptcha = () => fetch('/api/pleroma/captcha').then(resp => resp.json()) const authHeaders = (accessToken) => { if (accessToken) { return { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}` } } else { return { } } } const followUser = ({ id, credentials, ...options }) => { let url = MASTODON_FOLLOW_URL(id) const form = {} if (options.reblogs !== undefined) { form['reblogs'] = options.reblogs } return fetch(url, { body: JSON.stringify(form), headers: { ...authHeaders(credentials), 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const unfollowUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { let url = MASTODON_UNFOLLOW_URL(id) return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const pinOwnStatus = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_PIN_OWN_STATUS(id), credentials, method: 'POST' }) .then((data) => parseStatus(data)) } const unpinOwnStatus = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_UNPIN_OWN_STATUS(id), credentials, method: 'POST' }) .then((data) => parseStatus(data)) } const muteConversation = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_MUTE_CONVERSATION(id), credentials, method: 'POST' }) .then((data) => parseStatus(data)) } const unmuteConversation = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_UNMUTE_CONVERSATION(id), credentials, method: 'POST' }) .then((data) => parseStatus(data)) } const blockUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { return fetch(MASTODON_BLOCK_USER_URL(id), { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const unblockUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { return fetch(MASTODON_UNBLOCK_USER_URL(id), { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const approveUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { let url = MASTODON_APPROVE_USER_URL(id) return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const denyUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { let url = MASTODON_DENY_USER_URL(id) return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const fetchUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { let url = `${MASTODON_USER_URL}/${id}` return promisedRequest({ url, credentials }) .then((data) => parseUser(data)) } const fetchUserRelationship = ({ id, credentials }) => { let url = `${MASTODON_USER_RELATIONSHIPS_URL}/?id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => response.json() .then((json) => { if (!response.ok) { return reject(new StatusCodeError(response.status, json, { url }, response)) } return resolve(json) })) }) } const fetchFriends = ({ id, maxId, sinceId, limit = 20, credentials }) => { let url = MASTODON_FOLLOWING_URL(id) const args = [ maxId && `max_id=${maxId}`, sinceId && `since_id=${sinceId}`, limit && `limit=${limit}`, `with_relationships=true` ].filter(_ => _).join('&') url = url + (args ? '?' + args : '') return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => } const exportFriends = ({ id, credentials }) => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { let friends = [] let more = true while (more) { const maxId = friends.length > 0 ? last(friends).id : undefined const users = await fetchFriends({ id, maxId, credentials }) friends = concat(friends, users) if (users.length === 0) { more = false } } resolve(friends) } catch (err) { reject(err) } }) } const fetchFollowers = ({ id, maxId, sinceId, limit = 20, credentials }) => { let url = MASTODON_FOLLOWERS_URL(id) const args = [ maxId && `max_id=${maxId}`, sinceId && `since_id=${sinceId}`, limit && `limit=${limit}`, `with_relationships=true` ].filter(_ => _).join('&') url += args ? '?' + args : '' return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => } const fetchFollowRequests = ({ credentials }) => { const url = MASTODON_FOLLOW_REQUESTS_URL return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => } const fetchConversation = ({ id, credentials }) => { let urlContext = MASTODON_STATUS_CONTEXT_URL(id) return fetch(urlContext, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => { if (data.ok) { return data } throw new Error('Error fetching timeline', data) }) .then((data) => data.json()) .then(({ ancestors, descendants }) => ({ ancestors:, descendants: })) } const fetchStatus = ({ id, credentials }) => { let url = MASTODON_STATUS_URL(id) return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => { if (data.ok) { return data } throw new Error('Error fetching timeline', data) }) .then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => parseStatus(data)) } const tagUser = ({ tag, credentials, user }) => { const screenName = user.screen_name const form = { nicknames: [screenName], tags: [tag] } const headers = authHeaders(credentials) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return fetch(TAG_USER_URL, { method: 'PUT', headers: headers, body: JSON.stringify(form) }) } const untagUser = ({ tag, credentials, user }) => { const screenName = user.screen_name const body = { nicknames: [screenName], tags: [tag] } const headers = authHeaders(credentials) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return fetch(TAG_USER_URL, { method: 'DELETE', headers: headers, body: JSON.stringify(body) }) } const addRight = ({ right, credentials, user }) => { const screenName = user.screen_name return fetch(PERMISSION_GROUP_URL(screenName, right), { method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials), body: {} }) } const deleteRight = ({ right, credentials, user }) => { const screenName = user.screen_name return fetch(PERMISSION_GROUP_URL(screenName, right), { method: 'DELETE', headers: authHeaders(credentials), body: {} }) } const activateUser = ({ credentials, user: { screen_name: nickname } }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: ACTIVATE_USER_URL, method: 'PATCH', credentials, payload: { nicknames: [nickname] } }).then(response => get(response, 'users.0')) } const deactivateUser = ({ credentials, user: { screen_name: nickname } }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: DEACTIVATE_USER_URL, method: 'PATCH', credentials, payload: { nicknames: [nickname] } }).then(response => get(response, 'users.0')) } const deleteUser = ({ credentials, user }) => { const screenName = user.screen_name const headers = authHeaders(credentials) return fetch(`${ADMIN_USERS_URL}?nickname=${screenName}`, { method: 'DELETE', headers: headers }) } const fetchTimeline = ({ timeline, credentials, since = false, until = false, userId = false, tag = false, withMuted = false, replyVisibility = 'all' }) => { const timelineUrls = { public: MASTODON_PUBLIC_TIMELINE, friends: MASTODON_USER_HOME_TIMELINE_URL, dms: MASTODON_DIRECT_MESSAGES_TIMELINE_URL, notifications: MASTODON_USER_NOTIFICATIONS_URL, 'publicAndExternal': MASTODON_PUBLIC_TIMELINE, user: MASTODON_USER_TIMELINE_URL, media: MASTODON_USER_TIMELINE_URL, favorites: MASTODON_USER_FAVORITES_TIMELINE_URL, tag: MASTODON_TAG_TIMELINE_URL, bookmarks: MASTODON_BOOKMARK_TIMELINE_URL } const isNotifications = timeline === 'notifications' const params = [] let url = timelineUrls[timeline] if (timeline === 'user' || timeline === 'media') { url = url(userId) } if (since) { params.push(['since_id', since]) } if (until) { params.push(['max_id', until]) } if (tag) { url = url(tag) } if (timeline === 'media') { params.push(['only_media', 1]) } if (timeline === 'public') { params.push(['local', true]) } if (timeline === 'public' || timeline === 'publicAndExternal') { params.push(['only_media', false]) } if (timeline !== 'favorites' && timeline !== 'bookmarks') { params.push(['with_muted', withMuted]) } if (replyVisibility !== 'all') { params.push(['reply_visibility', replyVisibility]) } params.push(['limit', 20]) const queryString = map(params, (param) => `${param[0]}=${param[1]}`).join('&') url += `?${queryString}` let status = '' let statusText = '' let pagination = {} return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => { status = data.status statusText = data.statusText pagination = parseLinkHeaderPagination(data.headers.get('Link'), { flakeId: timeline !== 'bookmarks' && timeline !== 'notifications' }) return data }) .then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => { if (!data.error) { return { data: ? parseNotification : parseStatus), pagination } } else { data.status = status data.statusText = statusText return data } }) } const fetchPinnedStatuses = ({ id, credentials }) => { const url = MASTODON_USER_TIMELINE_URL(id) + '?pinned=true' return promisedRequest({ url, credentials }) .then((data) => } const verifyCredentials = (user) => { return fetch(MASTODON_LOGIN_URL, { headers: authHeaders(user) }) .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { return response.json() } else { return { error: response } } }) .then((data) => data.error ? data : parseUser(data)) } const favorite = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_FAVORITE_URL(id), method: 'POST', credentials }) .then((data) => parseStatus(data)) } const unfavorite = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_UNFAVORITE_URL(id), method: 'POST', credentials }) .then((data) => parseStatus(data)) } const retweet = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_RETWEET_URL(id), method: 'POST', credentials }) .then((data) => parseStatus(data)) } const unretweet = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_UNRETWEET_URL(id), method: 'POST', credentials }) .then((data) => parseStatus(data)) } const bookmarkStatus = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_BOOKMARK_STATUS_URL(id), headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }) } const unbookmarkStatus = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_UNBOOKMARK_STATUS_URL(id), headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }) } const postStatus = ({ credentials, status, spoilerText, visibility, sensitive, poll, mediaIds = [], inReplyToStatusId, contentType, preview }) => { const form = new FormData() const pollOptions = poll.options || [] form.append('status', status) form.append('source', 'Pleroma FE') if (spoilerText) form.append('spoiler_text', spoilerText) if (visibility) form.append('visibility', visibility) if (sensitive) form.append('sensitive', sensitive) if (contentType) form.append('content_type', contentType) mediaIds.forEach(val => { form.append('media_ids[]', val) }) if (pollOptions.some(option => option !== '')) { const normalizedPoll = { expires_in: poll.expiresIn, multiple: poll.multiple } Object.keys(normalizedPoll).forEach(key => { form.append(`poll[${key}]`, normalizedPoll[key]) }) pollOptions.forEach(option => { form.append('poll[options][]', option) }) } if (inReplyToStatusId) { form.append('in_reply_to_id', inReplyToStatusId) } if (preview) { form.append('preview', 'true') } return fetch(MASTODON_POST_STATUS_URL, { body: form, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => { return response.json() }) .then((data) => data.error ? data : parseStatus(data)) } const deleteStatus = ({ id, credentials }) => { return fetch(MASTODON_DELETE_URL(id), { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'DELETE' }) } const uploadMedia = ({ formData, credentials }) => { return fetch(MASTODON_MEDIA_UPLOAD_URL, { body: formData, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => parseAttachment(data)) } const setMediaDescription = ({ id, description, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: `${MASTODON_MEDIA_UPLOAD_URL}/${id}`, method: 'PUT', headers: authHeaders(credentials), payload: { description } }).then((data) => parseAttachment(data)) } const importBlocks = ({ file, credentials }) => { const formData = new FormData() formData.append('list', file) return fetch(BLOCKS_IMPORT_URL, { body: formData, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.ok) } const importFollows = ({ file, credentials }) => { const formData = new FormData() formData.append('list', file) return fetch(FOLLOW_IMPORT_URL, { body: formData, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.ok) } const deleteAccount = ({ credentials, password }) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('password', password) return fetch(DELETE_ACCOUNT_URL, { body: form, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.json()) } const changeEmail = ({ credentials, email, password }) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('email', email) form.append('password', password) return fetch(CHANGE_EMAIL_URL, { body: form, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.json()) } const changePassword = ({ credentials, password, newPassword, newPasswordConfirmation }) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('password', password) form.append('new_password', newPassword) form.append('new_password_confirmation', newPasswordConfirmation) return fetch(CHANGE_PASSWORD_URL, { body: form, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.json()) } const settingsMFA = ({ credentials }) => { return fetch(MFA_SETTINGS_URL, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'GET' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const mfaDisableOTP = ({ credentials, password }) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('password', password) return fetch(MFA_DISABLE_OTP_URL, { body: form, method: 'DELETE', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.json()) } const mfaConfirmOTP = ({ credentials, password, token }) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('password', password) form.append('code', token) return fetch(MFA_CONFIRM_OTP_URL, { body: form, headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const mfaSetupOTP = ({ credentials }) => { return fetch(MFA_SETUP_OTP_URL, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'GET' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const generateMfaBackupCodes = ({ credentials }) => { return fetch(MFA_BACKUP_CODES_URL, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'GET' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const fetchMutes = ({ credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_USER_MUTES_URL, credentials }) .then((users) => } const muteUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_MUTE_USER_URL(id), credentials, method: 'POST' }) } const unmuteUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_UNMUTE_USER_URL(id), credentials, method: 'POST' }) } const subscribeUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_SUBSCRIBE_USER(id), credentials, method: 'POST' }) } const unsubscribeUser = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_UNSUBSCRIBE_USER(id), credentials, method: 'POST' }) } const fetchBlocks = ({ credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_USER_BLOCKS_URL, credentials }) .then((users) => } const fetchOAuthTokens = ({ credentials }) => { const url = '/api/oauth_tokens.json' return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }).then((data) => { if (data.ok) { return data.json() } throw new Error('Error fetching auth tokens', data) }) } const revokeOAuthToken = ({ id, credentials }) => { const url = `/api/oauth_tokens/${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'DELETE' }) } const suggestions = ({ credentials }) => { return fetch(SUGGESTIONS_URL, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }).then((data) => data.json()) } const markNotificationsAsSeen = ({ id, credentials, single = false }) => { const body = new FormData() if (single) { body.append('id', id) } else { body.append('max_id', id) } return fetch(NOTIFICATION_READ_URL, { body, headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const vote = ({ pollId, choices, credentials }) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('choices', choices) return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_VOTE_URL(encodeURIComponent(pollId)), method: 'POST', credentials, payload: { choices: choices } }) } const fetchPoll = ({ pollId, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest( { url: MASTODON_POLL_URL(encodeURIComponent(pollId)), method: 'GET', credentials } ) } const fetchFavoritedByUsers = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_STATUS_FAVORITEDBY_URL(id), method: 'GET', credentials }).then((users) => } const fetchRebloggedByUsers = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_STATUS_REBLOGGEDBY_URL(id), method: 'GET', credentials }).then((users) => } const fetchEmojiReactions = ({ id, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: PLEROMA_EMOJI_REACTIONS_URL(id), credentials }) .then((reactions) => => { r.accounts = return r })) } const reactWithEmoji = ({ id, emoji, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: PLEROMA_EMOJI_REACT_URL(id, emoji), method: 'PUT', credentials }).then(parseStatus) } const unreactWithEmoji = ({ id, emoji, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: PLEROMA_EMOJI_UNREACT_URL(id, emoji), method: 'DELETE', credentials }).then(parseStatus) } const reportUser = ({ credentials, userId, statusIds, comment, forward }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_REPORT_USER_URL, method: 'POST', payload: { 'account_id': userId, 'status_ids': statusIds, comment, forward }, credentials }) } const searchUsers = ({ credentials, query }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_USER_SEARCH_URL, params: { q: query, resolve: true }, credentials }) .then((data) => } const search2 = ({ credentials, q, resolve, limit, offset, following }) => { let url = MASTODON_SEARCH_2 let params = [] if (q) { params.push(['q', encodeURIComponent(q)]) } if (resolve) { params.push(['resolve', resolve]) } if (limit) { params.push(['limit', limit]) } if (offset) { params.push(['offset', offset]) } if (following) { params.push(['following', true]) } params.push(['with_relationships', true]) let queryString = map(params, (param) => `${param[0]}=${param[1]}`).join('&') url += `?${queryString}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => { if (data.ok) { return data } throw new Error('Error fetching search result', data) }) .then((data) => { return data.json() }) .then((data) => { data.accounts = data.accounts.slice(0, limit).map(u => parseUser(u)) data.statuses = data.statuses.slice(0, limit).map(s => parseStatus(s)) return data }) } const fetchKnownDomains = ({ credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_KNOWN_DOMAIN_LIST_URL, credentials }) } const fetchDomainMutes = ({ credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_DOMAIN_BLOCKS_URL, credentials }) } const muteDomain = ({ domain, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_DOMAIN_BLOCKS_URL, method: 'POST', payload: { domain }, credentials }) } const unmuteDomain = ({ domain, credentials }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_DOMAIN_BLOCKS_URL, method: 'DELETE', payload: { domain }, credentials }) } const dismissNotification = ({ credentials, id }) => { return promisedRequest({ url: MASTODON_DISMISS_NOTIFICATION_URL(id), method: 'POST', payload: { id }, credentials }) } export const getMastodonSocketURI = ({ credentials, stream, args = {} }) => { return Object.entries({ ...(credentials ? { access_token: credentials } : {} ), stream, ...args }).reduce((acc, [key, val]) => { return acc + `${key}=${val}&` }, MASTODON_STREAMING + '?') } const MASTODON_STREAMING_EVENTS = new Set([ 'update', 'notification', 'delete', 'filters_changed' ]) // A thin wrapper around WebSocket API that allows adding a pre-processor to it // Uses EventTarget and a CustomEvent to proxy events export const ProcessedWS = ({ url, preprocessor = handleMastoWS, id = 'Unknown' }) => { const eventTarget = new EventTarget() const socket = new WebSocket(url) if (!socket) throw new Error(`Failed to create socket ${id}`) const proxy = (original, eventName, processor = a => a) => { original.addEventListener(eventName, (eventData) => { eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( eventName, { detail: processor(eventData) } )) }) } socket.addEventListener('open', (wsEvent) => { console.debug(`[WS][${id}] Socket connected`, wsEvent) }) socket.addEventListener('error', (wsEvent) => { console.debug(`[WS][${id}] Socket errored`, wsEvent) }) socket.addEventListener('close', (wsEvent) => { console.debug( `[WS][${id}] Socket disconnected with code ${wsEvent.code}`, wsEvent ) }) // Commented code reason: very spammy, uncomment to enable message debug logging /* socket.addEventListener('message', (wsEvent) => { console.debug( `[WS][${id}] Message received`, wsEvent ) }) /**/ proxy(socket, 'open') proxy(socket, 'close') proxy(socket, 'message', preprocessor) proxy(socket, 'error') // 1000 = Normal Closure eventTarget.close = () => { socket.close(1000, 'Shutting down socket') } return eventTarget } export const handleMastoWS = (wsEvent) => { const { data } = wsEvent if (!data) return const parsedEvent = JSON.parse(data) const { event, payload } = parsedEvent if (MASTODON_STREAMING_EVENTS.has(event)) { // MastoBE and PleromaBE both send payload for delete as a PLAIN string if (event === 'delete') { return { event, id: payload } } const data = payload ? JSON.parse(payload) : null if (event === 'update') { return { event, status: parseStatus(data) } } else if (event === 'notification') { return { event, notification: parseNotification(data) } } } else { console.warn('Unknown event', wsEvent) return null } } const apiService = { verifyCredentials, fetchTimeline, fetchPinnedStatuses, fetchConversation, fetchStatus, fetchFriends, exportFriends, fetchFollowers, followUser, unfollowUser, pinOwnStatus, unpinOwnStatus, muteConversation, unmuteConversation, blockUser, unblockUser, fetchUser, fetchUserRelationship, favorite, unfavorite, retweet, unretweet, bookmarkStatus, unbookmarkStatus, postStatus, deleteStatus, uploadMedia, setMediaDescription, fetchMutes, muteUser, unmuteUser, subscribeUser, unsubscribeUser, fetchBlocks, fetchOAuthTokens, revokeOAuthToken, tagUser, untagUser, deleteUser, addRight, deleteRight, activateUser, deactivateUser, register, getCaptcha, updateAvatar, updateBg, updateProfile, updateBanner, importBlocks, importFollows, deleteAccount, changeEmail, changePassword, settingsMFA, mfaDisableOTP, generateMfaBackupCodes, mfaSetupOTP, mfaConfirmOTP, fetchFollowRequests, approveUser, denyUser, suggestions, markNotificationsAsSeen, dismissNotification, vote, fetchPoll, fetchFavoritedByUsers, fetchRebloggedByUsers, fetchEmojiReactions, reactWithEmoji, unreactWithEmoji, reportUser, updateNotificationSettings, search2, searchUsers, fetchKnownDomains, fetchDomainMutes, muteDomain, unmuteDomain } export default apiService