import { convert, brightness } from 'chromatism' import { flattenDeep } from 'lodash' import { alphaBlend, getTextColor, rgba2css, mixrgb, relativeLuminance } from '../color_convert/color_convert.js' import { colorFunctions, shadowFunctions, process } from './theme3_slot_functions.js' import { unroll, getAllPossibleCombinations, genericRuleToSelector, normalizeCombination, findRules } from './iss_utils.js' import { parseCssShadow } from './css_utils.js' // Ensuring the order of components const components = { Root: null, Text: null, FunText: null, Link: null, Icon: null, Border: null, Panel: null, Chat: null, ChatMessage: null } const findShadow = (shadows, { dynamicVars, staticVars }) => { return (shadows || []).map(shadow => { let targetShadow if (typeof shadow === 'string') { if (shadow.startsWith('$')) { targetShadow = process(shadow, shadowFunctions, { findColor, findShadow }, { dynamicVars, staticVars }) } else if (shadow.startsWith('--')) { const [variable] = shadow.split(/,/g).map(str => str.trim()) // discarding modifier since it's not supported const variableSlot = variable.substring(2) return findShadow(staticVars[variableSlot], { dynamicVars, staticVars }) } else { targetShadow = parseCssShadow(shadow) } } else { targetShadow = shadow } const shadowArray = Array.isArray(targetShadow) ? targetShadow : [targetShadow] return => ({ ...s, color: findColor(s.color, { dynamicVars, staticVars }) })) }) } const findColor = (color, { dynamicVars, staticVars }) => { if (typeof color !== 'string' || (!color.startsWith('--') && !color.startsWith('$'))) return color let targetColor = null if (color.startsWith('--')) { const [variable, modifier] = color.split(/,/g).map(str => str.trim()) const variableSlot = variable.substring(2) if (variableSlot === 'stack') { const { r, g, b } = dynamicVars.stacked targetColor = { r, g, b } } else if (variableSlot.startsWith('parent')) { if (variableSlot === 'parent') { const { r, g, b } = dynamicVars.lowerLevelBackground targetColor = { r, g, b } } else { const virtualSlot = variableSlot.replace(/^parent/, '') targetColor = convert(dynamicVars.lowerLevelVirtualDirectivesRaw[virtualSlot]).rgb } } else { switch (variableSlot) { case 'inheritedBackground': targetColor = convert(dynamicVars.inheritedBackground).rgb break case 'background': targetColor = convert(dynamicVars.background).rgb break default: targetColor = convert(staticVars[variableSlot]).rgb } } if (modifier) { const effectiveBackground = dynamicVars.lowerLevelBackground ?? targetColor const isLightOnDark = relativeLuminance(convert(effectiveBackground).rgb) < 0.5 const mod = isLightOnDark ? 1 : -1 targetColor = brightness(Number.parseFloat(modifier) * mod, targetColor).rgb } } if (color.startsWith('$')) { try { targetColor = process(color, colorFunctions, { findColor }, { dynamicVars, staticVars }) } catch (e) { console.error('Failure executing color function', e) targetColor = '#FF00FF' } } // Color references other color return targetColor } const getTextColorAlpha = (directives, intendedTextColor, dynamicVars, staticVars) => { const opacity = directives.textOpacity const backgroundColor = convert(dynamicVars.lowerLevelBackground).rgb const textColor = convert(findColor(intendedTextColor, { dynamicVars, staticVars })).rgb if (opacity === null || opacity === undefined || opacity >= 1) { return convert(textColor).hex } if (opacity === 0) { return convert(backgroundColor).hex } const opacityMode = directives.textOpacityMode switch (opacityMode) { case 'fake': return convert(alphaBlend(textColor, opacity, backgroundColor)).hex case 'mixrgb': return convert(mixrgb(backgroundColor, textColor)).hex default: return rgba2css({ a: opacity, ...textColor }) } } // Loading all style.js[on] files dynamically const componentsContext = require.context('src', true, /\.style.js(on)?$/) componentsContext.keys().forEach(key => { const component = componentsContext(key).default if (components[] != null) { console.warn(`Component in file ${key} is trying to override existing component ${}! You have collisions/duplicates!`) } components[] = component }) const ruleToSelector = genericRuleToSelector(components) export const init = (extraRuleset, ultimateBackgroundColor) => { const staticVars = {} const stacked = {} const computed = {} const eagerRules = [] const lazyRules = [] const rulesetUnsorted = [ ...Object.values(components) .map(c => (c.defaultRules || []).map(r => ({ component:, ...r }))) .reduce((acc, arr) => [...acc, ...arr], []), ...extraRuleset ].map(rule => { normalizeCombination(rule) let currentParent = rule.parent while (currentParent) { normalizeCombination(currentParent) currentParent = currentParent.parent } return rule }) const ruleset = rulesetUnsorted .map((data, index) => ({ data, index })) .sort(({ data: a, index: ai }, { data: b, index: bi }) => { const parentsA = unroll(a).length const parentsB = unroll(b).length if (parentsA === parentsB) { if (a.component === 'Text') return -1 if (b.component === 'Text') return 1 return ai - bi } if (parentsA === 0 && parentsB !== 0) return -1 if (parentsB === 0 && parentsA !== 0) return 1 return parentsA - parentsB }) .map(({ data }) => data) const virtualComponents = new Set(Object.values(components).filter(c => c.virtual).map(c => let counter = 0 const promises = [] const processInnerComponent = (component, rules, parent) => { const addRule = (rule) => { rules.push(rule) } const parentSelector = ruleToSelector(parent, true) // const parentList = parent ? unroll(parent).reverse().map(c => c.component) : [] // if (!component.virtual) { // const path = [...parentList,].join(' > ') // console.log('Component ' + path + ' process starting') // } // const t0 = const { validInnerComponents = [], states: originalStates = {}, variants: originalVariants = {}, name } = component // Normalizing states and variants to always include "normal" const states = { normal: '', ...originalStates } const variants = { normal: '', ...originalVariants } const innerComponents = (validInnerComponents).map(name => { const result = components[name] if (result === undefined) console.error(`Component ${} references a component ${name} which does not exist!`) return result }) // Optimization: we only really need combinations without "normal" because all states implicitly have it const permutationStateKeys = Object.keys(states).filter(s => s !== 'normal') const stateCombinations = [ ['normal'], ...getAllPossibleCombinations(permutationStateKeys) .map(combination => ['normal', ...combination]) .filter(combo => { // Optimization: filter out some hard-coded combinations that don't make sense if (combo.indexOf('disabled') >= 0) { return !( combo.indexOf('hover') >= 0 || combo.indexOf('focused') >= 0 || combo.indexOf('pressed') >= 0 ) } return true }) ] const stateVariantCombination = Object.keys(variants).map(variant => { return => ({ variant, state })) }).reduce((acc, x) => [...acc, ...x], []) stateVariantCombination.forEach(combination => { counter++ // const tt0 = combination.component = const soloSelector = ruleToSelector(combination, true) const soloCssSelector = ruleToSelector(combination) const selector = [parentSelector, soloSelector].filter(x => x).join(' ') const cssSelector = [parentSelector, soloCssSelector].filter(x => x).join(' ') const lowerLevelSelector = parentSelector const lowerLevelBackground = computed[lowerLevelSelector]?.background const lowerLevelVirtualDirectives = computed[lowerLevelSelector]?.virtualDirectives const lowerLevelVirtualDirectivesRaw = computed[lowerLevelSelector]?.virtualDirectivesRaw const dynamicVars = computed[selector] || { lowerLevelBackground, lowerLevelVirtualDirectives, lowerLevelVirtualDirectivesRaw } // Inheriting all of the applicable rules const existingRules = ruleset.filter(findRules({ component:, ...combination, parent })) const computedDirectives = => r.directives).reduce((acc, directives) => ({ ...acc, ...directives }), {}) const computedRule = { component:, ...combination, parent, directives: computedDirectives } computed[selector] = computed[selector] || {} computed[selector].computedRule = computedRule computed[selector].dynamicVars = dynamicVars if (virtualComponents.has( { const virtualName = [ '--',, combination.variant === 'normal' ? '' : combination.variant[0].toUpperCase() + combination.variant.slice(1).toLowerCase(), ...combination.state.filter(x => x !== 'normal').toSorted().map(state => state[0].toUpperCase() + state.slice(1).toLowerCase()) ].join('') let inheritedTextColor = computedDirectives.textColor let inheritedTextAuto = computedDirectives.textAuto let inheritedTextOpacity = computedDirectives.textOpacity let inheritedTextOpacityMode = computedDirectives.textOpacityMode const lowerLevelTextSelector = [...selector.split(/ /g).slice(0, -1), soloSelector].join(' ') const lowerLevelTextRule = computed[lowerLevelTextSelector] if (inheritedTextColor == null || inheritedTextOpacity == null || inheritedTextOpacityMode == null) { inheritedTextColor = computedDirectives.textColor ?? lowerLevelTextRule.textColor inheritedTextAuto = computedDirectives.textAuto ?? lowerLevelTextRule.textAuto inheritedTextOpacity = computedDirectives.textOpacity ?? lowerLevelTextRule.textOpacity inheritedTextOpacityMode = computedDirectives.textOpacityMode ?? lowerLevelTextRule.textOpacityMode } const newTextRule = { ...computedRule, directives: { ...computedRule.directives, textColor: inheritedTextColor, textAuto: inheritedTextAuto ?? 'preserve', textOpacity: inheritedTextOpacity, textOpacityMode: inheritedTextOpacityMode } } dynamicVars.inheritedBackground = lowerLevelBackground dynamicVars.stacked = convert(stacked[lowerLevelSelector]).rgb const intendedTextColor = convert(findColor(inheritedTextColor, { dynamicVars, staticVars })).rgb const textColor = newTextRule.directives.textAuto === 'no-auto' ? intendedTextColor : getTextColor( convert(stacked[lowerLevelSelector]).rgb, intendedTextColor, newTextRule.directives.textAuto === 'preserve' ) // Updating previously added rule const earlyLowerLevelRules = rules.filter(findRules(parent, true)) const earlyLowerLevelRule = earlyLowerLevelRules.slice(-1)[0] const virtualDirectives = earlyLowerLevelRule.virtualDirectives || {} const virtualDirectivesRaw = earlyLowerLevelRule.virtualDirectivesRaw || {} // Storing color data in lower layer to use as custom css properties virtualDirectives[virtualName] = getTextColorAlpha(newTextRule.directives, textColor, dynamicVars) virtualDirectivesRaw[virtualName] = textColor earlyLowerLevelRule.virtualDirectives = virtualDirectives earlyLowerLevelRule.virtualDirectivesRaw = virtualDirectivesRaw computed[lowerLevelSelector].virtualDirectives = virtualDirectives computed[lowerLevelSelector].virtualDirectivesRaw = virtualDirectivesRaw } else { computed[selector] = computed[selector] || {} // TODO: DEFAULT TEXT COLOR const lowerLevelStackedBackground = stacked[lowerLevelSelector] || convert(ultimateBackgroundColor).rgb if (computedDirectives.background) { let inheritRule = null const variantRules = ruleset.filter(findRules({ component:, variant: combination.variant, parent })) const lastVariantRule = variantRules[variantRules.length - 1] if (lastVariantRule) { inheritRule = lastVariantRule } else { const normalRules = ruleset.filter(findRules({ component:, parent })) const lastNormalRule = normalRules[normalRules.length - 1] inheritRule = lastNormalRule } const inheritSelector = ruleToSelector({ ...inheritRule, parent }, true) const inheritedBackground = computed[inheritSelector].background dynamicVars.inheritedBackground = inheritedBackground const rgb = convert(findColor(computedDirectives.background, { dynamicVars, staticVars })).rgb if (!stacked[selector]) { let blend const alpha = computedDirectives.opacity ?? 1 if (alpha >= 1) { blend = rgb } else if (alpha <= 0) { blend = lowerLevelStackedBackground } else { blend = alphaBlend(rgb, computedDirectives.opacity, lowerLevelStackedBackground) } stacked[selector] = blend computed[selector].background = { ...rgb, a: computedDirectives.opacity ?? 1 } } } if (computedDirectives.shadow) { dynamicVars.shadow = flattenDeep(findShadow(flattenDeep(computedDirectives.shadow), { dynamicVars, staticVars })) } if (!stacked[selector]) { computedDirectives.background = 'transparent' computedDirectives.opacity = 0 stacked[selector] = lowerLevelStackedBackground computed[selector].background = { ...lowerLevelStackedBackground, a: 0 } } dynamicVars.stacked = stacked[selector] dynamicVars.background = computed[selector].background const dynamicSlots = Object.entries(computedDirectives).filter(([k, v]) => k.startsWith('--')) dynamicSlots.forEach(([k, v]) => { const [type, ...value] = v.split('|').map(x => x.trim()) // woah, Extreme! switch (type) { case 'color': { const color = findColor(value[0], { dynamicVars, staticVars }) dynamicVars[k] = color if ( === 'Root') { staticVars[k.substring(2)] = color } break } case 'shadow': { const shadow = value dynamicVars[k] = shadow if ( === 'Root') { staticVars[k.substring(2)] = shadow } break } case 'generic': { dynamicVars[k] = value if ( === 'Root') { staticVars[k.substring(2)] = value } break } } }) addRule({ dynamicVars, selector: cssSelector, component:, ...combination, parent, directives: computedDirectives }) } innerComponents.forEach(innerComponent => { if (innerComponent.lazy) { promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { try { processInnerComponent(innerComponent, lazyRules, { parent, component: name, ...combination }) resolve() } catch (e) { reject(e) } }, 0) })) } else { processInnerComponent(innerComponent, rules, { parent, component: name, ...combination }) } }) // const tt1 = // if (!component.virtual) { // console.log('State-variant ' + combination.variant + ' : ' + combination.state.join('+') + ' procession time: ' + (tt1 - tt0) + 'ms') // } }) // const t1 = // if (!component.virtual) { // const path = [...parentList,].join(' > ') // console.log('Component ' + path + ' procession time: ' + (t1 - t0) + 'ms') // } } processInnerComponent(components.Root, eagerRules) console.debug('Eager combinations processed:' + counter) const lazyExec = Promise.all(promises).then(() => { console.debug('Total combinations processed: ' + counter) }).then(() => lazyRules) return { lazy: lazyExec, eager: eagerRules, staticVars } }