import { convert, brightness } from 'chromatism' import merge from 'lodash.merge' import { alphaBlend, getTextColor, rgba2css, mixrgb, relativeLuminance } from '../color_convert/color_convert.js' import Underlay from 'src/components/' import Panel from 'src/components/' import PanelHeader from 'src/components/' import Button from 'src/components/' import Text from 'src/components/' import Link from 'src/components/' import Icon from 'src/components/' const root = Underlay const components = { Underlay, Panel, PanelHeader, Button, Text, Link, Icon } // This gives you an array of arrays of all possible unique (i.e. order-insensitive) combinations export const getAllPossibleCombinations = (array) => { const combos = [ => [x])] for (let comboSize = 2; comboSize <= array.length; comboSize++) { const previous = combos[combos.length - 1] const selfSet = new Set() const newCombos = => { self.forEach(x => selfSet.add(x)) const nonSelf = array.filter(x => !selfSet.has(x)) return => [...self, x]) }) const flatCombos = newCombos.reduce((acc, x) => [...acc, ...x], []) combos.push(flatCombos) } return combos.reduce((acc, x) => [...acc, ...x], []) } export const ruleToSelector = (rule, isParent) => { const component = components[rule.component] const { states, variants, selector, outOfTreeSelector } = component const applicableStates = ((rule.state || []).filter(x => x !== 'normal')).map(state => states[state]) const applicableVariantName = (rule.variant || 'normal') let applicableVariant = '' if (applicableVariantName !== 'normal') { applicableVariant = variants[applicableVariantName] } let realSelector if (isParent) { realSelector = selector } else { if (outOfTreeSelector) realSelector = outOfTreeSelector else realSelector = selector } const selectors = [realSelector, applicableVariant, ...applicableStates] .toSorted((a, b) => { if (a.startsWith(':')) return 1 if (!a.startsWith('.')) return -1 else return 0 }) .join('') if (rule.parent) { return ruleToSelector(rule.parent, true) + ' ' + selectors } return selectors } export const init = (extraRuleset, palette) => { const rootName = const rules = [] const rulesByComponent = {} const ruleset = [ ...Object.values(components).map(c => c.defaultRules || []).reduce((acc, arr) => [...acc, ...arr], []), ...extraRuleset ] const addRule = (rule) => { rules.push(rule) rulesByComponent[rule.component] = rulesByComponent[rule.component] || [] rulesByComponent[rule.component].push(rule) } const findRules = (searchCombination, parent) => rule => { // inexact search const doesCombinationMatch = () => { if (searchCombination.component !== rule.component) return false const ruleVariant =, 'variant') ? rule.variant : 'normal' if (ruleVariant !== 'normal') { if (searchCombination.variant !== rule.variant) return false } const ruleHasStateDefined =, 'state') let ruleStateSet if (ruleHasStateDefined) { ruleStateSet = new Set(['normal', ...rule.state]) } else { ruleStateSet = new Set(['normal']) } if (ruleStateSet.size > 1) { const ruleStatesSet = ruleStateSet const combinationSet = new Set(['normal', ...searchCombination.state]) const setsAreEqual = searchCombination.state.every(state => ruleStatesSet.has(state)) && [...ruleStatesSet].every(state => combinationSet.has(state)) return setsAreEqual } else { return true } } const combinationMatches = doesCombinationMatch() if (!parent || !combinationMatches) return combinationMatches // exact search // unroll parents into array const unroll = (item) => { const out = [] let currentParent = item.parent while (currentParent) { const { parent: newParent, } = currentParent out.push(rest) currentParent = newParent } return out } const { parent: _, } = parent const pathSearch = [rest, ...unroll(parent)] const pathRule = unroll(rule) if (pathSearch.length !== pathRule.length) return false const pathsMatch = pathSearch.every((searchRule, i) => { const existingRule = pathRule[i] if (existingRule.component !== searchRule.component) return false if (existingRule.variant !== searchRule.variant) return false const existingRuleStatesSet = new Set(['normal', ...(existingRule.state || [])]) const searchStatesSet = new Set(['normal', ...(searchRule.state || [])]) const setsAreEqual = existingRule.state.every(state => searchStatesSet.has(state)) && [...searchStatesSet].every(state => existingRuleStatesSet.has(state)) return setsAreEqual }) return pathsMatch } const findLowerLevelRule = (parent, filter = () => true) => { let lowerLevelComponent = null let currentParent = parent while (currentParent) { const rulesParent = ruleset.filter(findRules(currentParent)) rulesParent > 1 && console.warn('OOPS') lowerLevelComponent = rulesParent[rulesParent.length - 1] currentParent = currentParent.parent if (lowerLevelComponent && filter(lowerLevelComponent)) currentParent = null } return filter(lowerLevelComponent) ? lowerLevelComponent : null } const findColor = (color, background) => { if (typeof color !== 'string' || !color.startsWith('--')) return color let targetColor = null // Color references other color const [variable, modifier] = color.split(/,/g).map(str => str.trim()) const variableSlot = variable.substring(2) targetColor = palette[variableSlot] if (modifier) { const effectiveBackground = background ?? targetColor const isLightOnDark = relativeLuminance(convert(effectiveBackground).rgb) < 0.5 const mod = isLightOnDark ? 1 : -1 targetColor = brightness(Number.parseFloat(modifier) * mod, targetColor).rgb } return targetColor } const getTextColorAlpha = (rule, lowerRule, value) => { const opacity = rule.directives.textOpacity const backgroundColor = convert(lowerRule.cache.background).rgb const textColor = convert(findColor(value, backgroundColor)).rgb if (opacity === null || opacity === undefined || opacity >= 1) { return convert(textColor).hex } if (opacity === 0) { return convert(backgroundColor).hex } const opacityMode = rule.directives.textOpacityMode switch (opacityMode) { case 'fake': return convert(alphaBlend(textColor, opacity, backgroundColor)).hex case 'mixrgb': return convert(mixrgb(backgroundColor, textColor)).hex default: return rgba2css({ a: opacity, ...textColor }) } } const processInnerComponent = (component, parent) => { const { validInnerComponents = [], states: originalStates = {}, variants: originalVariants = {}, name } = component const states = { normal: '', ...originalStates } const variants = { normal: '', ...originalVariants } const innerComponents = => components[name]) const stateCombinations = getAllPossibleCombinations(Object.keys(states)) const stateVariantCombination = Object.keys(variants).map(variant => { return => ({ variant, state })) }).reduce((acc, x) => [...acc, ...x], []) const VIRTUAL_COMPONENTS = new Set(['Text', 'Link', 'Icon']) stateVariantCombination.forEach(combination => { let needRuleAdd = false if (VIRTUAL_COMPONENTS.has( { const selector = + ruleToSelector({ component:, ...combination }) const virtualName = [ '--',, combination.variant === 'normal' ? '' : combination.variant[0].toUpperCase() + combination.variant.slice(1).toLowerCase(), ...combination.state.filter(x => x !== 'normal').toSorted().map(state => state[0].toUpperCase() + state.slice(1).toLowerCase()) ].join('') const lowerLevel = findLowerLevelRule(parent, (r) => { if (!r) return false if (components[r.component].validInnerComponents.indexOf( < 0) return false if (r.cache.background === undefined) return false if (r.cache.textDefined) { return !r.cache.textDefined[selector] } return true }) if (!lowerLevel) return let inheritedTextColorRule const inheritedTextColorRules = findLowerLevelRule(parent, (r) => { return r.cache?.textDefined?.[selector] }) if (!inheritedTextColorRule) { const generalTextColorRules = ruleset.filter(findRules({ component:, ...combination }, null, true)) inheritedTextColorRule = generalTextColorRules.reduce((acc, rule) => merge(acc, rule), {}) } else { inheritedTextColorRule = inheritedTextColorRules.reduce((acc, rule) => merge(acc, rule), {}) } let inheritedTextColor let inheritedTextOpacity = {} if (inheritedTextColorRule) { inheritedTextColor = findColor(inheritedTextColorRule.directives.textColor, convert(lowerLevel.cache.background).rgb) // also inherit opacity settings const { textOpacity, textOpacityMode } = inheritedTextColorRule.directives inheritedTextOpacity = { textOpacity, textOpacityMode } } else { // Emergency fallback inheritedTextColor = '#000000' } const textColor = getTextColor( convert(lowerLevel.cache.background).rgb, convert(inheritedTextColor).rgb, === 'Link' // make it configurable? ) lowerLevel.cache.textDefined = lowerLevel.cache.textDefined || {} lowerLevel.cache.textDefined[selector] = textColor lowerLevel.virtualDirectives = lowerLevel.virtualDirectives || {} lowerLevel.virtualDirectives[virtualName] = getTextColorAlpha(inheritedTextColorRule, lowerLevel, textColor) const directives = { textColor, ...inheritedTextOpacity } // Debug: lets you see what it think background color should be directives.background = convert(lowerLevel.cache.background).hex addRule({ parent, virtual: true, component:, ...combination, cache: { background: lowerLevel.cache.background }, directives }) } else { const existingGlobalRules = ruleset.filter(findRules({ component:, ...combination }, null)) const existingRules = ruleset.filter(findRules({ component:, ...combination }, parent)) // Global (general) rules if (existingGlobalRules.length !== 0) { const totalRule = existingGlobalRules.reduce((acc, rule) => merge(acc, rule), {}) const { directives } = totalRule // last rule is used as a cache const lastRule = existingGlobalRules[existingGlobalRules.length - 1] lastRule.cache = lastRule.cache || {} if (directives.background) { const rgb = convert(findColor(directives.background)).rgb // TODO: DEFAULT TEXT COLOR const bg = findLowerLevelRule(parent)?.cache.background || convert('#FFFFFF').rgb if (!lastRule.cache.background) { const blend = directives.opacity < 1 ? alphaBlend(rgb, directives.opacity, bg) : rgb lastRule.cache.background = blend needRuleAdd = true } } if (needRuleAdd) { addRule(lastRule) } } if (existingRules.length !== 0) { console.warn('MORE EXISTING RULES', existingRules) } } innerComponents.forEach(innerComponent => processInnerComponent(innerComponent, { parent, component: name, ...combination })) }) } processInnerComponent(components[rootName]) return { raw: rules, css: => { if (rule.virtual) return '' let selector = ruleToSelector(rule).replace(/\/\*.*\*\//g, '') if (!selector) { selector = 'body' } const header = selector + ' {' const footer = '}' const virtualDirectives = Object.entries(rule.virtualDirectives || {}).map(([k, v]) => { return ' ' + k + ': ' + v }).join(';\n') const directives = Object.entries(rule.directives).map(([k, v]) => { switch (k) { case 'background': { return 'background-color: ' + rgba2css({ ...convert(findColor(v)).rgb, a: rule.directives.opacity ?? 1 }) } case 'textColor': { return 'color: ' + v } default: return '' } }).filter(x => x).map(x => ' ' + x).join(';\n') return [ header, directives + ';', ' color: var(--text);', '', virtualDirectives, footer ].join('\n') }).filter(x => x) } }